
The Ultimate Man

In a world where being a mortal is a sin, an unfortunate mortal was caught and thrown into the Forest of Exiled, where all criminals and mortals were sent away as a punishment. Getting caught himself to find an item that would help him be together with the woman he loved, a fortunate incident brings limitless fortune to him, thus becoming the ultimate man. Able to gain the powers of Seven Archdemons of 7 deadly Sins and Seven Archangel of 7 heavenly virtue, Enos, a mortal that became immortal, roams around the forest, going back to his woman. But along the way, different kinds of troubles stop him from moving forward, letting him meet a child that was about to be devoured. "Child... are you okay?" "Twank... you.. Uncwel!" .... "Ding... Ding... A piece of information was acquired. Does the host want to know about it?" "Why not?" "99.99999% of blood relation has resulted in a DNA analysis that the system conducted." "What?!!! What.. are you..." "Un..cle? Who.. who.. are you talking with?" "As what the system said, you and the child, Hans, were blood-related." As Enos, who was locked inside the forest for five years, didn't expect the child to be his son, how would he able to cope and handle future troubles awaiting him? Note: Updates will be only Saturday and Wednesday I will also upload this story at another site; Scribble hub.com

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Immortal System

After 5 years...

Inside the black and white cave within Forest of Exiled.

A lone person, who remained unscathed and unchanged, suddenly bolted out.


Enos, who remained inside the cave for five years, wakes up and seems to be searching for something.

The humongous black tree that almost occupied the cave and the galaxy-like background was now nowhere to be found and just a common cave and darkness remained.

Enos didn't know if he was still dreaming or was really awake now since the detail is too alike. He was also still unaware of what happened to him, and just remember the dream he dreamt.

A large war between immortals broke out here, in this exact cave, that caused a lot of immortals to cease in existence.

A battle of skills, a battle of strength, and a battle of leadership occurred at the same time, bringing destruction all over the world.

The war continues for days, months, and years until... 14 figures interfere.

7 Archdemons ruled over immortals who wield the power of Demons, while 7 Archangels ruled over immortals that wield the power of Angels.

The immortals didn't seem to be satisfied with the 7 Archdemons and 7 Archangels ruling over them and decided to make an alliance and sabotage the 14.

Another large war aroused with 14 against millions of immortals.

Instead of a war, it became a one-sided fight, since 14 was too small compared to millions.

The immortals were able to kill the 14 strongest immortals when a golden light suddenly spread all over the world.

Every corner and every nook was not missed, removing skills from every immortal.

A loud roar suddenly echoed from above and said, "You ungrateful creature! You don't deserve such power!"

This roar shake the world, and a new era began.

The golden light that took over all the skills from millions of immortals suddenly converges and condenses, creating a galaxy-like space and a cave that covers it.

At that moment, a seed was germinated and in an instant, a humongous black tree, with no leaves suddenly grow out of nowhere, bearing 14 fruits that represents the 7 Archdemons and 7 Archangels that tried to stabilize the world.

The dream ends at that point, but it was still vague for Enos to digest it completely.

A sudden headache strikes his head, almost knocking him down.

"3...2...1... The system has been successfully triggered. Congratulations to the host to acquire the Immortal System."

A cheerful voice suddenly voiced out and scared Enos out of his wits.

"Who.. who are you?? What did you have done to me?!"

"Host, don't be scared. I am the system and I did not do anything to you."

"Liar! Don't you dare try to deceive me!"

"Host, I am not fooling you. I am the system you have just acquired."

"System? As in the system that immortals have?"

"Yes. I am indeed the system of the host, but to be exact, I am the system of the ultimate skills you have just acquired right now."

"What? You are my system? I am a mortal, so stop trying to trick me and get out of my head this instant!"

"Host, I do not lie to you. And I can't get out unless.."

"I am born a mortal! How could you be born from my head just like what you said when I don't even have any skills?!"

"Eh? Did the host already forget what just happened to him?"

"The dream?"

"Yes. Since the host has eaten the The Source Fruit from the The True Source, the host was able to acquire numerous ultimate skills?"

"That fruit? That fruit helps a mortal to be immortal?"

"Yes. It has the power to cleanse the soul and give the powers it holds towards the eater."

"That fruit from that black tree over there?"


"Then that.. that must be a legendary... no.. it's a mythical item!"

"What the host said might be considered the truth. The Source Fruit was the materialization of powers of the strongest 7 Archangels and 7 Archdemons."

"Then.. if it's really mythical, then why does no one have eaten that fruit before I did? And why did I able to acquire that when I'm a mortal?"

"Being a mortal was one of the reasons why no one has still been able to acquire it. One must need to have enough courage first, to cross the black line set as a cleanser, then find the Black White Cave which hides the The Source Fruit of The True Source."

"Ah.. I get it. No one has still been able to find it because there's still no one who dares to cross that line, right?"

"The host is right. For immortals, powers are priceless. They think that this world rotates around the jungle law, Survival of the fittest."

"Then aren't I am too lucky to acquire it? If you said that I really have skills now, then why I don't know anything about it?"

"The system was born in order to assist the host to utilize and use their acquired skills effectively."

"In short, we must first ask you before we can see it?"


"Then let me see my acquired skills."

"3...2...1... System Panel has been successfully created."

"Showing the acquired skills...

Common Skills: None."

"Eh? I don't have any common skills? Is it all special skills?"

"Special Skills: None."

"Wha..what the..?? Then, this only means that...."

"Ultimate Skills:

From Archdemon of Pride, Lucifer: Pride Embodiment, Divine-Demonic Physiology, Punishment, Soul Manipulation

From Archdemon of Greed, Mammon: Greed Embodiment, Transcendent Nephalem Physiology

From Archdemon of Lust, Asmodeus: Lust Embodiment, Vengeance Embodiment, Probability Manipulation

From Archdemon of Wrath, Satan: Wrath Embodiment, Tactical Genius, Omnimalevolence

From Archdemon of Gluttony, Beelzebub: Gluttony Embodiment, Chivalry, Meta-Possession

From Archdemon of Envy, Leviathan: Envy Embodiment, Absolute Immortality

From Archdemon of Sloth, Belphegor: Sloth Embodiment, Knowledge Projection

From Archangel of Diligence, Gabriel: Resurrection, Truth Inducement

From Archangel of Kindness, Jophiel: Justice Manipulation, Path Maker

From Archangel of Charity, Michael: Omni-Healing, Purification

From Archangel of Chastity, Uriel: Love Inducement

From Archangel of Temperance, Camael: Pure Heart, Courage Manipulation

From Archangel of Patience, Zadkiel: Patience Embodiment, Omnibenevolence

From Archangel of Humility, Raphael: Absolute Invulnerability, Restoration Embodiment"

"What?! Why.. why do I have a lot of.. skills? And all of that being ultimate skills?!"

"Didn't I already tell the host that you acquired ultimate skills because of the The Source Fruit?"

"I thought that I would just get special skills, so why do I have ultimate skills?"

"Didn't the host dreamt something?"

"Wait.. don't.. tell.. me it's because of that?"

"Yes. Each fruit contains the power of each immortal among the 7 strongest Archdemons and 7 strongest Archangels."

"So.. does.. that mean that if I gave Catto some of it, then would he also have the powers I currently have?"

"That's an obvious question, host. Although it depends on the fruit he eats."

"Since acquiring an ultimate skill is through by eating The Source Fruit you always said, then doesn't that mean that I am the only one who has Ultimate Skills?"

"Yes. Although it was originally supposed for 14 chosen mortals to have, but since you have already eaten all of it, then there's nothing we can do about that anymore."

"Wait.. is.. it connected to my dream?"

"Yes. But the host does not need to worry anymore since the prophecies already told that no world-level threat would arise for thousands of years."

"Haha.. so I'm really too lucky to have this kind of power?"

"Well, since you ate all of the The Source Fruit, then that would only mean that you're the luckiest person in the entire world."

"But I didn't desire to be like that."

"Why is that, Host?"

"What good does being strong give? If you're too strong, you will be deprived of excitement, devotion, and resolute. Your life will be too boring."

"It might be true, but for other people only. People hold different views about life."

"Well, even so, it was the case for me."

"Then did the host regret eating the The Source Fruit?"

"Not really. But if I just gave Catto half of it, then it would have been better."

"Host... You're the first host I held to have such a mindset."

"Is it a compliment?"


"Anyways, let's forget about this skills thing. I should find Torwise first since I have a question to ask."

Enos didn't bat an eye towards the ultimate skills he acquire nor even tried to thoroughly learn about it, as he became assured since there's a system that would assist him.

Enos, who doesn't know how the outside world changed greatly, steps his foot outside the Black White Cave.

At the same time...

At the entrance of Forest of Exiled...

A handsome man wrapped in a black robe elegantly exited the forest.

A longing was apparent in its eyes while sadness plastered all over his face.

"Haha... Finally! I.. I am outside the Forest.."

"I promised.. you that I would.. fulfill my promise... Enos! Your sacrifice.. wouldn't be wasted!"

Catto, who still remembers the kindness Enos has done to him, continues to move forward but also halts when a gorgeous woman lifting her handsome child walk closer to him.

"Uhmm... Sir.. if.. if I didn't bother you, can I ask you a question? Did.. you just come out from that forest?"

"If I didn't, should I just enter it, Miss? You asked such an obvious question."

"Then.. is it just my... imagination that I heard Enos.. from you?"

"Yes.. did you know Sir Enos?"

"What is your name, kind Sir?"

"Please answer me first. How related are you to Sir Enos?"

"I.. I am his wife, and this is his child."

"Mommy... who.. is this uncle? Is.. is he the one that we're waiting for?"

"He's still not that one, Hans."

"I... I am so.. sorry, Miss. I.. I have done terrible deeds!"

Catto didn't expect that the woman with her child in front of him, who seems to be stronger than him, will be the wife of Enos, the one to who he was indebted.

"Please, stand up, Sir. Can you first tell me your name, kind Sir?"

"I.. I am Catto... I.. I am indebted to your husband. I.. I will accept anything that you desire to punish to me!"

"Mommy... Mommy, are you okay?"

Synthia seems to be dazed for a moment, tears formed on her face before she came back to her senses.

"I'm just fine, honey."

"I.. I am a terrible person! Because of me.. you're husband has died in order to save my life!"

"Sir.. Catto, please stand up first. It is unsightly to see a former king kneel in front of the stranger's wife."

"I'm.. so.. Eh? How.. how did Miss know who I am?"

"Sir Catto, I know you are too grateful for my husband that it makes me happy, but seeing you acting like this because of him... I would feel guilty in his stead. So please, stand up first and come with me to the Seventh Lord Manor if you have free time."

"Miss... How.. how could you know.."

"I have special skills for manipulating minds, so I just happened to know about what truly happened. Instead of forgiving you.. I should be thanking you instead because you help me reassure me that Enos was still alive. Thank you... Sir Catto."

"Miss, please.. don't act like this! I.. I the reason.. why your husband died! Please.. don't act like this, and punish me in this way."

"Sir Catto.. you are misunderstanding the situation."

"I.. I am so.."

Synthia, who found it hard to explain everything to Catto in the open, was forced to knock out Catto.

"Mommy! What.. what are you doing.. to Uncle?"

"Hans, Mommy didn't mean anything bad. Mommy just has difficulty with this person so it would be easy for Mommy to explain everything if he wakes up later."


"Yes. Hans, you would lend me your power later, right?"

"Yes, Mommy. So can we go home now? I.. I already want to play with Jane."

"Okay then, but first, let's use you're Oblivion Embodiment and throw his body in your void first, is it fine?"

"Yes, Mommy. Hans will be happy to be able to help Mommy!"

"Hans is really a good boy."

Hans, using his power, makes Catto instantly disappear before the mother-son pair walked back home.

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