
Hold your Position

"They're here!"

Dali shouted, alerting the other two as she opened the screen they put at the entrance of the makeshift hideout to let us in. It's an invention in this world which could be put up to camouflage something, taking in the previous state of the place. It uses Meta Energy to activate but the energy will not run in front but behind it which makes it hard to be picked up by those sensitive to it. Those who will pass through this place would only be able to see abandoned ruins in its previous state. The state before we arrived. Unless they look closely it wouldn't be noticed easily.

Behind that screen was the hideout they managed to arrange and was still currently arranging. It's only been a few hours since we left and it's not even noon yet.

Though we left the Black Market with the sky still a bit dark, we arrived at our hideout with the sun already on its way to rise over our heads.