
The Undead Uprising

Imagine the gripping tale of Jack, an ordinary teenager thrust into the abyss of an unknown experiment, grappling with unforeseen consequences. Unfairly ousted from his job amid a world embroiled in human conflict, he unknowingly faces a twist of fate – a captivity altering the very fabric of his existence. Trapped in the aftermath of a failed experiment, Jack bears an unexpected curse, forcing him to confront and adapt to this newfound predicament. The evolving world demands resilience, and Jack, resolute in safeguarding those he holds dear, embarks on a transformative journey. As he navigates this treacherous path, the world around him metamorphoses, mirroring the internal changes he undergoes. Jack's evolution transcends the physical; it's a journey of self-discovery and strength. His pursuit of greatness intertwines with unraveling the mysteries surrounding his enigmatic creator. In a world rife with challenges, one of Jack's formidable tasks emerges – to become a powerful undead. Each encounter marks his growth, rewarding him with experience points. Jack embraces these challenges with infectious enthusiasm, leaving readers captivated by the intriguing twists and turns of his extraordinary journey. **** Author note : "I extend my gratitude for your anticipation of this novel, a labor of love I've crafted for your enjoyment. As a first-time webnovel writer, I eagerly welcome your thoughts and comments. Your feedback and supports will contribute to the evolution of this narrative, and I'm excited to hear your insights as we embark on this literary journey together.” .... 100 power stones: 1 extra chapter 200 power stones: 2 extra chapters 500 power stones: 3 extra chapters ... Please vote, comment, share and review, it is the true motivation for authors to keep going for their supporters. Check out my other novel for Webnovel spirit awards. VILLAIN: Rebirth of the shadow lord

Alexcj · Fantasi
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61 Chs

Undead vs human 2

Jack, from a young age, refrained from combat due to the tragic demise of his parents, a consequence of violence. His reluctance extended to social interactions, as a lifetime of being belittled had left him emotionally shattered. However, everything changed when he found himself in a new world.

In this unfamiliar realm, survival became the paramount objective for everyone. Jack's perspective underwent a significant shift as he learned more about this futuristic world. The once aversive notion of combat became a necessary means of existence.

Engaging in a fierce battle, Jack displayed unexpected strength, surprising even himself. As he delivered a heavy punch to Rak, a formidable opponent, the dynamics of the confrontation seemed surreal. Despite Jack's comparatively smaller size, he dominated the confrontation, leaving Rak sprawled on the ground like a ragdoll.

Rak, bloodied but resilient, acknowledged Jack's strength, recognizing a shared ability between them. Curiosity and a hint of confusion lingered in Jack's mind as he pondered the meaning behind Rak's words. A realization struck him: the shared ability likely referred to superhuman strength.

Intrigued, Jack observed as Rak's hands emitted an ominous glow, revealing a set of brass knuckles imbued with a red residue. The unfolding confrontation hinted at a deeper layer to this new world, where abilities beyond the ordinary dictated the course of survival.

The energy emitting out was a kind of wild energy that feels extremely unstable. It was like at any moment it could erupt, destroying anything in its path.

'That looks like those beast weapons Leo told me, but this is totally different,' Jack thought. Leo had shown him his katana and explained the concept of beast weapons, crafted from formidable beast crystals. The current source of energy, however, possessed a distinct quality, leaving Jack intrigued and wary.

Just like Leo's katana, one could feel the raging aura of the beast from which it was made. The intensity of the unleashed energy hinted at a power that transcended mere physicality, resonating with the untamed forces of the creature it originated from.

"I'm gonna kill you for doing this to me," Rak shouted, fueled by frustration from being repeatedly bested by Jack. His determination surged as he prepared to retaliate against his formidable adversary.

Rak lunged forward, executing a rapid, calculated motion, landing in front of Jack with remarkable agility. His fist shot out, aimed squarely at Jack, who swiftly evaded the initial attack but found himself unable to completely avoid the relentless assault.

'Is it me, or did those brass knuckles make him faster?' Jack wondered as Rak unleashed another lightning-quick punch. This time, Jack, realizing the speed was too much to evade entirely, crossed his arms in an X formation. A sudden tremor passed through him upon impact, pushing him back slightly.

"And I think stronger," Jack muttered under his breath, acknowledging not just the increased speed but also a newfound strength in Rak's strikes. While impervious to pain, Jack's heightened sensitivity allowed him to perceive the impact reverberating throughout his entire being. Strangely, amidst the chaos, he couldn't feel his internal organs and rhythmic breathing remained, a curious constant in the maelstrom of the ongoing battle.

The assault, though formidable, had propelled Jack backward, but he persisted in his efforts, attempting to muscle through the confrontation. Despite his determination, he found himself losing ground in their impromptu tug of war.

Engrossed in fending off Rak's overpowering strength, Jack remained oblivious as Rak launched another attack, his fist connecting with Jack's ribs. The impact sent a shockwave of pain through Jack's body, and the system promptly registered the damage with a series of notifications.

**[Damage sustained!!]**

**[Your left ribs have been broken]**

**[Healing all injuries]**

**[Due to the high amount of damage, your healing speed has decreased by 50%]**

While a 50% reduction may not seem significant, Jack keenly understood the substantial impact on his healing abilities. Despite feeling no pain, he made a tactical decision to retreat, seeking distance from Rak. However, the broken ribs hindered his movements, leaving him struggling.

Inwardly cursing his overconfidence and pondering the use of brass knuckles in a supposed weapon-free match, Jack questioned the apparent lack of objection from the spectators. It dawned on him that the rules were loosely followed, and this might be a common occurrence.

"You think I would let you go that easily?" Rak bellowed, closing in with relentless determination.

Caught between physical limitations and the impending threat, Jack felt a sense of doom. Desperation spurred him to recall a scene from a gladiator movie, wondering if the risky move would pay off.

'I hope this would work, and if it doesn't, then movies are a sham.'

As Rak charged, Jack surprised the audience by adopting an unconventional strategy. Spectators, more interested in entertainment than morality, watched with detached indifference.

In a split second, Rak closed the distance, but Jack deftly sidestepped the impending blow, exerting himself despite the mending ribs. Seizing the opportunity, he leaped onto Rak's massive frame, leveraging his comparatively weightless form.

'I hope this works,' Jack pondered as he gathered his strength and delivered a powerful punch to the side of Rak's head. The impact felt significant, and just as doubt crept in, a confirming notification interrupted the tension.

[Quest completed]

[You have gained the following rewards]



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