
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs

Meet the Malfoys

Lucius Malfoy was having breakfast with his family when the house elf brought him a letter from Snape. Severus was his school friend and godfather to his son Draco. Even after all these years, he remembered how once, as a fifth-year student, he had come with Narcissa, then Black, to the library and seen a scrawny, dishevelled, poorly dressed freshman trying to magic a book down from a shelf. The girl persuaded Lucius to help the little Slytherin out, insisting on his duty as Headmistress. After handing the reader to the boy, Lucius expected a show of gratitude but received an angry look and a statement that his interference was unnecessary. Narcissa stopped the argument by asking Snape if he liked Hogwarts and what subjects he found most interesting. The boy didn't stop sarcastic but answered, gradually revealing more and more details. Black invited Severus to sit next to them in the great hall the next day. Thus he became part of their company. At first, Lucius was annoyed by his causticity, but he soon began to find his remarks extremely witty. Narcissa, he became a younger brother, along with Regulus. With Sirius, by the end of her studies, she had all but ceased to maintain a relationship. It annoyed her that he couldn't leave Severus alone, and only her unwillingness to quarrel with the proud boy, who forbade Lucius and her to get involved in the conflict, kept them from getting into a fight.

After Lucius and Narcissa finished school, they had a wedding to which they invited Snape. He soon became a frequent visitor to the estate, although the couple had to listen to many sarcastic comments each time, as Severus' morbid pride prevented him from sitting on his friends' necks. It was only natural that when the Malfoys had a son, Severus became his godfather. Draco adored him and often listened to his stories.

Lucius was a little surprised when he received the letter, as Snape usually spent the first week of his holiday alone, wanting a break "from those empty-headed goofballs". Malfoy let his wife read the letter and, announcing to his son that they would have a guest in the evening, wrote a reply.

It struck four o'clock. A housekeeper appeared with a clap in Lucius's study and announced the arrival of a guest. After sending the elf to warn his wife, Malfoy went to the living room. He immediately noted his friend's edgy look, gestured to the sofa and sat in an armchair. Looking into his eyes, he saw that a positive light flickered in them for the first time since Lily's death.

- Hello, Severus. Nothing terrible happened, I hope. You look cheerful. Dumbledore announced he was closing Gryffindor? - He tried to lighten the mood.

- Hello, Lutz. There's just been a sudden change in my life. I'd like to wait for Narsi, so I don't have to tell her twice.

- Cissy will be here soon. I've already sent her a message.

They had to sit silently for a few minutes before the door opened, and the mistress of the manor herself appeared.

- Hello, Sev. Why are you glowing like Lumos?

- Hello, Narcie. You're charming as ever. As for my mood, I'd like to give you two pieces of news. First, my grandfather contacted me. We've set the first meeting for tomorrow.

- It's about time because you kept saying, "No way! I won't talk to him!" - Narcissa mocked Severus.

- "Well, it just so happens. He's given me some vital information, and that's my second piece of news. I have sons.

- From where? - The spouses asked at the same time.

Laughing at their astonished faces, Severus said:

- 'I'll tell you everything in detail, only they're at my house now, and I don't want to leave the six-year-old boys alone for too long. I can bring them here.

- Of course, we would love to meet them," Narcissa replied.

As soon as Snape disappeared into the fireplace, Lucius snapped back and said:

- 'I can't believe it! Where have they been all this time? And who was their mother?

- Azumi Robinson. She was always tailing him at Hogwarts, you know.

- That's right, they started dating after graduation. It wasn't until shortly before the Dark Lord disappeared that Sev broke up with her.

- I never understood that. She was a nice girl. Though maybe he didn't want her involved with the Reavers. And then she was dead.

There was a brief moment of silence in the room. Suddenly the woman perked up and said with a smile:

- If they're six now, they're the same age as Draco! They may even become friends and go to the same department! They'll be like you, Reg, Sev and Antonin and me!

- Let's get to know them first. Otherwise, you'll start looking for brides for them so soon!

Narcissa snorted, but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she hadn't given up on her idea.

Soon the fireplace blared again, and three people appeared in the room one after another. Snape came out first, followed by two black-haired boys. Looking closely at them, Lucius noticed that they were very similar to their father, not only in hair and eye colour but also in posture and demeanour. At the same time, the facial features they had inherited from Azumi and the unspoiled skin from constant sleep deprivation made it seem as if they weren't even related unless you looked closer. They shook themselves off, and Severus said:

- May I introduce you to my sons, Itachi and Sasuke!

- Pleased to meet you, Lord and Lady Malfoy. My name is Itachi," the boy, whose hair was tied in a ponytail, bowed courteously.

- Nice to meet you, Lord and Lady Malfoy. And my name is Sasuke," the twin with the hedgehog on his head bowed.

- Welcome to Malfoy Manor; my name is Lucius Malfoy," Lucius said, "you may address me by my first name.

- And my name is Narcissa. We are happy to meet you, too," the woman said with a smile.

- Thank you very much," they said at the same time.

Both spouses were struck by the inner dignity with which the children held themselves.

"We should introduce them to Draco, let him learn. I love my son, but sometimes I think he's too much like the Blacks. He won't learn the simple rules of decorum," Lord Malfoy thought (he'd conveniently forgotten that his wife was a maiden Black).

Just when he thought of his son, there was a foot-stomping sound, and a six-year-old came running into the living room.

- They told me Uncle Sev was here," he shouted when he saw his mother.

Noticing the unfamiliar twins in the room, he stopped and hooted and walked up to his parents in a dignified manner that looked somewhat comical when coupled with his entrance into the room. Laughing, Narcissa said:

- Draco, we have guests. These are your Uncle Severus' sons.

Itachi stepped forward and said:

- It is a pleasure to meet you, Heir Malfoy. My name is Itachi," and he extended his hand to Draco.

After he shook it, the other child stepped forward and introduced himself:

- It is a pleasure to meet you, Heir Malfoy. My name is Sasuke.

After completing the introduction ceremony, Lucius called out to his son.

- Draco, Mother and I would like to speak with Severus. Could you entertain our guests and show them around the manor?

Nodding, Draco dragged his new acquaintances away for a tour. As soon as the door closed behind them and the adults sat down, Malfoy turned to Snape:

- Well, go ahead and tell me. You know you can't get away with this, don't you?

- I can't help it," Severus replied with a chuckle, "but first, I ask you to swear an immutable oath that everything you say, and the very existence of my sons, will remain secret, as will the fact that I have resumed contact with my grandfather.

After saying the vows, Lucius summoned the housekeeper and asked for wine. When the glasses were filled, he turned to Severus and indicated he was ready to listen carefully.

- As I said, I received a letter yesterday in which Lord Prince offered to meet me and expressed his desire to meet his great-grandchildren. I, of course, went straight to the goblins to find out if I really had children and where they were. They gave me the coordinates of an orphanage, where I immediately went with the necessary documents.

- A shelter?! - The couple cried out at the same time.

- Yes. After Azumi died, they were sent there.

- Poor children! - Narcissa groaned.

She felt sick when she imagined Draco in their shoes. Looking back at her husband made her realize he felt the same way.

- I had, as you can imagine, not happy thoughts. An orphanage is not conducive for a child, especially for a young wizard with occasional magical outbursts. Do you remember the Dark Lord telling you that he was feared and considered an outcast because of his constant oddities?

The Malfoys darkened. As Voldemort's closest associates, they knew his history, which was the reason he wanted to go into politics. Before he became insane, Marvolo had prepared a project where all young wizards should be taken to special orphanages to grow up with other wizards and be taught about magic from childhood. He also planned to take little wizards away from Muggles, who wanted nothing to do with magic. However, his scheme was not destined to come to fruition. The Ministry didn't want to spend the money on it, declared that wizards were perfectly capable of getting along with Muggles, and then accused Marvolo of wanting to take children away from their parents.

- For those reasons," Severus continued, "I rushed to get them out of there. I didn't even think about what I would do if Dumbledore wouldn't let me take them to Hogwarts. You can't leave two kids for a year with one housekeeper.

- If anything, they can stay with us; Draco would love the company," Lucius said.

- Thank you," Severus replied.

An outsider would have thought he did not care, as he did not change the tone of his voice, but his friends noted the gratitude that flashed in his eyes.

- Anyway, I arrived there and went straight to the headmaster. To my surprise, she immediately understood which children they were talking about. It turned out that they were her favourites and the whole orphanage.

The Malfoys stared at him in surprise.

- She described them as kind, considerate and capable children who liked reading books and exercising. No strange occurrences were even mentioned.

- They have no magical emissions? - Narcissa asked worriedly," I hope you've already taken them to Mungo for inspection? If they're squibs, they can still make conspiracies, brew simple potions and infuse some rune chains. And if they have a problem with the core, immediate action must be taken!

Only the spy's years of stamina and skill at occlusion helped Severus keep his face and not flinch. In her fighting mood, Narcissa frightened him more than Bella in her state of frantic seizure. Swallowing, he hurried to calm her down as quickly as possible.

- Actually, Itachi and Sasuke were fine. That's even an understatement. They've just learned to control the emissions," Severus said and enjoyed the shock written on the aristocrats' faces.

- How?" asked Lucius, hoarsely, barely conscious, "They're not over eight years old!

- They'll be seven in two months," Severus smiled evasively. "They've noticed that the strangest things happen when they're in intense emotion, so they've tried to control them. Even got hold of some meditation books.

- I could tell they were your kids. I remember when you used to wade through those meditation books," Lucius laughed, then grew serious.

- Not only that. Not only that, but they can trigger them on their own.

- How?!

Severus could enjoy the shock written on the Malfoys' faces for the second time that day.

- Something like that I had only heard of from the Dark Lord. Even the children of aristocrats learn this when they are nine years old! How much potential do they have! - Lucius asked excitedly.

- Clearly above average. Itachi has a gift for potions and mentalism and abilities in enchantments and artefacts. Sasuke also has a talent for potions and skills in combat magic, transfiguration, and artefacts. Also, both have a penchant for wandless. Also elemental magic clearly comes easily to them. They have learned to lift things into the air and control fire and lightning.

As he spoke, the eyes of both spouses rounded more and more. Satisfied with the effect, Severus decided to finish them off.

- They also quickly created illusions, conveying both colour and volume and sensation.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Snape decided to let them come to their senses.

- Severus, if everything is as you say, then they can surpass the Dark Lord and possibly Dumbledore as well," Lucius said.

- 'I think that's likely, but they seemed clever enough to me not to repeat his fate. And I won't let them do that, either. By the way, I told them in general terms about the confrontation between the purebloods and the muggles.

- And how did they react? - Lucius asked curiously.

- Aren't they too young to discuss such topics with them? - Narcissa asked incredulously.

- Surprisingly, they understood and asked why the purebloods had not explained the laws of magic to the Muggleborns," Severus replied and laughed.

- 'Reg, as you may recall, tried. He was told it was all nonsense, magic couldn't have a mind, and we were just holding on to our traditions. "Scientists have proven that, although abilities can be inherited, like looks, they depend on both parents and can't appear after acceptance into the clan since it's only a family name," Lucius mocked, then sighed, "Yes, and the Ministry supports them. There are a lot of Muggle-borns, half-breeds whose parents have disowned the clan, and representatives, though pure-blooded but not ancient families, who have no clan gifts, because they have no respect for magic and do not want to perform rituals. They don't know what they're talking about. It's a good thing the members of the House of Lords haven't lost their influence. There are few true aristocrats in the Ministry. They're either busy with family matters or on their way to gaining skills and developing their gifts and abilities.

The friends discussed various matters for a long time, and when they came to their senses, they found that the conversation had dragged on for three hours, so they searched for the children. Those were found in the living room, the younger Malfoy telling Itachi and Sasuke about his love of Quidditch. The only way to get Draco away from his new friends was to promise they would return the next day. After saying goodbye, Snape and the children hid in the fireplace.