
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs

Severus Snape

Ever since this morning, Severus Snape had been haunted by the feeling that something unusual would happen today. In his years as a spy, he had grown accustomed to trusting his intuition, so from eight, he was fully ready to snap out of it. Severus tried to distract himself, rightly believing that his tossing and turning would do him no good, and began reading the Potter's Herald magazine. The articles proved quite entertaining, though he occasionally cringed as he read some of the absurdities from his point of view. He didn't even notice how two hours passed, and it was ten o'clock. Deciding that he needed breakfast at last, he went to the kitchen. The table was already set by his housekeeper Tilly.

- The landlord was eating late again; he would hurt his stomach! Tilly could be a better cook? Tilly has cooked everything Master Severus likes! Tilly will try harder! - ...wailed the housewife.

- Tilly! - Snape barked, then continued soothingly, "It's alright. Look, I'm eating; it's delicious!

A relieved Tilly went off to do the cleaning, and Snape tried to eat as much as he could. He usually ate very little, but Tilly was getting so frustrated and wailing so much that he couldn't refuse her. To think that they had Severus Snape, the Dungeon Terror, the Bat, being wooed by some housekeeper! But they did develop a warm relationship. Back at Hogwarts, she brought him food when he lingered in the library and helped with mending his clothes since he rarely had anything new. Tobias' father was an alcoholic, and Eileen's mother had to pick up odd jobs making simple pharmacy potions, so they barely had enough for all the school supplies. Severus wore only second-hand clothes, making his already unkempt appearance even more repulsive. Although Eileen never got the skill, she had a talent for potions and could have brewed something more serious, earning good money, but it required too much time, and Snape Sr. had absolutely no tolerance for magic. Before Severus was four, they had lived a relatively peaceful life, but it wasn't until his first magical outburst that things went awry. Eileen admitted to her husband that she was a wizard and their son was a future wizard, which was not pleasant news to him. There were more and more scandals in the house, and when the weaving mill where his father worked closed, he began to drink and beat his wife more and more often. Severus was in trouble, too, and he tried to "beat the crap out of him".

Getting to know Lily was the only bright spot. He began to sneak out of the house often and walk around with her, or they would lie under their tree and chat. Severus would tell her about Hogwarts and magic, and she would say to him about the places she'd been with her parents. He didn't have that opportunity, but he often dreamed of going on a trip and maybe finding rare ingredients. But with Lily, of course! They had grown apart since their arrival at Hogwarts and admission to different faculties. Severus had become friends with Lucius Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov, Narcissa and Regulus Black. Evans disapproved of their companionship and Severus' fascination with the dark arts.

The incident near the lake was the point that ended their communication. After graduating from Hogwarts, Severus, thanks to Lucius' financial help, enrolled as an apprentice to a master potter, and after gaining proficiency, he paid his debt and joined the Eater ranks. Disappointment came rather quickly as the former charismatic leader turned into an obsessive fanatic, throwing torture spells at not only his enemies but also his comrades. And then the prophecy was uttered. As much as Snape cursed himself for passing it on to Voldemort! After realising what he had done, Severus ran to bow to Dumbledore and became a double agent. Because of the constant danger, he broke up with Azumi Robinson, the girl he had started dating in his final years at Hogwarts. No, he hadn't forgotten Lily completely, but the kind, quiet and sweet Azumi had a special place in his heart. Perhaps he could even fall in love with her and propose to her, but the military situation left him no choice, so when she asked if he would take her as his wife, he said no and, faking anger, yelled at her, calling her a stupid, naive girl. His heart ached at the sight of the tears on that innocent, childish face, but he couldn't put Azumi in danger. After Voldemort's death and the end of the Eater trial, Severus tried to find her, but it turned out that she had stopped communicating with her classmates. A year after the memorable events at one of Lucius' receptions, he heard her name and didn't hesitate to ask about her. She worked in an artefact shop, but when he got there, he was informed of her death. This was another weight of guilt on his soul, for he had never been able to apologise to her for his action.

His memories were interrupted by a knock on the window. An unfamiliar ne'er-do-well was looking at him. Wondering who could have written him since no one but Lucius and Narcissa had written him. Letters from Gringotts still came, but that was for work. Intrigued, he gave the Owl a biscuit, checked the letter for various spells, and picked up the envelope. The sender's address listed Arnold Octavius Prince. As far as Severus knew, Eileen had been excommunicated from the family, so highly intrigued as to what his grandfather required of him, he opened the envelope.

Hello, Severus.

My letter is somewhat unexpected, as I have never seen you. Eileen has stopped communicating with me, even though I have repeatedly suggested that she return to the family. She invariably wrote that she loved her husband and would not leave him. However, that is a thing of the past. The fact is that your grandmother passed away seven years ago, and I stopped going near the family tapestry as it brought back sad memories of your mother's escape and the death of my dear Amanda. Recently, however, I did venture to look at it and saw new branches. I would love to meet you and my great-grandchildren. Please respect the old man.

With respect, Lord Prince.

At first, Severus was seized by anger. He hadn't wanted to communicate for so many years, and now he was, wanting to reconnect, but as he read the letter, he managed to calm down. However, the end of the note left him utterly perplexed. What great-grandchildren?! As far as Snape knew, he had no sons, but you couldn't cheat the family tapestry, could you? Deciding to take only a short time to solve the mystery, Severus dressed and apparated to Sparrow Alley. Quickly reaching the bank, he approached the goblin standing near the entrance.

- Good afternoon, sir. May gold flow to you and your enemies die in terrible agony," said Severus in the traditional goblin greeting.

- May your gold flow in torrents. What do you want, Heir Prince? - replied the pleased goblin.

Only a few wizards, even of the ancient clans, remembered how to address a goblin. Although Severus was surprised by such a title, he did not show his face and asked to be escorted to the Prince's confidant. After the greeting phrases, he asked for a blood test. After stating the cost of the service, the goblin brought a ceremonial knife and parchment.

- A drop of your blood must be placed on the parchment.

Slashing his hand with the knife and holding it up to the parchment, Severus watched as the goblin read a spell in his own language, and the letters appeared on the parchment.

Severus Tobias Snape, heir to the Prince, first in line - half-blood, 26 years old

Mother: Eileen Irene Snape, maiden Prince - thoroughbred, dead

Father: Tobias Blaine Snape - Muggle, dead

Children: Itachi Joshi Robinson - Heir Prince, second in line, pureblood, 6 years old, twin - Sasuke Indra Robinson, mother - Azumi Keiko Robinson, pureblood, dead.

Sasuke Indra Robinson - Heir Prince, third in line, purebred, 6 years old, twin - Itachi Yoshi Robinson, mother - Azumi Keiko Robinson, purebred, dead.

Ancestral Gifts: Potions, Mentalists.

Personal Abilities: battle magic, wandless magic, enchantments (spellcaster).

Severus was amazed. Turns out Azumi had given birth to twins by him! He has two sons! And he yelled at the pregnant girl! Snape wasn't mad at her for not telling him. He'd misbehaved himself and chased her away. That could be even better. At least she wasn't dragged in for questioning because of his mistakes. And then there was the question, what would happen to his children if she died?

A hundred questions flashed through Snape's mind, but he wouldn't be a master mentalist and double spy if he couldn't pull himself together quickly.

- Why are my name and surname written in grey as opposed to the others written in black?

- You are the Prince's heir, so you can change your name when you join the family, like your children.

- Can you perform a search ritual so I can find the children?

- Of course, would you like to do it now? The service costs 15 galleons.

- Yes, please, Mr Cryptouch.

The goblin took out a ritual bowl and new parchment and asked Snape to drip blood into it again. Since the wound had been inflicted with a ritual knife, it had already healed, and Severus had to cut his hand again. After saying the words of the ritual, the goblin dipped the parchment into the bowl, and the letters began to fade on it. Cryptouch pulled it out of the water, and it dried instantly. London, St. Mary's Asylum.

After finding out where the place was and collecting the necessary documents for an additional fee, Severus paid for all the services and, thanking the goblin for his help apparated to the given coordinates.