
The Ultimate Weapon: Anger

Broken Shattered Despaired Those are the words that describe the life of a young man, a young man who has gone through hell over and over again. Let it be from abuse from his parents or their constant yelling, his life was horrible. The only kind of sanctuary that he had was surprisingly school, the only place where people actually cared about him. But, that didn't change one thing, that his life was the representation of hell! Finally reaching the breaking point, he finally finds some kind of tranquillity through his own death as he could finally leave the world he hated so much. Now, he could rest in peace... But, fate has its way of screwing you over! He finds himself transported to a completely different world where everything he had come to know isn't really there, how will he cope with this situation? Well, he'll find a way. But, there is one thing he knows... Anger is his only weapon! P.S: This story will have some pretty dark themes.

TrueRisingFTW · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Rage Taken Form





"Bullshit! This is absolutely bullshit!"

A young male voice had roared from within what appeared to be a massive forest as he could be seen stomping his right foot on the ground a few times as cracks shockingly appeared after everything stomp, speaking volumes of how much power was in each of them.

The male that was yelling appeared to be around the age of fifteen or so as he had fair skin and a lean yet muscular build, having neat straight black hair along with a pair of powerful crimson red eyes that seemed to be glowing slightly as he was clenching his teeth.

His attire consisted of a tight pair of black pants along with a white tight t-shirt that stuck well to his nicely sculpted stature, also having on white running shoes and a black watch on his left wrist. There also was a white bracelet on his right wrist and what appeared to be white black headphones around his neck. Finally, over his shirt was a black open hooded jacket that had silver lining.

The male was visibly infuriated as his expression displayed pure utter anger, both his hands lowered to his sides as he was clenching his fists so hard that there was blood dripping down to the dirt of the forest ground. No, angry wasn't even a word that could describe his current state, it would be more like furious!

The last thing he remembered before finding himself in this forest was him smiling at the idea of him finally passing, he remembered so very clearly the sweetness of the feeling of the grasps of death as it was clinging to him! He remembered vividly the pool of blood that he saw while dying, HIS pool of blood!

But, when he finally thought he was freed from the hands of what people would call life, it all went to shit! He has found himself standing in this new place where he knew for a fact was not the afterlife, it just felt like it was going to be another hell! He couldn't give a fuck if this was another world or not, he was so close to finally finding his peace!

This boy was none other than Kyo Raito, a young man who lived the life of absolute despair. He was constantly abused and yelled at by his parents for no apparent reason at all, and he had no choice but to endure and hold in the anger than swelled up inside of him for all his fifteen years of life. While school was the one place he kind of enjoyed, it was still shit, it couldn't fill the hole that his life was.

But, at the very moment that he could finally leave that fucking torturous world behind, it was quickly stripped away from his grasps by whoever screwed him over! He found himself in this godforsaken forest, and he had no doubt that he was even in his own world. It sounded ridiculous, but he couldn't give a damn. He was furious!

Kyo's shoulders were constantly shaking from the immense anger that was swelling up inside him, the anger that he had built up for so long as his body soon began to release a strange red aura that reached into the sky as his crimson eyes flickered constantly, his hair and clothes fluttering in a non-existent wind as the ground around him cracked.

He also noticed that his hair had gained red vibrant bangs, the only way being that he could see his hair every now and then fluttering in front of his vision. He didn't know what the heck was happening with his body right now, but he couldn't care less. He just wanted to fucking beat the shit out of something, and he wanted to do it now!

As if on cue, he shifted his gaze over towards a certain part of the open area he was in as he had heard the sudden sound of the bushes rustling. He watched as what appeared to be a wolf of sorts appearing from the bushes, though the wolf was far larger than any kind of wolf he had ever seen before in his life.

It was probably five times larger than a full grown male wolf, being taller than even himself as the wolf had silver fur and a pair of sharp teeth and claws. It was a strange world too as it had strange green glowing marks on its back, so it was either a species of wolf that hadn't been discovered in his world or has been kept secret, or he was really in another world.

But, that didn't matter right now...

"Alright, bitch. I don't care what you are, maybe some kind of mutation? I don't care. I need something to vent out this fucking anger!" Kyo roared as his eyes flickered brightly as the wolf recoiled back in surprise at the glare as the aura enveloping Kyo increased in pressure as it caused a strong wind to pick up around them as the ground him cracked.

The wolf widened its eyes when Kyo suddenly charged at him with unprecedented speed, running far faster than any normal human could hope to achieve. Kyo didn't take long to cover the rather large distance between them as he appeared crouched underneath the wolf, cocking his fist as he then sent a powerful uppercut to the head of the wolf.

"Don't take this personal. Not like you can, you'll be dead soon enough." Kyo said in an emotionless tone as his eyes were still glowing but were dull as he held an emotionless smile as well. The uppercut caused the wolf to scream out in agony as it was sent upwards a couple of meters as Kyo soon jumped up after it.

Kyo didn't waste any time before delivering a series of rapid punches and kicks towards the wolf as they were still mid-air, a sound and small shockwave occurring after every impact that his hits did. Kyo then spun a few times before delivering a powerful bash downwards towards the wolf, sending it crashing to the ground.

"Say goodnight."

Kyo did a corkscrew in the air before getting into a drop-kick position as he was dropping down towards the wolf, who barely managed to stand up before looking up at its incoming doom. Kyo still didn't show any emotion as his kick made an impact with the head of the wolf, to which a small explosion occurred.

Kyo jumped back as he quietly looked at the position where the wolf was, the dust cloud slowly dispersing to reveal that a small crater had formed from the force of the kick as the wolf was on the ground completely out and unmoving. He then noticed a trail of red liquid coming out of the wolf's head as its eyes were now void of any life.

Kyo stared at the lifeless corpse with no sympathy at all on his face, not like he really cared about showing any. He scoffed before feeling the aura around him slowly settle as he also noticed his hair change back to its usual black as he wondered what all that change was about, but he couldn't give a shit right now. He had things to think about.

Kyo sighed before placing his headphones over his ears before tossing his hood over his head and began to walk off in the opposite direction of where the wolf's body was.
