

It was rainy day people were walking and running to hide from the rain. "Strange.. Why isn't anyone noticing me?" I thought to myself, I continue to walked from the rain and there I saw a bright light and a person seems to be able to see me "um?" A loud person welcomed me "welcome dear customer!" I noticed the customer seems like a pre-schooler "hi little one what would you like to order?" My coworker seems to handle the kid "Mister.. I want to eat..snacks.." The pre-schooler told me "of course little one you'll have to wait" I smile at the little girl, I then head to my kitchen and started making Strawberry Daifuku, A sweet snack best for people who likes sweet "let's start cooking" I started preparing the ingredients "First we need to get 6 strawberries i using smaller ones are easier so you listen up little one" the girl nodded her head "yes mister!" I smile at the kid I can't help but feel happy and sad at the girl she's still young.. "The next ingredient we need is 5.3 oz sweet red bean paste or you called it Anko!" The girl looked confused "mister what's a anko?" "Well an anko is a specific type of red bean paste made with azuki beans" the girl looks so happy "and the third ingredient is Cornstarch or potato starch" the girl continues to admire the food I was about to make "now let's start making the mochi let's use 100 g let's see" I grabbed measuring cup "we need ¾ cup of glutinous rice flour or sweet rice flour" I took the sugar in the cabinet "1½ Tbsp sugar, little one can you get me some water?" The girl nodded and hurried to get some water it seems she was excited to help me "and 150 ml water" I think it's time to prepare for the strawberries "let's rinse the strawberries little girl?" I took the strawberries out of the fridge and put it on the sink "it's time to rinse" I said to the little girl "Mister what's next?" I told the little girl to get some towel "we have to dry the strawberries" the little girl then took one of the towels in the cabinets "mister I brought the towels!" "Thank you little one now let's divide 5.3 oz sweet red bean paste (anko) and roll into 6 same-size balls" the little girl look at me "mister is it really tasty?" She asked me in a confused tone "of course little one! Strawberry Daifuku comes from Japan" the little girl looks so excited knowing the origin of the strawberry daifuku "Mister the anko is so sticky!" "Anko gets sticky on your hands, so wash and completely dry your hands each time you make a ball Okay little one?" "Yes mister!" I pat the girl's head "mister?" "Ah! Sorry little one you were like my little sister" I remember.. How many days I haven't seen my sister I guess I should visit her "anyways let's wrap each strawberry with the anko from one ball?" "Okay mister!" "Now let's leave the tip of the strawberry uncovered." The little girl look so happy.. I wonder how's my sister is doing "let's go wash our hands and dry completely each time we wrap a strawberry with anko." "Okay mister!"

A few minutes later

"Mister can I help?" The girl look at me with her puppy eyes telling me to allow her to help me "Ah I already finished making the Shiratamako" "oh.." The girl looked sad at my revelation "it's okay little one you can still help me" "Wah! Really? Mister yippiee!" "Let's start shaping those Daifuku!" "Fufufuf master I didn't know you could be good with kids" "Ah! Rein I didn't know your still here.." "Of course I'm still here master! I'm the owner of the building Afterall" "oh yeah I forgot about that hehe..anyways little one let's continue shaping the Daifuku" "okay! Mister!" "First let's put some potato starch or cornstarch on your hands. Flatten and expand each mochi into a 3-inch (7.6-cm) round or square." I noticed the little girl was reminiscing about her past "you miss your mommy little one?" "Mhm I miss mommy" Rein then approach us and said hey little one how about we make a Daifuku for your mama?" "Wah! Really mister Big brother Rein" "I keep my promise" the girl and Rein did a pinky promise with their pinky "I'm gonna start putting the anko-covered strawberry on top of it, with the tip pointing down." I then start gathering the mochi edges to cover the strawberry from all sides. "Little one use your thumb to hold the gathered mochi on top." "Now let's store the Daifuku" "First we need to keep the leftovers in an airtight container and store at room temperature. And Do not put in the refrigerator as the cold temperature makes the mochi hard. We can consumed it after 2 days I think?" "Smart as always master! I'm so glad your my master!" "I can't wait to eat it mister" The girl smile at me...

2 days after

"Mister I really have a fun making this with you..I don't want to disappear" "little one don't worry your not going to disappear you'll be in my memories" I smile at the girl "Can I know your name little one?" "My name is Rumi!" I have to do this but why does my heart hurts... "Eat up little one" I gave the little girl a gentle smile, I, Rin and the other Hunters we say goodbye to ghost from the past by calling them their name "Goodbye Rumi" The girl noticed me with the sad look "Mister you told I'm not gonna disappear when your here, without you I'm gone" "ah your right Rumi eat a lot Rumi" I Pat the girl head "Thank you for everything mister!" "Good bye Rumi.." we Hunters farewell a spirit after saying their name


Sorry if it's bad (>人<;)

YoonieYooniecreators' thoughts