
The Unbreakable Vow

You were living your normal life in Hogwarts not until your long time crush--Harry noticed you and somehow that Malfoy kid has the goods on you too. The three of you continue the story with a lot of twists and turns, leaving you with a decision towards the end -- or is there?

BebiWriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


**Trigger warning: some scenes in this chapter might not be suitable for sensitive readers. Please read at your own risk**

You met up with Cho on the great hall for breakfast. The students were given a day off after the Yule Ball.

"You overslept I suppose?" Cho asked as you sat down.

"My head hurts so much, and I had a weird dream" you replied.

"Tell me."

You grabbed a plate and studied the food in front of you.

"I don't know... But-- " you stopped and gave out a deep sigh.

"But what?" Cho asked concerned.

"This headache is really killing me.." you managed to say despite the annoying ringing sound in your ears.

You looked at Cho and you're unaware that your vision was slowly becoming blurry. All of your surroundings were rather slow and every noise kept filling up your ears. You blinked several times and eventually passing out.

"Help !" Cho's voice was the last thing you heard.

Everyone heard Cho's voice echoing inside the great hall. A lot of students had stood up from their seats, some were curious while most of them were concerned. Draco stood up and walked towards you without a single care of what other people might say.

"Here let me." He said as he carried your almost-lifeless body.

"Wait uhm.." Cho hesitantly said but she knew she had no choice. Harry went to Hagrid's and he was nowhere to be seen. Cedric wasn't there as well nor did Ron or the Weasley twins.

"Please.." Cho slightly squinted her eyes as she pleaded to Draco.

Draco carried you to the hospital wing. When he arrived there, you were quickly checked and had Cho and Draco go out of the hospital wing.

"You can go if you want to, I'll stay here" Cho informed him but he barely responded.

He just sat down the bench and his expressions were too visible for Cho.

Cho knows something's up but she doesn't know what it is. She examined Draco as he was just staring out, the hint of concern was written all over his face. Cho knows that Draco cares for you, but why? The devilish Malfoy caring for someone seemed nice but it was bothering her for some reason.

It's been 2 hours and both Cho and Draco haven't move from their seats. Cho had an assignment to finish but she couldn't leave just yet. Not until the nurses were done with you atleast.

"Do you mind if I just get my notebook and come back real quick?" Cho asked.

"Not at all, go ahead" Draco plainly answered.

Cho gave him an uneasy smile as she ran off to the Ravenclaw's dorm.

The nurses went out of the hospital wing after 2 minutes. They had informed Draco that he was now allowed to see you.


He looked at you as your body was very pale and you were still unconscious. He felt pity as you looked so lifeless, yet you still looked pretty--at least on his eyes.

He caressed your hair as he leaned forward. He examined your face and he planted a soft kiss on your lips.

Just right after he parted his lips from yours, Harry and Cho came in.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry asked in an annoyed tone.

"Doing the work that you should be doing" Draco answered with a smirk.

"Shut up." Harry slightly shouted.

Draco playfully smiled and shifted his gaze to Cho while he walked away from you.

"Well, I'm done here." Draco paused and stopped on his tracks and leaned down to match Cho's height.

"You're welcome by the way" he slightly whispered to Cho but loud enough for Harry to hear. By then, Draco left the hospital wing completely.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"Uhm... He was the one who carried (y/n) here." Cho sighed.

"I'm sorry Harry, but there was no one else there that could help... and he was the one who volunteered to help (y/n)" Cho followed up.

Harry didn't respond, he just sat beside you and that's it. He never left your side, not for a minute and not for a second.

After a while, Cho had to leave to finish some other school works and personal agendas. Harry still kept close to you, not wanting to let you out of his sight.


"No one can have you... no one else..." he kept whispering. He suddenly stopped as he felt a presence coming towards him.

"Harry it's dinner time at the great hall" Hermione called as she arrived at the hospital wing.

"I'll be there in a bit..." Harry said shifting his tone in a friendly way.

"How is she?" Hermione asked as she took a peak at you.

"Still asleep..." Harry answered in a creepy way but it was unintentional.

Hermione never failed to notice it, she knew something was wrong. She pretended to brush it off but she planned on investigating sooner or later.

"Well, I'll see you at the great hall then..." Hermione said and immediately left the room.

"It's already dinner time boy, students aren't allowed to stay this late. Come back again tomorrow" a nurse kindly informed Harry and he nodded.

He leaned towards you and kissed you softly. He parted and left the room.

The nurse fixed your blanket and pillows to ensure that you were comfortable, and quickly left to let you rest.


"A golden string of a vow shall embrace the three of you..."

"Who's there !?" You unintentionally spoke out loud as you suddenly woke up in a very startled way.

You squinted from the sudden sting in your head.

"Who was that?" You mumbled to yourself while reaching for a glass of water beside your bed.

You heard a faint sound and you ignored it the first time. But it started to get louder, and then you realized it was footsteps coming towards you.

You immediately pulled the drawer beside you in hopes of finding your wand, but your wand was no where there. You continued searching while slightly panicking as the steps were becoming louder and faster. The lights went out and you couldn't see anything, your hands continued to search for your wand as you were desperate in finding it.

You finally found it and quickly casted Lumos on your wand and pointed it at the direction of the foot steps. No one was there, you swore you were sure that it would come right in front you. But there was nothing there.

You looked on your right, and on your left, nothing was there... You sighed in relief as you thought you were just imagining things. You closed your eyes and lay back down on your bed. All of a sudden you felt uneasy, you felt like you were being watched. You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep properly unless you made sure that you were safe. When you opened your eyes, a woman who looked really dead and scary was looking back at you.

You screamed in fear and tried to stand up but your legs wouldn't let you. You dropped on the floor and the woman stared at you creepily.

"Who are you?" You bravely asked even though you were shaking already.

" You can never escape, you three will never get away !" The woman who appeared to be a ghost told you as she suddenly disappeared when she passed through you.

You screamed again as you felt the cold touch of the ghost when it went through you.

"What's happening? Are you alright dear?" A nurse came rushing in and helping you get back on your bed. You kept shivering in fear and confusion.

"Say, is there a ghost here at Hogwarts who has big dark eyes and long hair? She also had a marks on her neck and she has a lot of bruises" you tried hard in describing what you saw.

The nurse said there was no one who looked like the one that you described. You were in disbelief as you were sure that what you saw was real.

"You need to sleep a lot, it is also advised that you don't attend your classes tomorrow for a full recovery. Now go and rest..." the nurse smiled as she tucked you up in bed.

You barely had any sleep, the only time you felt safe was when you saw a faint view of the sun rays. It was probably 5 in the morning, you felt that your eyes were begging you to sleep. And so you did, as soon as you closed them--you were sleeping in peace.


You were beginning to wake up and heard an unusual murmuring within the hospital wing. You slowly opened your eyes and saw a figure of your father, Lucius and possibly Draco.

"What's going on?" You asked loud enough for everyone to turn their attention to you.

"(y/n), my dear... How are you feeling?" Asmodeus asked you.

"I feel much better than yesterday, but still kind of void." You answered, "but why are you here?" You followed up.

"Well, I was informed that you passed out. So, I came as soon as I could." He answered.

"But..." you said while you looked at Lucius, who was busy talking to his son.

"Ah yes, Lucius came here with me and we requested that they should look after you twice the usual. I'm worried for you... " your dad told you.

"Thanks but, this is the only time that I passed out suddenly" you tried to convince him not to give out unnecessary protection.

"It's for your own good you know.." he insisted, you sighed and let them be.

Your father had bought you food and some butter beer fresh from three broomsticks, which explains the smile on your face somehow.

"What are you doing here Potter?" You heard Draco's usual taunted voice.

Harry walked past him and he greeted your father.

"Good to see you too Mr. Potter" Asmodeus' voice was intimidating. He smirked as he looked down at Harry.

"What is it that you have there?" Your dad asked as he saw Harry carrying a packaged thing.

"Oh, it's Butterbeer and some other sweets" he replied.

Your eyes widened as soon as you heard what he had bought for you.

You quickly chugged the one that your father bought while they were busy scanning each other. And when Harry was given the "okay" signal to approach, you purposely pushed the glass cup away from sight but you pushed it too hard that it went out of the table--which caused it to break and scatter glass everywhere. You only wanted to hide the cup, you never intended for the cup to break.

Everyone's attention turned to you and you just brushed it off with a little "oops".

"Draco be a gentleman and help the nurse clean up the mess." Lucius demanded and Draco looked so annoyed but proceeded to do what he's told anyways.

Meanwhile, you showed Harry how genuinely excited you were to see him. He embraced you and dropped a few pecks on your lips and cheeks. Draco was just near you, picking up shards of glass.

"Thanks for this!" You said drinking the butter beer that he was giving you. You happily chugged it down receiving a smile from his face.

Your father was disgusted by the sight of Harry Potter. He didn't wanna show you, so he talked to Lucius again.

Draco on the other hand cant take what he's looking at. He just kept staring at you and Lucius noticed. His dad silently moved his hand to magically make Draco bleed from the shards.

"Ahh !" He unconsciously whined as he saw his hand bleeding from a cut.

"Are you okay?" The nurse asked as it got your attention too.

Harry noticed that you were staring at something and he traced your view as it led to Draco. He saw Draco being pathetic as always, he smirked.

"You're a wizard, but you chose to manually pick out the glass" Harry commented.

You couldn't believe your ears, did Harry start the bickering now?

"If you're so clever now, why don't you cast a spell?" Draco replied. As he raised an eyebrow.

"Harry, let it go please?" You said touching his arm and rubbing it. You made him look at you and both of you locked eyes. He softened up and fed you with a chocolate frog.

Draco was pissed off at this point and desperately tried not to cause anymore scene. He fears his father and he didn't want him to get mad.

You suddenly felt like your head was getting stabbed with a thousand knives. You touched your head while slightly gripping it because of the pain.

"What's wrong darling?" Asmodeus rushed to your side as you couldn't even answer because of the pain.

Your nose started bleeding and you were barely even conscious at this point. Your body couldn't handle the pain anymore and so, you passed out once again.

"At first I thought she was probably tired from the ball, but now I think it's more complicated." The nurse honestly said "we will keep her I guess for another a day or two, so that we will be able to monitor her." She added and your dad agreed.

"Ah, yes thank you for that. Well she has some..." Asmodeus blabbed and he looked at Harry. "She just has this occasional headaches since she was young, she must've gotten it from her mother." He continued as his eyes shifted to Draco and Lucius.

Draco knew Asmodeous was lying.

At this point, Harry wasn't convinced either. He wanted to know more, he had a feeling that something must be up.

"Mr. Potter and our dear nurse, would you let us be for a moment?" Asmodeus asked in a nice way.

"And you too Draco." Lucius said.

Both of the boys hated the fact that something was suspicious but their curiosity was obviously overpowered by their egos against each other.

Both of them tried to brush it off for today and proceeded to their next classes.


"Do you think it's the necklace?" Lucius asked.

"It's supposed to stop the effects of her eyes, I don't know why this is happening to her." Asmodeus answered.

"When do you think they'll be ready to marry?" Asmodeus followed up.

"They're not in the right age at the moment, and it seems that she is dating that filthy Potter" Lucius said.

"Hmm, patience..." Asmodeus whispered as he whiffed his wand and inspected your necklace. "The necklace seems fine, it's probably a coincidence that she feels ill at the moment" he sighed and looked at his pocket watch.

"We must go, we have a lot of work to do, the Dark Lord shall rise soon" Asmodeus said and immediately called the nurse back to remind her that she needs to look after you twice the amount than usual.

The nurse agreed in fear --with that, your father and Lucius disappeared in a blink of an eye.


It was now past dinner time in the great hall, and you were gaining your consciousness bit by bit. However you felt like your mind was clouded, everything seemed too slow.

You opened your eyes even if they seemed so heavy, your eyesight was barely catching up on your field of vision. It felt like there were tons of baggage around your eyes.

You start to see a figure walking towards you.

"Harry?" You said as the figure started to look familiar.

"What are you doing here, It's late?" You followed up.

You noticed that Harry was acting odd, he wasn't speaking to you. He just stopped by your side and he kept staring at you.

He leaned towards you and when he was about to kiss you, you pushed him away for a bit.

"If the prefects catch you out of bed at this hour, you'll be in trouble" you slightly whispered.

He wasn't answering still, this started to worry you.

You were caught off guard as he forcefully kissed you by the lips. You gave in to him for a bit but something wasn't right. You began to feel like your arms and legs are restrained. But Harry was the only one you could see.

"Let go of me!" You tried to speak louder but it seemed like you were under a spell or sort. You started to see Harry's figure distorting, by this time you knew it wasn't really Harry who was with you all this time.

You tried screaming for help but the effects of the spell and the guy seemed like he wasn't alone.

"Please let me go..." you begged as he inappropriately touched your body.

You tried to move your arms but the way they were holding you was way too tight.

You could feel them clutching on to your clothes while removing the blanket on top of you. You desperately started to get out of their grasps but you were far too weak. Every time their fingers molested your body, the more you felt your tears building up.

You were begging them to stop nothing was happening. Not enough strength and a distorted vision didn't help at all. You could feel hands snaking around your bare body as it went down. Your chest being sucked and played at and you suddenly felt like fingers had violated your womanhood.

You didn't want this, you were already crying and begging but it wasn't any good. Nothing beneficial was happening to you. Your tears overflowing in sadness as you heard a belt unbuckled and you knew what was gonna happen next. This made you gather a bit of a strength as you were able to push the guys back a bit.

"She's fighting us" a guys couldn't keep his mouth shut.

The one on top of you slapped you really hard on the face, this would surely leave a mark afterwards. So was the grasps on your arms and feet.

You head was held down and you knew you couldn't do anything... so you just closed your eyes and wished this would be over soon. Your tears were uncontrollably pouring down, as you gulped down in pain. You were squinting because they held your head against the bed and for a minute there, you saw a light flashing towards the guys.

One was sent flying across the room while you felt like the guys lifted their hands off of you.

"Stay away from (y/n)" this time you knew it was Harry. The Weasley twins were also there with Hermione and Ginny.

You heard a few spells casted against each other. You couldn't move, you were too traumatized and weak. All you could do is to cry.

Soon enough Harry came by your side and he was surprised at what the guys did to you. He removed his hoodie and put it on you. He fixed you in a position that he'll be able to carry you easily. You embraced him so tight that your tears never stopped flowing out of your eyes.

"Thank you for saving me" you were able to mutter just loud enough for him to hear as you guys headed towards the Gryffindor dormitory.

You saw the nurses on duty were on the floor, they were probably under a spell too. Even Draco was found lying on the floor, and some other prefects as well, was he part of this too?

Luckily enough, there was a spare room in the dormitories and the gang decided to keep you there for a while til' you would feel better.

Harry and the others were soon summoned by the professors for investigation. They didn't want to leave you alone but they didn't have much of a choice. They assured you as much as they can to let you know that you were safe there. By then, they tucked you in bed and left the room quietly.


"6 Gryffindor students out of bed, What is this madness?" Professor McGonagall questioned.

"But an incident happened..." Ron tried to reason out, but clearly didn't know how he would describe it.

Not a single soul had any idea how they would report this. Clearly, the news haven't reached the higher ups yet.

"We were..." Harry tried to speak but he knew he was too angry to even try to explain.

Professor McGonagall was tired of waiting for their response and decided to dismiss them as she will eventually decide on a punishment.


"Have you heard? (y/n) had a group sex with several higher years last night?"

"No way !"

"Yeah, Potter caught her in the act."

These were what Harry and the others heard as they walked inside the classroom of their first period.

The murmuring sounds of student went quiet when he entered the room with his friends.

Draco on the other hand was silent, guilty and angry on himself.

He flashes a memory of him getting shot by a Petrificus totalus spell from his own seniors and other prefects assigned. With only his eyes being able to move, he regretted not being able to help you when you needed it the most.

He only wanted to see you, and on the way there he stumbled upon the students who did you wrong. He was out played by them and wasn't able to defend you. This pained him so much that he didn't even know how he'll be able to talk to you again.

Draco snapped back at reality as he heard his classmates talking about you too. Even his friends were buying the weird rumor, it was so wrong, nothing in it were true.

Both Draco and Harry know that they must do something about it but somehow they're minds were blank. You on the other hand, were silently crying on the bed you were in. The dorms were pretty much empty at this hour. You didn't know such rumors were spreading, you weren't even thinking about going back to class. You were scared of what might happen if your father will be informed about this incident.