
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

New Clothes

[Continent-level reputation: 9/10000 Please complete for more rewards]

Like an action hero, David's fist popped out of the metal exterior of the spaceship and ripped open a hole which was not the most quiet thing to do.

The noise stunned the rescue team causing them to run through most of the wreckage to get to the noise however they were only meet by David standing there unfazed by the mountain of metal around him.

On the other hand the local media had also arrived to see him causing them to go into a frenzy.

[Shock from Rosalind Bartley, +1 RP]

[From... +1 RP]

David's tall, and sturdy figure stepped out of the burning spaceship, and showed a heavy expression to the crowd: "It's a pity but I could find any survivors"

[From... +1 RP]

[From... +1 RP]

[From multiple... +13 RP]

Many people were immediately, moved by David's words and showed expressions of admiration.

Reports staggered over to him: "Excuse me but your that Superman! Do you perhaps find the name overbearing or, do you like the title the public Calles you?"

"Where are you from? What made you choose to be a hero?"

"Where do your powers come from?"

"Are you like those Mutants, and what do you think about them terrorizing our city in those attacks that Magneto set up?"

David frowned and said "Please that's too many questions, but I will have to look in, on the Mutants myself, you can be sure of that"

David tried to calm down all their ramblings through a sentence, but hearing them continue he rose into the air and then with a bang, instantly disappeared into the sky.

This seemly painful performance, had successfully harvested a wave of reputation for David.


However At the moment David left a man named Drake, who immediately, ordered through an ear piece: "Don't pay attention to Superman, I want you to bring out the little cuties!..." he continued in his head; "I will be the reason human history will be reshaped and those aliens will be my ticket!"

Soon, several soldiers disguised as ordinary people infiltrated the spaceship, but soon after things took a unpleasant turn for Dr Drake when the information that came back threw his ambitions out the window.

"No? How come there's nothing?! Get the black box from the ship... I-Its also gone! You think it was destroyed in the fall?! Impossible.. Do I pay you to think!!"

Drake punched his computer screen, whilst his face contorted in anger.

When he suddenly had an epiphany... And in that instant, he felt like such a foul...

Why did superman climb into a falling ship...

Why did superman only come out after it crashed...

In conclusion he had to have been looking for something...

"That superman captured my aliens and took the records of their existence from the spacecraft? But how..."

That was when Drake remembered that Superman was known to be very close to Stark industries, and probably used the artificial intelligence known as J.A.R.V.I.S to erase everything.

Thinking of this, Drake's fumed throwing his computer screen across the room.


Somewhere over the waters off North America.

"Man, can we talk?" James Rhodes shouted through a loudspeaker, mounted on the plane.

However the other person wasn't interested and kept shooting on by and easily left James behind at an even more astonishing speed.

Leaving James stunned...

David listened to the continuous notifications, which lifting his mood as he harvested yet some more from James.


Entering New York David landed on Tony's house.

Standing on the roof a closed passage opened to his presence, which had been made for Tony's helicopter and now used by David.

"Tony, I've found a new battle suit, and to be honest, I was very disappointed in your one"

David walked into the building, ripping off his tattered shirt, allowing all to see a high carbon fiber type of clothing formed around his body that Tony had made, which unfortunately had turned into swiss cheese.

"Hey now, I designed it perfectly, it's you who went along and caught a spaceship that was not in the specs? Besides you know your actions scared some old guys to death!"

Tony retorted with a glass of wine in hand.

Carrying a spaceship... David could be said to be the only person to have done that.

It was no wonder that the leaders of the world would be so scared and that was including Tony.

"Pepper, could you get some new clothes for this old man I'm worried he'll freeze over again" Tony sai calling over his assistant.

Pepper walked over with a new pair of trousers and shirt, handing them over to David with a smile.

Unfortunately for her, she couldn't help but secretly peak a glance at David's unbelievably well defined muscles and jokingly assessed whether the size of the shirt she prepared would be suitable.

David thanked with a smile as he received the clothes and said "Thank you, beautiful, but now I'm wondering how Tony use up all his luck in finding an assistant like you"

Pepper smiled and said "Mr David, I've heard a lot about your stories, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Pepper's face only showed a professional smile, that was full of intellectual temperament.

Tony looked at David and Pepper talking and said half jokingly and half seriously "Ah, you almost stack up to my charm, and I can now see why you'd be my father's best friend, you two must have been such player's back in the day"

David didn't respond, after calmly putting on his clothes he raised his head with a sigh, the four symbiotes that he caged using his body. And at that moment he also ushered in his final judgment...

"I don't need all 4 of you so I want one of you to be my battle suit and whoever creates the best one will live whilst... The failures will die. Now, let me see what you come up with"

David's will fell directly onto the four symbiotes.

And in the next moment, under the astonished gazes of Tony and Pepper, a strange liquid like object suddenly appeared on David's body slowly changing it's form whilst it gradually covered up more and more of his body.

Soon appeared a battle suit that showed off his tall and broad physique, whilst at the same time a long and wide cape fluttered behind him.

And on his chest, a symbol destined to become David's exclusive calling card that represented his infinity strength.

Etched inside the diamond on his chest there sat a golden symbol shaped like an infinity sign.

∞ ...