
Ch.10 School Festival

The school was preparing for the upcoming school festival tommorow, each rooms has their own decorations and gimmicks some have sci-fi inspired and fantasy like designs but the most crowded room is yahh you should already know the room. It's room 15 where girls all over the campus are crowding on the door just to see the charming face of Steve.

"Kyahhh" words coming out to the mouths of the girls observing Steve while he decorates the room.

"he's so charmingggg" one of the girls said while the other said "he's so handsomeee".

The girls blocking the corridor suddenly leave when the teacher shouted saying that they should go and help decorating their own classroom rather than going anywhere just to see a persons face these makes the other guys focus on their work and finish it as soon as possible.

*the day of the school festival

The students felt amaze upon seeing their school full of decorations and food stalls . St. Haven High was like a school only found in fairytale where many amazing designs all around the campus, even celebrities and other rich people came here just to enjoy these magnificent occasion.

The students where excited on exploring the different rooms with different gimmicks but their real intention on coming here was to watch the music competition between Hans the dark horse and Steve the music prodigy that will be happening in the gym stage.

*the time of competition

Many students gather at the gym giving the food stalls more profit. The judges who was invited were all known international musical individuals like Ed Shaaran, Post alone and Louis Hortie. This made the whole stadium scream with excitement giving them chills down to their spine.

"ladies and gentlemen may we have around of applause for the respective judges we have right now" the mc said.

"now may we welcome the musical prodigy who starts playing at the age of 3, the person who touch every girls heart as he play his piano, Steve Mcliff" the MC said.

All the girls shout as they saw Steve came in the center of the stage making many guys cried in agony.

Steve sat down in the piano stool ready to play his piece, as soon as he played his song the noisy crowd became silent as if there's an angel walk to their sight leaving them speechless. the crowd saw a white knight playing the piano, a charming knight that they only read on fairytail books one that is capable of capturing the hearts of any lady that heard this rhythmic Melody but the noise came back when the piece played by Steve came to an end. The masters from the secret assembly back then felt amaze from the improvement of Steve and is hoping that he can play another piece for them.

*applause *claps every where.

"now may we welcome Hans who was rumored to be untouchable and unbeatable in terms of martial arts in the school but how well can he do in playing piano" the MC said while simply ridiculing Hans with his underestimating words.

The lights all directed to Hans as he came in the stage and sat down to the piano stool.

"what piece are you gonna play by the way?" the MC ask to Hans

"I'm gonna play Goldberg Variations by J.S Bach" hans said while starting to play the piece.