

THIS BOOK IS UNDERGOING EDITING "Brother Chen! Cousin slapped me!" Anna said as she tried squeezing her tears out. "JANE LU! What did I tell you about harming my fiancee?" An angry voice filled the venue attracting everyone's attention as Edward went forward to cover his fiancee. "Just look at your fiancee, why would I slap her and commit animal abuse? I am also kind incase you never knew." Jane replied them with a lazy smile on her lips as she checked out her well polished nails. She is Jane Lu, The undisputed queen of the business world in Country X. No one can tell her anything in the business world except for one man who is on the same level as hers. Because she refused to give into her fiance's demands, he sought to cheat on her with her cousin. She promised to repay both of them for every single pain she felt. What will happen when she slowly ends up falling for the business King, love at first sight without her knowledge? Will she open up or will she cover herself up with the insecurities she had during her previous relationship?

Elsie_Newton · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
337 Chs

Thank you grandson

Liam quickly picked what he required, got into his Grand Cherokee and left for the Yang Mansion.

Once he arrived, he was welcomed by Butler Mo. It is rare for their young master to be home so of course seeing Liam made him happy.

When his mother saw him, she quickly rushed to him. "My son! You are finally home."

Liam hugged his mother and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He did the same for his sister and grandma and bowed before his father and grandfather.

"Liam my grandson, please seat we have something important to tell you before we have our meals." Grandma Yang cleared her throat and said to him but ofcourse, the excitement in her voice could not be hidden.

"Listen to me Liam, you are already 28 years old but you are not showing interest in any woman. Your grandpa and I are not getting any younger, we want to hold our great grandchildren before our rest. Even if you won't consider us, consider yourself Liam."

"You bury yourself in work every time but how sweet would it be you getting out off work early just to rush to your beloved one? A woman who can help you lead and take care of you at the same time. We all thought you might be interested if we mention Jane Lu. She is a perfect choice for the young madam position." Grandma Yang stopped her speech to see if Liam would get angry but she was surprised. Not just her but the entire family was shocked! Liam smiled at the mention of a girl's name! Their Liam smiled! Liam noticed everyone was looking at him with smiles on their faces.

He awkwardly cleared his throat making them realize what they were doing. Grandma Yang immediately continued. "You see my boy, that girl is powerful enough to stand beside you as your companion boy. I am sure if we ask Old Lu now he will confirm that she is only cold while facing outsides but if you have a place in her heart, she will be sweet and caring to you."

Liam's mind had already drifted to his earlier encounter with Jane. He did not know how a hard laughter escaped his mouth as he remembered her confused expressions and how she stared at his lips.

He stopped laughing when he heard sniffles and saw his grandma crying. He panicked and rushed to her side. "Grandma what is wrong tell me who made you cry and I will make them pay! "

Grandma Yang: ๏_๏

The rest of the family: ๏_๏

"No no my boy, it's just that you laughed after a long time. You used to get angry when we mention your love life but for the first time you have not said anything, instead, you have laughed. Tell me grandson, are you interested in her, are you too in a secret relationship? Are you...."

Before she could finish Liam immediately intervened. "Relax grandma, She is indeed a beautiful woman and talented. She first attracted my attention when I saw her slapping Edward Chen and do you grandma, we are neighbours!"

Liam spoke excitedly before them, amazing them.He always kept his words simple and clear but today he suddenly explained and said more than his OK's and Yeah's.

"I do not know what this is but I just get interested everytime I see her grandma. I have seen her only twice but each time she leaves a smile on my face, something no woman has done." He finished his words happily with a smile.

His mother immediately pulled him in for a tight hug, "Finally my son, someone interests you! You don't know how happy I am son!"

"I will approach her patiently. She is not like other woman I have met.It will take time for her to open up to me but I will bring her here in span of three months." Liam told them.

"Thank you so much grandson. You made these old bones so happy grandson, God bless you." Grandpa Yang who had been silently listening suddenly spoke, happiness evident in his voice.