
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs

Lord Prince

Arnold Prince was in high spirits. He had finally met his grandson! At first, the conversation did not stick, for they had inherited the Prince's heavy character, but their shared love of potions helped them find common ground. Not only did Severus have the family appearance of black hair and eyes, but he also had ancestral gifts! As the conversation continued, Arnold became increasingly convinced that his grandson would make a fine Lord Prince. He had a sharp mind, willpower and determination to go all the way, was considerate, and had a kind and loyal heart, which he hid behind a ton of sarcasm, bile and a mask of complete indifference. Within five hours, they had learned to get on well and get around sharp edges.

When it was time for Severus to return home, Lord Prince persuaded him to stay longer so that Arnold could perform the ritual of introducing the heir to the family. The ritual itself wasn't complicated, but it took a lot of energy from the wizard performing it, and Lord Prince wasn't sure he could complete it in one day for three people at once: a grandchild and great-grandchildren, and then not go down with magical exhaustion. After the ritual, all of the family's magic came flooding back to Severus, embracing and acknowledging him. He seemed rejuvenated, the bags under his eyes gone, the painful yellowing of his skin. His facial features took on a predatory beauty.

Sensing the change, Severus summoned the housekeeper and asked for a mirror. Asked about the reason for the change, Arnold replied that ancestral magic was the key to wizards' longevity, and since his grandson was not formally introduced, it could not flow freely within him. Had he been a child, there would have been no such problems, as their magic was still growing and developing, and the changes were gradual.

- The children won't recognise me now! And how am I going to scare the students? They don't want to learn anything without a kick in the ass!

- Don't worry; I'll give you an artefact that will give you the illusion of your past appearance. You'll be able to wear it at Hogwarts. The artefact becomes invisible and cannot be felt by the wizard wearing it, it is powered by the wizard's magical field, so no one will notice it," Arnold replied, smiling as he watched his grandson's pacing, "By the way, we need to check the ancestral tapestry for changes.

When the elf he had summoned returned with the necessary artefact, grandfather and grandson went to the hall above the room with the altar. On its wall hung a massive tapestry with many names. Almost all characters were black, except for the name of the Lord and Severus, which was red, and the words of Itachi and Sasuke were grey. Severus' name had changed, and instead of Severus Tobias Snape, the tapestry was painted 'Severus Allistair Prince'. The character's owner was pleased with the change, though he tried not to show it.

- Would I have to change my documents at the Ministry?

- No, that institution, though created by wizards, has nothing to do with them. It is simply that a new name will appear at the blood test, and if you swear by magic and say your old name, the oath will be invalid. Also, the ritual has cleared you of your vows and oaths.

Severus instinctively tried to grab his right arm, but with an effort of will, he forced himself to freeze.

- No. He couldn't destroy the bond," the hope flashed in Severus's eyes, "But he could weaken it considerably. Now we can block it if we want to. Though that would require a great deal of magic. The Lord's Rite of Initiation and the Lord's Rite of Acceptance have the same effect, though the latter in a much weaker form. You don't think Voldemort was just trying to enrol and tag only wizards who had graduated, and in the case of wizards, to wait until they were married? It wasn't just for reasons of secrecy. He knew about the power of the rituals and didn't want his influence on his supporters to diminish.

- I also wondered why he'd waited so long to give Bella the mark. He said it would be a wedding gift... But why didn't they take advantage of the loophole and leave when the Lord went mad?

- You tell me!

- Most of them were pureblood and already part of some noble family; the rest either didn't know or didn't want to stay in debt. And after his fall, it no longer mattered..." Severus flinched, "So you know?

- I couldn't help but wonder what was happening in your life. I'm sorry I didn't keep you from joining this group, Amanda, your grandmother, fell ill just a year before you graduated from Hogwarts, and I dropped out of public life.

- I have to take responsibility for my own mistakes. At least now, the mark can be blocked in case of trouble.

- Is Voldemort dead, or is there still the suspicion that he might return? - Lord Prince asked suspiciously.

Severus twitched, evidently not wanting to discuss the matter, but still reluctantly said:

- Dumbledore suspects he may return.

- I see... And you will take up spying again?

- Yes. I promised myself I would do everything possible to prevent him from winning. I used to want to do it to redeem myself, but with the boys, I realised that I didn't want more children to be orphaned and endangered just because of blood status.

- I see. I won't discourage you. Our family members have always kept their word. However, now you won't be alone. I'd appreciate you letting me help you.

Severus reluctantly nodded.

- Very well, then. Now it's time for you to go to the children. I expect to see you in a day. We'll do the ritual for them then.

And they said goodbye.

And now, Arnold awaited the arrival of his grandson and great-grandchildren. According to Severus, they were intelligent, polite, well-mannered and highly gifted magically. As early as six years old, they had learned how to contain magical emissions and channel them as well! The Lord Prince was looking forward to meeting them. He feared that they, like all children, would be noisy and restless, which at seventy-eight was challenging to handle. He had had minimal contact with anyone since his daughter's escape and his son's death three years later, and after the end of his wife, he had become a recluse. After his wife's death, he became a recluse.

And now Arnold waited for the arrival of his grandson and great-grandchildren. According to Severus, they were already showing signs of becoming powerful wizards. To think, they had learned on their own not only to contain magical emissions but to redirect the magic in the direction they wanted! On top of all that, Sasuke and Itachi were acting remarkably mature. Assuming the fact that they were wizards was proven by the unusual occurrences that happened to them, the brothers were not too surprised, but the twins also accepted the fact that their father did not know of their existence without any fuss and did not question him about the reason for their quarrel with Azami. Not only did they understand the state Magical England found itself in after Voldemort's death, but also the problems it had caused in education. Arnold didn't know if they would want to continue the family tradition and become potion smiths or decide to do something else, but he was sure they could make a name for themselves.

An elf appeared in the room with a clap:

- The heir and the little hosts had arrived.

When the Lord Prince arrived in the drawing room, he saw his grandson and two six-year-old boys looking around the setting with polite curiosity.

"True Princes! Our family traits, and how they hold up! You wouldn't say you've lived in an orphanage for four years!" smiled Arnold.

The children noticed him and bowed politely, Severus introducing the children in turn. After the introduction ceremony was completed and everyone was seated, Lord Prince asked:

- Tell us about yourself. What are your hobbies?

He already knew from his grandson that the brothers had enjoyed studying the properties of plants and were likely to be interested in potions, but he wanted a personal opinion.

- I am interested in the properties of different substances. Sasuke and I have read many books describing flora and fauna of the non-magical world, and we found a chemistry book for children in the orphanage library. In the past, we might have guessed that a magical world existed, but we had no proof, so I thought about getting involved with that science and working in a company that invented medicines," Itachi said.

- Why medicine in particular? There are many fields in which your knowledge could be applied. In the cosmetics industry, for example.

-I want to help people, the older twin simply said; I am also interested in the science of creating new spells. I am interested in how the mechanism works.

- I see. And you, Sasuke? What do you want to do?

- I am still determining. Like Itachi, I like chemistry, but I'm also interested in the science of creating artefacts. I'd like to pursue the issue of combining Muggle technology and magic. For example, wizards have already adapted cameras for themselves, so why not do the same with a camera, TV or radio?

- I see. You want to invent something new.

Sasuke nodded.

- And as you probably already know from your father, I take care of the family business. Sometimes I leave time for potion-making. I used to do a lot of bespoke brewing, but now it's more of a hobby. I'm also quite good at painting.

The children looked at him curiously, but their upbringing prevented them from asking further. Arnold smiled and invited them into another room where many paintings were hung on the walls. Some of them were moving, and some showed no sign of magic. One could sense that they were made by the hand of a master.

- I was taking lessons in regular painting and magic, so everything was mixed here.

The children enjoyed looking at the landscapes and listening to the stories behind their creations. Grandfather was pleased to tell the children about the places depicted on them and mentioned some professional techniques. At the end of the tour, Itachi asked for some lessons.

After finishing a tour of the Prince Manor, Lord Prince and his family went to the ritual hall. The presentation ceremony went smoothly for the children, and their appearance, as Arnold expected, did not undergo any changes; tired but satisfied with the work done, he began to tell the children about the history of this ritual. The children were particularly interested in how the ancestral tapestry worked, so the Lord decided to lead them to it.

As soon as he entered the fitting room and approached the tapestry to show the great-grandchildren their names, Arnold froze in amazement. He'd expected the children to stop being Robins but hadn't expected them to acquire a double surname. The tapestry read "Itachi Joshi Prince Uchiha" and "Sasuke Indra Prince Uchiha.

The Lord Prince noticed that his confusion did not escape the eyes of his grandson, who stood with his arms crossed on his chest, showing with all his appearance that he was waiting for an explanation. The children came too, and when they noticed their names on the tapestry, they asked:

- Why do we have a double surname?

- The thing is, our family has Japanese roots. Don't be surprised, Severus; we've inherited nothing but black hair and eyes. Too much water has passed. Once upon a time, in the thirteenth century, a girl called Marley lived in England. As you may have guessed, she was a sorceress, her mother died when she was very young, and Marley lived with her father, who was interested in studying rare animals. After hearing from a friend, a traveller, that he had seen many fascinating magical animals in Japan, Marley's father wanted to go there to study them. At the time, a war was brewing in England with Wales, so he could not leave his daughter alone and decided to take her with him. The new country really impressed them, not only with its nature but also its unique culture. While her father studied the animals, Marleigh enjoyed learning the language, new rules and traditions. Her father adored his business, and his fame soon reached a respected family who lived nearby. In those days, magical Japan, like magical Britain, was divided among lords and consisted of several states ruled by clans. One of these was the Uchiha clan. Marlei and her father had the honour of being invited to visit the family of the head of the line. While her father told the Uchiha head about his research, Marlei chatted with his children and quickly became friends, becoming frequent visitor to the estate. She soon discovered that she had fallen in love with the head's heir, Akihiro, and he fell in love with her in return. Realising his father would never consent to their marriage, the young man waited until Marley left for home and ran off to join her on the ship. Marlay's father was surprised by the turn of events but blessed them. When they reached England, Akihiro and Marley decided to establish their own family. Because Akihiro's name was difficult for the English to pronounce, they began to call him Prince, as he was the clan's heir. Marley and Akihiro were the founders of the Prince family.

There was silence in the room for a while. The silence was interrupted by Sasuke:

- Are there any Uchiha left in Japan?

- As far as I know, the manor was attacked during WWII, and the last clan leader was killed.

- So we're the last of the Uchiha?

- That's probably true. But your father and I didn't have the honour of carrying the family name because there's too little Japanese blood left in us. Your mother's Japanese ancestry has probably awakened a dormant heritage. One of you could even take the title of head of the clan, the equivalent of a lord in Europe.

The children nodded thoughtfully. Deciding not to burden the children any further, Severus and Arnold sent them for a walk in the garden.

When the door of Lord Prince's study was closed, his grandson sat down in the chair opposite his grandfather and raised an eyebrow, looking at him intently:

- What's the matter," Arnold asked.

- That's not all the information, is it? You know something else about the Uchiha.

The Lord sighed.

- 'I'm not sure. There is some information in the clan's records that I need clarification on. It says that the Uchiha clan had unusual generic gifts. They could control fire with single wandless magic, easily cast illusions and generally work with the mind, and make a person do anything. Their eyes could change colour to red and reveal a pattern in them. With them, the Uchiha could memorise vast amounts of information and mark the slightest changes, which helped them anticipate their opponent's movements in combat. Like I said, I've never heard of anything like that, but after talking to your sons, I'm beginning to think there's some truth to it. Surely you've noticed they are highly educated and well-read for their age.

Severus nodded.

- Is there any more information in there? About generic curses, for instance? It would undoubtedly appear in Gringotts checks, but I want to ensure.

- No. It says only that the clan members' emotions were affected by the clan's generic gifts, which were manifested, for example, in their intense closeness to one another and their decreased tendency to associate with anyone other than family members. One consequence was their tendency to become insane when they lost their loved ones.

- I have noticed that they are extremely friendly, and their first priority is to protect their family," the Heir Prince said thoughtfully, "I will ask them if their ancestral gifts have manifested themselves in the form of eye colour changes. It's no big deal, really. It's no big deal. You'll just have to watch them closely. At least they're not life-limiting curses.

Arnold nodded with a smile.

- I would like you to come and live with me. Castle Prince is relatively secluded, so I'd like to ask you to brighten my loneliness. Oh, and it's to your advantage, too: I'll look after the children while you're at Hogwarts and hire them teachers in etiquette, the history of Wizarding England and the basics of the magical sciences. I'm sure they'll be top of the class when they get to school. And you can make use of the castle's family library and laboratory. I've already told you I rarely cook anything, so it will be at your complete disposal.

It was apparent Severus found the offer very tempting.

- Good. But I don't want anyone to know I've become the heir. So far, only the Malfoys know, but they've taken the Unbreakable Vow. I don't want my children to be held responsible for my mistakes, and if Voldemort returns, I would feel safer knowing they were protected by the family enchantments. I'm sure he'll want my children to join his ranks.

- I agree. We'll say they are grandchildren of one of my sons, like Bernard. Their parents died of Dragonpox, and I took the children into my care.

- It might work," Severus agreed, "And another thing. I want Itachi and Sasuke to get a non-magical education as well.

He stopped Arnold, who had tried to say something to that, with a wave of his hand.

- You know as well as I do that Muggle technology is advancing rapidly. The boys will benefit from it for their general education. My knowledge of chemistry, for instance, has led to some exciting discoveries in potions. And there are more Muggles than wizards, so it would be good for the twins to learn how to navigate their world.

- You're probably right. Knowledge is always relevant. Then let's enrol them in Muggle school. I'll send an elf to transport the children to it, and then they'll summon him to pick them up afterwards.

The grandfather and grandson discussed the details of Itachi and Sasuke's upcoming education, and after half an hour, they picked them up from the garden. Before saying goodbye, they agreed that the elves would move Severus and the brothers' belongings to Prince Manor the next day. It had been decided not to sell the house in Spider's End so as not to arouse suspicion.

Arnold looked forward to the arrival of his family.

Upon returning home, Severus turned to his sons:

- 'Itachi, Sasuke, tell me, just remember, I'll understand if you lie to me,' and he gave them his trademark look, 'Has anything else unusual happened to you besides what you have already told me?

The children immediately looked at each other.

- What do you mean? - Itachi asked.

- For example, did your eyes change colour?

The children frowned and looked at each other.

- Yes, that happened. When we were worrying too much, they would turn red. We thought it was magic and didn't pay attention because, with meditation, we could control it, Itachi answered calmly.

- Can you show me how you do it?

The children nodded, and their eyes suddenly turned red, and three commas appeared around the pupil on the iris. Severus looked at them intently. Whispering a diagnostic spell, he noticed a flow of magical energy flow from the core to their eyes.

- Does it affect your vision in any way?

- We see more clearly and notice the most minor details, which helps us to anticipate the movements of those around us. Also, we remember everything we see when our eyes are in this state instantly and never forget. We've tested it by memorising poems this way," Itachi shrugged.

- Well, they also help you create more powerful illusions," Sasuke added.

- Don't your eyes get tired of being in that state?

- No," Itachi smiled, "It costs us practically nothing.

Severus hummed, asked them to 'turn off' their eyes and thought for a moment. Apparently, that was what the Sharingan was all about. Handy stuff, but we still need to learn more about how it affects vision.

- Dad, is something wrong? Can't all wizards do that? - Sasuke's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Looking into his son's worried eyes, Severus smiled.

- It's alright. No, not everyone can do that. That's what the Sharingan is - your traditional gift.

- Can't you do that? - Sasuke asked.

- No," he shook his head, "That's just your and Itachi's thing. Like your great-grandfather said, I have too much European blood in me. As for the Sharingan, try not to use it too much now, and I will see if I can find out how it affects your vision or if it will cause blindness. Is that clear?

- Good," the brothers answered at the same time.

- Now off to bed. By the way, your great-grandfather has invited us to live with him, how do you like the idea?

The twins' eyes lit up.

- I want to learn to draw like him," Itachi said calmly, though his eyes betrayed excitement.

- And I saw a hippogriff at his place," Sasuke said excitedly, his eyes turning puppy-like, "Can I ride it?

Severus tried his best to keep his face and not blurt out in adoration.

- Only under adult supervision and after you've learned safety procedures," he said sternly.

- Yes! You're the best dad ever! - Sasuke suddenly threw himself around his neck.

After stroking his son on the head, Severus sent the twins off to bed. Only now did he realise how much his life would change, but he was inspired by the change.