
The Underground Mage

lucila_ortiz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The Library

I blankly stare at the window imaging the wind taking me away to a more magical place, but nope I'm just sitting on a window bench because i can't leave this boring apartment.

i close my eyes as i sigh, why must i be so bored.

Something tickles my nose as i quickly open my eyes, to my surprise it's a butterfly. it's a beautiful red color, it flies towards the window landing on the glass pane. i stare at it for awhile admiring it's beauty until it hits me, why was the butterfly here with me.

As to answer my question frantic footsteps can be heard from the living room, "Lily catch it before it flies off again."

" I know Jace, just look out for yourself, alright?"

"Aw shit."

For some odd reason i find it funny when they argue among each other, it makes these days a little more interesting.

More frantic footsteps as i stand up. I have stalled for long enough, i really should go check on them.

I look out the window daydreaming of a more exciting life in this bore of an apartment, a butterfly lands on my nose making me wince in surprise…. What's a butterfly doing inside the apartment? I intently look at it with a confusioned  expression on my face, wiggling my nose so it gets off my nose. It doesn't budge at all, I breathe out a long sigh, surprised that the butterfly finally flies off. I look as it flies off into the living room, I sigh looking back at the window before hearing a loud thud startling me. 

"what's going on out there" I sighed frustration clearly on my features as no one hears me. I walk out of the room I was currently in and start hearing loud thuds and screaming, feet scrambling on the floor. I huff annoyingly, trying to compose myself before getting mad. I look around the corner to see my little sister and brother running around trying to get butterflies into a net as fast as they could. "Uh… guys why are the butterflies out of the room?" I try not to sound utterly displeased at the commotion they have made. They haven't even noticed my presence as they scramble to get the last of the butterflies.

I was pissed off by all the noise they had made as i scream, "what the fuck is going on here, you guys" i scanned the room, making eye contact with each person as i sigh. "Why the hell are the butterflies out of the room, who left the fucking door open" i watch as my lil brother looked at my sister very nervously. "Lily what happened" I looked at her sternly, she looked nervously at Jace before coughing slightly. Jace gets startled as he opens his mouth, "It was Kate who left it open and forgot". Jace shaked in terror, hitting his  features as he looked around the room worriedly as if someone was going to jump him. I sigh softing my eyes slightly at Jace, "what happened to Kate, why isn't she here anyways" looking around the room with an irritated huff, shaking your head. Lily sighed looking away from you, "she…..uh left for a party right after cleaning the cage…..she told us not to tell you about it and  obviously not to tell ....dad" she looked sick and worriedly at the words she had spoken, she sounded bitter when she talked about dad and for good reason. He was one of collecting butterflies and had a room full of them for his ' collection' but he neglected his own children, he would hit us if any damage was done to his butterflies or if they escaped or if even one was missing. I was in charge of the cleaning and watching over the butterflies because I was the oldest as was Kate so we both split the job. I looked at them confused as the information sank into my brain, I pieced the puzzle as my confusion turned into anger. My blood starts to boil as anger starts to show in my face, Jace and Lily both wince as they knew what was going on.

"What the hell did you just say, who the fuck let kate go outside" i huff annoyingly trying to calm myself, I wanted to be pissed off at the lily and jace for not telling me of kate, letting her get her way all the damn time, they had protected her for way to long and it was you who got blamed in her stead. They surely didn't understand my anger, I looked at them before walking to the door, they looked horrified, "where are you going,(Y/N)" lily grabbed onto your arm, looking sadly up at your face.

 You sighed, "Lily, Jace, I love both of you very much but this place…..I just…...can't take it anymore. The beatings and not being allowed to go outside isn't helping my well-being….." You look mournfully at them before kissing their foreheads. "I promise that I will find a way to get you guys out of this place one way or another" tears are  threatening to fall but you couldn't look weak in their eyes, you give them one more reassuring smile before waving them and closing the door behind you hearing the sobbing you left behind. Your heart hurt but you had to push on for them you had to find a way to get them out of there and soon. 

At the time, being smart in this world filled with monsters and humans was hard. I decided the best plan of action was to go into hiding from everyone involved in my life, I didn't have many friends and many relatives but it was going well, I moved from place to place, trying not to get caught by the few people that were looking for me.

I would just walk around aimlessly with my hood on, at some point people who knew me well would stare at me but after a while would just walk off like they saw a ghost or even air. I didn't know where to go, at this point, I had nowhere to go anymore. I started to hear some rumors that Kate was spreading to people that it was my fault the butterflies were outside into the world. I just laughed like crazy as I remember lily and jace had caught all of them and put them back in the room. I wanted to walk towards the apartment and confront Kate, I wanted to know the reason why she was spreading rumors in the first place. I huffed knowing what i was doing was stupid, but i needed to know, i wanted to see if my father had still believed me and not her but that was just wishful thinking as i sprinted to the direction of the apartment, my heart racing and stomach turning.

I wanted to at least go defend myself but it all seemed useless when i went into the apartment, she started saying crap like it wasn't her fault it happened or that she was doing a great job now that I was out of the picture. Dad had slapped me as he huffed angrily, cursing under his breath. I could faintly hear him say that I was delusional and that he shouldn't have trusted me. Everyone inside the apartment started to look at me like I was crazy and they started to call off the 'search parties' that were "searching" for me. It was quite shocking how much I meant to them, I was just trash or something that they didn't want to deal with. They had told me to watch tv or do something productive while they went to go talk in the corner about who knows what with my father's arm wrapped around Kate's shoulders laughing with each other. I hissed at the sudden pain in my chest, it felt like something broken inside of me but that gave me a chance to run out of that terrible nightmare of an apartment. I ran out the door breathing in a shaky breath trying to compose myself before putting my fallen hood back on once more. 

I start to walk forward with my head down looking at frantic friends running towards the place I was at, that place felt like my prison. I watched as one of my good friends looked in my direction, they gave me a look of pity but smiled as they ran off with the pack of people from one of the 'search parties'. I really did like her and trust her but at the moment, she just doesn't understand how I felt. 

I find myself walking until I see an abandoned looking library, it looks huge, I don't remember seeing it when I walked here earlier …...strange. I start to walk towards the huge building and while touching the cold windows wondering if I could somehow sneak in to sleep the night, I walk towards the door which seemed to be slightly opened. I breathed slowly, I wasn't sure I wanted to go inside, but my soul seemed to be calling for this place, desperately pulling me forward. This is the first time I have felt my soul so drawn to something so much, I sigh as I slowly open the door hearing a creaking noise. I look inside the building cautiously as i walk inside, i know im stupid but i was curious why my soul was calling this place and i was equally cold. It was worth the risk of what I was doing at this point, I walked straight into a dim room, it looked like in horror movies when something is going to jump at you at any moment. The lamps at the front desk of the library looked like lit up candles, flicking ever so often, in the middle of the desk sat a middle aged man. He huffed annoyingly "What chu doing here, your not supposed to be here kid" he looked fidgety and his eyes would look from side to side, he seemed off, he looked uncomfortable and seemed to be hiding something that i wasn't sure. I thought about it for a while only to come up with one answer, it must be what I'm thinking it can only be that.

You grin to yourself, I must be right and I want it. I have never tried it but I wanted some relief from all the stressful life. "So…... your selling drugs here then" I grin knowing I'm right, the guy looked at me and paused for a moment. He looked around the darker parts of the building as if something was listening or watching us. I wasn't very sure the building seemed so dimly lit, so if there was anyone they weren't in my view but it seemed it was on his apparently. "Jacob is the one selling those things, you'll see him over that way" he points to a dark area that I couldn't see and I thanked him for his help as I walked towards the darkness. I walked slowly, in the darkness carefully trying not to trip over my own feet. I closed my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness, only to jump up in surprise, strangely enough the building wasn't dark anymore, it was sickly bright, my eyes hurt with the change of setting. I blink a couple of times before I adjust to the bright place.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a real library here, with its rows of computers and lots of shelves filled to the brim of books surrounding the building. Just one thing that stands out like a sore thumb right now and that's the large satin single person couches, in the middle of everything like it was the main focus of this place. I was about to get to the guy that seemed to be selling the drugs until I saw at the corner of my eye some people getting into the couches, I looked at them comfortably snuggle into the couches, waiting for something, I'm not very sure. "Hey kid, you better go sit down in one of those couches" gasping as I stare up at the man with utter shock. "W-what did you just say" I wasn't even sure I heard him right at this point, he didn't even look like he was joking at this point, I just took a shaky breath, as I gulped nervously.

"Go sit down" he pointed at the couches again but this time with a stern look in his eyes, I gulped an urge to laugh awkwardly.

I looked around the room a bit confused at his demand, but I did what I was told since he seemed afraid of something. I walked towards the couches, I see both monsters and humans getting into a couch, I searched around the locouches to find a place to sit, I was probably one of the last people to get to a couch as the instructor walked to the front of what seems like a stage with a white board in hand, written in hands it seems. I only knew because I was set on learning this from a book I got from my mother when she was still alive. I knew the basic words as I saw it just written one word on the board silence. It takes a couple of people to understand, some going quiet after understanding, he seems mad but excited that people understood. He started to slowly tell us what we were going to do today, apparently from what I could gather about the lecture we were going to concentrate on dipping down. He explains that it's a mode of magic that everyone has when trying to understand how their magic works. I raise my hand, he looks at me confused before allowing me to speak.

 "So what if you don't think you have magic" I hear laughing and giggling around the room even the instructor gives a chuckle before composing himself. "My dear, you need magic to enter this sanctuary, as for someone who doesn't have magic abilities, this place will most likely be abandoned from the outside and inside, does that answer your question". You look at him speechless as you slowly nod so he could continue with the lecture. You try to breathe trying to suck in all the information you had just gathered, you didn't know you could use magic, only monsters and mages could use them only if you were a mage, but that wasn't possible, because it had to be in your blood unless mom was one, i mean she could be…..maybe…...i think.  I wasn't really sure what to do with myself at the moment, lost in thought, I looked around curiously seeing people closing their eyes and actually dipping down into the floor. I stared at them in shock with a mixture of horror as I watched one by one disappearing into the ground. Some have a hard time concentrating on the task at hand but able to do it after a couple of minutes.

I was still watching other people dipping down when a pair of hands landed on my shoulders from behind. The feeling was interesting, his hands seemed to faze through my clothing. My skin has a tingling sensation making my body sutter slightly. After my body got used to the sensation, I slowly turned around fear and curiosity in my eyes. I wanted to know the person who made me feel the way I was feeling.    The sensation was interesting, and I wanted to know more about why it does that, my eyes widened as I locked eyes with the instructor smiling at me curiosity filling his eyes as well. I got slightly embarrassed as I remember making myself a fool in front of the class a couple of minutes ago, he gave a chuckle. 

 It's kind of funny that I didn't even notice that he was a monster, he seemed to be a tall skeleton, he had some glasses that were held in place, i didn't understand how but it was in place. His eye lights looked around the class then looked upon me, his smile growing, he seemed interested in  me "so why aren't you dipping down, young one, If i am so bold to say" i looked at him then sighed as i look at everyone else "uh… im kind of ….newww here" I was kind of nervous here telling him this but i did it anyways, i knew i couldn't hide that fact from him hell he properly already knew i wasn't from here. In the corner of my eye I see a skeleton looks to be my age, laughing as he watches the hole I dug myself in. I was lightly embarrassed as i smile slightly trying to not feel stupid. The instructor looks at the skeleton, the younger skeleton just winks at him with a grin.

  His eye lights hover in my direction and his features told me he was sorry but he winked at me, making me blush as I pouted and looked away from him. He starts to giggle trying to not laugh very loud, he fails as he starts to choke, still laughing. I start to laugh at his stupidity as I relax more than I thought. I looked in his direction only to see him winking again but this time his hand on where his forehead would go. As he salutes me but he is dipping down at the same time, I looked at him shocked, getting a laugh from him. The last thing I see is him waving at me as he laughs, I sigh as I try not to laugh at his silly attempts at flirting. 

The instructor sighs but has a smile on his face as he looks at you. "Let's see" he tries to remember what we were talking about as he scans his thoughts, "would you let me help you with the dipping down, then". I looked at him with surprise but nod as I knew he would help me, his boney hands lifted from my shoulders which I forgot he had them there and his hands hover over my head. I felt electricity running through my mind first then it traveled down my spine and into my nervous system. It felt strangely warm as I closed my eyes and started to concentrate. It's dark until I see numbers floating in front of me, hands start to appear giving me instructions on how to dip down. It wasn't normal hands as it was in code, weirdly enough I understood every word perfectly. I take a deep breath, feeling my body coat itself with a warm feeling, it felt like it was singing a sweet song.

The hands that steadied me from dipping down, are now moving away, I flinch at the coldness but keep my eyes closed. I slowly start to try and dip down, surprisingly I feel my body slowly sink down into the cold floor, feeling an uncomfortable pressure tighten around me making me feel out of breath before the pressure is slightly lifted and the air feels light around me. My body feels like a feather as if I was floating in the breeze or if I was in space but with air. I was nervous to open my eyes but opened them to see cotton like clouds around me, they were different colors as it seemed to glow. I look around to see a light blue cloud, I laugh as it reminds you of someone, this is crazy as i stare at everything sighing before it makes me laugh like crazy, this place is amazing, this is the most fun I've had in awhile.