
Chapter 46 : Target Practice

Chaos ensued and for a moment, I didn’t know which way was up. On pure instinct, I crouched down and covered my head as bullets flew through the air. I army crawled to the Moltons’ side because that was my best chance at survival.

I heard gasps of pain and thuds as people fell. I just hoped that it wasn’t any of my friends. My jeans tore on a rock and I felt warm blood seeping through the hole in my pants, but I kept going. I couldn’t afford to stop.

Now I was public enemy number one. I had just tried to kill Taddeos’ gang leader.

How had I not noticed that the gun wasn’t loaded? I wasn’t in my right mind, to be fair. I had been so focused on wanting to kill my father’s murderer that I hadn’t inspected the weapon I was given to do it. I should have finished the cadets. I dropped out before target practice.