
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs

Returning to Hogwarts and meeting Goldilocks Locance

The meeting at the railway station on the first of September was quite noisy. Everyone was eager to share the news, but the children spotted Luna before they got into the carriage and called her to join them.

- Come with us, it'll be fun! - Theo smiled.

- 'I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable,' replied the girl, a little embarrassed by such a warm welcome.

- 'We'd love for you to join us,' Itachi said warmly.

The boys lifted her luggage with the help of levitation charms into the train, and the company went in search of an accessible compartment. Once situated, the boys began to chat. Draco talked about his trip to Austria, the Princes about Italy, Theo and his parents went to Sweden, and Dakota had to help her father in the shop. Wanting to cheer Eden up, the others pulled out gifts bought on their trips and handed them to him. They also gave Luna the skills they had brought. When the holiday stories were over, the children began to share their impressions of Hogwarts and the teachers.

- Professor McGonagall is the Dean of Gryffindor and Deputy Headmaster. She is pretty strict; you will always be patient in her class. And she doesn't want you to get caught breaking the rules," Dakota said.

- Yeah. She caught me once when I was trying to put Tarantallegra on Smith," Theo said, "The slug said I was too stupid to make the Quidditch team. The professor assigned me a week of detention with Filch.

- Hn, why do you even listen to him? He's a coward, and he's setting you up to attack first so Smith can say he was defending himself," Sasuke snorted.

-You're right. I just can't help it when he starts his jokes," Theo sighed.

- I start humming a song when I feel angry," Luna interjected, "Try it. It helps.

Everyone laughed. Luna was in her repertoire.

- Bince, the ghost, is teaching history," Dakota continued, "You can do your own thing in his class or sleep if you haven't slept. He doesn't pay attention anyway, and his voice is so tedious that it makes it easy to fall asleep. And Itachi can prepare you for the exam. He's good at explaining things simply and easily. He used to tutor Theo and me.

Itachi smiled embarrassedly.

- I'd be happy to help you if you need it.

- Thank you very much,' Luna replied.

- 'Professor Flitwick is the dean of Ravenclaw. He's funny, and he teaches quite interesting. He's a lot of fun to teach. But at the same time, he has a high rate of A+s in PSB and ALEs," Draco joined the conversation.

- If you have a question, don't hesitate to contact him; he's always willing to discuss problems," Itachi said.

- 'Potions are taught by Professor Snape. He is strict and often takes points off the faculties, especially Gryffindor. Gryffindors are very noisy and can't sit in one place. They often read the recipe inattentively and then blow up the cauldrons, endangering the neighbours," Malfoy said, "It's better to read the textbook beforehand if you haven't already. If anything, Sasuke and Itachi can help you. They're the best in the subject.

- I'll keep them in mind," Luna replied.

The children travelled to Hogwarts as they talked. When they exited the carriage, the boys went to the carriages, and Luna went to the first fruits. Before parting ways, the prudent Itachi had put a weight-lightening enchantment on her suitcase.


The friends happily accepted that Luna would be studying in their faculty and invited her to sit beside them. While Theo and Dakota introduced Lovegood to their acquaintances, the brothers peered tensely at the door next to the faculty table. The twins were alarmed that their father was not among the professors. Looking around the hall, they noticed the absence of Potter and Weasley and worried that they might have gotten into something again and that their father had been called to the hospital wing because of it. The mystery was solved the following day when Anthony Goldstein told them about the Gryffindor flight on the Fordyke.

- What kind of reckless idiots would fly without adults in a defective car?! Why not on a broomstick?! - They could have waited for their parents, sent an owl to Hogwarts, there are even magic spells to summon a Ministry employee, not to mention the fact that they could have travelled by Muggle transport or Night Knight to the Hole Cauldron and contacted the school via fireplace communication!

- Don't be so nervous, Otto. They're Gryffindors. They don't take the easy way out," Itachi reassured his brother.

- Hn, you're right. Flying to school in a car and crashing into Iwa is more fun," Sasuke sighed, "I'm just worried about Dad. Draco said he wasn't himself last night. He must have been worried about those fools.

- From what Anthony told me, it sounds like Dad had time to blow off some steam. Let's hope it's a lesson to the Gryffindors. Hope springs eternal, right?

- What are you talking about? - Theo asked, approaching Dakota and Luna.

A sudden shout prevented the brothers from answering the question.

- The Weasleys sent a screamer," Terry Booth told the boys.

It was so nasty that Sasuke wanted to burn it himself by the end of the message.

History of Magic was the first two lessons of the second-year Ravenclaw class. The boys wished Luna luck and headed off to class with regret. While Beans tediously lectured, the brothers looked at the list of artefacts asked to be made in the first-year apprentice class. In Professor McGonagall's lesson, which came next, the brothers completed turning a dung beetle into a large button quite quickly and unwittingly noticed Harry's distracted state. Ravenclaw's fourth lesson was Potions. The brothers were pleased to see that their father was in good spirits, which had no effect on the number of points he was taking off. Having read that a ZOTI class was scheduled for the next day, the Princes looked forward to the class.

When the second-year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students entered the STEM room, Lokons was waiting for them, standing before the teacher's desk. The children spread out, whispering. The twins decided to sit in the middle to give themselves a better view of the upcoming 'show' and avoid attracting attention, as most girls chose the front desks and the boys the back.

Once everyone had taken their seats, Goldilocks walked over to a Hufflepuff student, Megan Jones, and picked up her book, 'Defeating the Ghost'.

- That's me," he said and winked. - "Goldilocks Locations, Knight of the Order of Merlin, third degree, honorary member of the League for the Defence Against Dark Powers, and five-time winner of the Magical Weekly's prize for the most charming smile." But let's not talk about that now. I didn't get rid of the Irish ghost that announces death with a smile!

Listening to his speech, the brothers couldn't shake the feeling that they were in a bad film. First, they are given a neurasthenic man who is a vessel for the Dark Lord's spirit, and now this peacock!

"We wouldn't have lasted a minute against Zabuza if we had a sensei like that! I was also complaining about Kakashi-san's tardiness! Compared to them, he's just a perfect teacher! Kakashi-sensei really hammered the basics into our heads, albeit in his own way. Chidori taught me, too. And he was a strong shinobi. Pfft, I'm not sure the Lokons could stand up to him for five minutes," Sasuke snorted mentally.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the ZOTI professor's announcement of a test on his books. Looking at the questions, the Princes looked at each other. Even though they had spent much time reading the books, not wanting to waste Sharingan and memorise everything by heart, Sasuke still didn't want to answer these stupid questions. Tearing a sheet out of his notebook carefully, he quickly wrote a note and handed it to his brother.

Let's have a contest for the wittiest answer. Limit: Lokons must not realise anything. If he thinks one of us is mocking him, the result is cancelled. Using the correct answers is not allowed.

Itachi nodded.

'Shisui would love this,' he thought, taking up his quill.

1. What is Goldilocks' favourite colour?

Itachi: the colour of the morning sun.

Sasuke: the colour of liquid molten gold.

2. What is Goldilocks' secret ambitious dream?

Itachi: to rid the whole world of monsters.

Sasuke: to become the best professor of the Dark Arts.

3. What is Goldilocks' most significant achievement to date?

Itachi: The professor proved that the smile is another tool in the fight against evil.

Sasuke: Saving Mrs Meredith from the ghouls flooding her house in the book Troll Trail. The poor lonely old woman had no one to turn to for help, but the professor, looking for a night's lodging and tired from a road full of danger, selflessly decided to help her.

In this way, the boys answered the test and finally reached the final question.

54. When is Goldilocks' birthday, and what is his perfect gift?

Itachi: the grateful smiles of people who have been saved.

Sasuke: for vampires to switch to donated blood and make peace with wizards.

Finished answering the questions, the twins were among the first to turn in their papers. After Lokons had spent inspecting the documents, he sighed.

- Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi! - He shook his head reproachfully. - 'None of you except Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones remember that my favourite colour is lilac. I write about it in my book Yorkshire Yeti. Only a few people knew about my ambitious dream, and no one gave a correct answer to the last one. Only Mr Sasuke Prince was close to the truth, albeit in a peculiar manner. In chapter twelve of my book "Encounters with Vampires", I wrote in black and white that the ideal gift for me on my birthday was goodwill between all humans, mages and non-magi. But, of course, I wouldn't say no to a bottle of Ogden's good fiery whiskey!

Laughs erupted from the back of the desks. Smiling, Lokons bent down at his desk and picked up a large, cloth-covered cage from the floor.

- Today, I will teach you how to restrain the most vile creatures in the wizarding world. I warn you, you will see something truly horrible in this room. But don't worry, as long as I'm around, nothing wrong will happen to you. The only thing I ask is that you remain calm.

The princes looked at her curiously, mentally reviewing the options of dangerous magical creatures they knew.

- Keep your voices down," Lokons said, lowering his voice and wagging his finger. - They might get overexcited.

The whole class held its breath, and Lokons pulled the cloth down.

- Yes, that's them," he said dramatically. - Just caught Cornish pixies.

The brothers felt ready to burst out laughing. Their usually unruffled faces flushed. Unlike them, Theo couldn't help himself and giggled, covering his mouth with his palm.

- Professor, they're not dangerous," Dakota wondered.

- You don't say. - Lokons shook his head. - Their amusements can be damned nasty. - Now, let's see how you deal with them!

Goldilocks opened the cage, filling the study with a swarm of squealing little creatures. The pixies tore up textbooks and notebooks, clung to their hair, and threw things around... The classroom was instantly in chaos. Noticing that Lokons had retreated under the teacher's desk, the brothers realised they wouldn't get any help from him. Sasuke used Duo's Dumbwaiter, and Itachi drew the cage and began to gather pixies with Accio's help. Realising the danger was over, the students started to get out from under their desks.

- Ten points to Ravenclaw for such an unusual solution to the problem! - came a cheer from Loconce.

The bell rang. The students hurried out of the classroom with obvious annoyance. Itachi handed the teacher the cage and hurried after his brother. They were soon caught up by Dakota and Theo.

- What you guys did was really cool! Such a well-coordinated job! You are the best students in our school! - exclaimed Theo.

- Pfft, it was nothing special," replied Sasuke.

- You don't say. None of us knew what to do, and that coward Locons left us to deal with it," Dakota growled.

- A peacock is a peacock," Theo snorted, "what are his questions worth?

- By the way," Itachi perked up, "could you be the judges of our dispute?

The older twin reached into his bag and pulled out a sheet of paper.

- These are my and Sasuke's answers. We'd like to know who won.

Having brought their friends up to speed, the brothers watched as their faces stretched. The friends began to read with interest, alternately bursting into laughter.

- Itachi, Sasuke, why don't we circulate this among the faculty and have a general vote?

Before the twins could reply, a sound came from behind them:

- What...

- ...a...

- ...vote?

The friends told the Weasley twins what had happened in class.

- Can...

- ...we...

- ...connect ...Gryffindor?

- Gryffindor?

- Well, as long as you hand them out to people you know and don't talk. We don't want the Lokons' groupies to find out,' Itachi replied.

The red-haired twins reproduced the sheets and ran to place their bets. Within a day, half of Hogwarts knew what had happened. Draco had also included Slytherin in the voting, and Dakota's acquaintance Ernie McMillon had included Hufflepuff. Somehow some of the teachers got wind of what had happened as well. In Transfiguration class, McGonagall had winked at them, Professor Stebel had given them points for 'ingenuity', and Professor Flitwick, as the Weasley Princes had been told, had even placed a bet. The twins feared their father's reaction, but seeing him barely holding back a mask of indifference from laughing, they calmed down. Sasuke won the vote, and Lokons, who never knew what had happened, watched in amazement as students passed by him, giggling suspiciously for the rest of the week.