
Chapter 3 ~ Rose

He was looking at me it made my face hot whenever I noted him watching me as we walked. The world outside was beyond words for me. I was in awe of all of this beauty I didn't understand why Jax was not "Jax" I asked he nodded not really saying anything "Everything is just like you had said better even but, it doesn't look like you are enjoying it" He smiled at me his smile  I clenched my heart it came back the feeling that I had when I first saw him this thumping heartache

"Wynter the only thing I can enjoy right now is you," He said so plainly how can he say things like that I felt it all rushing at me at once my face was hot so hot I could hear him laughing "Your face is as red as your hair"

"I am orange not read" I shouted...I had shouted at Jax. I couldn't believe it I covered my mouth and he just smiled how could he smile when I shouted at him. He walked closer to me and took my hands into his own "winter I know this is confusing these emotions no one ever told you about them and in your last 18 years you haven't really felt anything like this"

He knows how can he know any of this! how can he know that these feeling are happening

"The truth is I've felt these feelings for a long time ever since we met in fact 5 long years ago I've been waiting for this waiting for you I never told you because it felt so hopeless. If I had told you then nothing would of mattered it wouldn't of mattered that I love you because we were trapped and I couldn't see you or touch you hell most the time I couldn't even hear you but none of that was gonna stop me because it was you I knew I wanted you!"

why was he saying all of this now it made my head spin but this was Jax why was I so confused when this was Jax when we were 14 we promised to get married he knows all of my secrets and I know everything about him this is Jax, my Jax...My Jax

"I am sorry if this is a lot for you to take in but I don't know how much time we will have and I need you to know I need" He pulled me in close "I need you" his heart was racing as fast as mine he let out a sigh and he just held me I had never been held like this like at any moment I could break of being taken away he held me like you would hold someone who was wounded softly

"Jax, I... I don't know what this feeling is. I do my heart moves when I see you smile I know my face heats up when I look at you and I feel sick but in a good way" I held his face in my hands as he looked at me his green eyes making it even harder to get the words out "I-I know I have fought to stay alive because of you and as much as I try to hide it These feelings are because of you"

He smiled at me and I smiled back and we stayed in that beautiful moment. I was scared to move scared that this wouldn't be real. "Jax, why did she do it?" He said nothing "I just don't understand why would Dr. Green let us go" that is when it hit me the book I pulled away from Jax and picked up the leatherbound book that she had given us before we left he looked disappointed, to say the least, but I needed to know I began to read 'Jax Andrew Heart please understand the sorrow I feel for taking you away from your mother she is surely gone by now she tried her best to get you back.' I stopped for a moment I knew the story of Jax and how he came to the facility I looked over at him "You have 3 names" I asked she smiled a little

"Yeah you see when a person is born they are given a first name and a middle name and they take their fathers last name" He smiled sometimes his tone irritated me he spoke to me like a child but, at the same time I could not be upset he did teach me a lot of what I know now

I looked back at the book and kept reading 'She wrote to every paper and talked to every scientist to no eval we had covered up your kidnapping as death and everyone rode your mother off as crazy. After your mother's death, your sister Quinn took over looking for you'

"Who is Quinn?" I asked Jax looked shocked

"where did you get that name?" He demanded I had never seen him so cold to me, in fact, I had never even heard of a Quinn

"Dr. Green says she is looking for you Jax who is she," I asked once more

"She's my twin sister"

I was so confused what did that mean "What is a twin"

Jax smiled at me "Well she is basically the girl version of myself she looks just like me but she is a girl"

"She doesn't have E blood," I asked

"No she has B positive blood see we are the same but different we have th3e same look but our blood and fingerprints and different because we are different people"

I nodded and read on 'She has been very difficult once you finally do manage to escape please avoid your old address Quinn is not even there she has moved she moved to be close to a family who she had suspected lost their baby in the same way the mother of the child as well Quinn is now on Oakland Newyork it is a long ways away and I know the journey will be hard but if you can bring back the rose to this family it will help undo some of the sins we have committed'

"Who is Rose?" I asked I saw it I saw Jax tense up he kept his glance away from mine as he walked he grit his teeth he was avoiding me "Jax who is rose?" I asked again and once more he avoided the subject I stopped and he stopped as well a few feet in front of me "Jax who is rose" I was getting upset now "How does Dr. Green know all this stuff about you why didn't you ever tell me you had a sister I thought we told each other everything"

He sighed "Wynter I promise one day I will tell you everything but now we have to get to Washington to see my sister"

"She is not in Washinton Jax and if you don't tell me what is going on I will rip the page out that tells us where she is" I held the book in a threating pose as I waited for the response I heard him sigh and turn to me He walked over to me staring me down not breaking eye contact

"I never wanted to hurt you or keep you in the dark Wynter"