
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs

Arrival and first two years

When Sasuke woke up, he immediately saw Mikoto's face, and only years of shinobi stamina kept him from screaming. However, he quickly realised he was mistaken, as the young woman in her twenties had brown hair and light grey eyes.

- Look how handsome he is, keeping up with his brother! What are you going to call him?

- Sasuke, after my grandfather's best friend. He raised me after my parents and grandparents died.

- That's a great name! Let me take it to my brother.

Sasuke didn't understand anything from their dialogue, only caught his name, which even in this world survived. That must have been his new mother; only then, where was the father? Before the other woman took him in her arms, Sasuke turned to his mother, and the corners of his lips stretched into a smile. Could he be brought to him now? Itachi said that when he was born, Fugaku even smiled, which was uncharacteristic of Uchis with their constant poker face. Of course, it was a second son! The other son is the one that Fugaku later became disillusioned with, almost calling him a disgrace to the clan (not to his face, of course, but Sasuke overheard a conversation between him and Mikoto one day). It's not like he's his genius older brother! Sasuke tried to push those thoughts away. Now he and Itachi had a new life and a new family together. By the way, where is Nii-chan? He was five years older than me in his previous life; wouldn't he be the younger one now? After all, there's no way Rikudo could have tricked him into not granting his wish!

While Sasuke was thinking all this over, he was brought into a room full of babies. He had already realised that he was in the hospital. A nurse placed Sasuke on the bed, and as soon as she stepped back, Sasuke tried to look around as far as his infant body would allow. There was an empty bed on one side of him, so he turned his head to the other side. From the next bed, his reflection was looking at him.

Itachi! A thought flashed through his mind, and he tried to pronounce it, but his infant throat couldn't utter anything intelligible except a nii. The infant blinked and tried to produce something, but was faced with the same problem, only spoke something resembling o. Ni-san was here! Proper now, they had apparently become twins, though he had even managed to be born here before. Something akin to envy flashed in Sasuke's soul, but the sheer joy of seeing his brother alive again instantly overcame that, and he laughed. Itachi smiled with his toothless mouth as well, and even though they couldn't talk, Sasuke felt that Nii-san wanted to flick him on the forehead like he always did when trying to show that he cared about his ototo and loved him. Unused to such exertion, his body quickly gave up, and they both fell asleep.

Sasuke had gotten used to his new body by the time it was time to be discharged, which made him very uneasy. Even considering that all shinobi can adapt to unique circumstances, the fact that he had so quickly come to terms with being in an infant state was puzzling. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that it was Rikudo's work. He also noted that although he still had memories of his past life, it was as if they had faded away. Sasuke decided it was even better that way since he had a new life now, and he didn't want to be disturbed by the ghosts of his and his brother's past.

When they left the hospital, their mother brought them to an old lady named Mary, who lived there. As the brothers later realised, the mother had rented a room from her. After a week, a month, or a year, their father never showed up, and both Itachi and Sasuke, based on their previous experience, decided that he was dead. But they weren't too worried about that and tried diligently to crawl first and then walk. They also tried to learn a new language, and thanks to their excellent memory, they only spoke fluently after a year, but they understood a lot. The mother, they found out, was Azumi Robinson, and she couldn't be happy watching how quickly her children were developing and often repeated during tea parties with Mary that they were geniuses.

Miss Robinson was rarely visited, but one day a young woman came to see, and they settled down in the drawing room. Itachi and Sasuke were crawling beside each other on the carpet, so they could hear the entire conversation. It turned out that the girl's name was Alice, she had a son Neville and a husband, Frank, and she had attended Hogwarts School with Azumi (the brothers decided it was the shinobi version of the Academy). All in all, she seemed very kind and sweet. Then, the twins got their first glimpse of magic in a new world. As soon as Alice entered, their mother waved some kind of stick and said unfamiliar words, then she sat on a chair and invited Alice to sit on the couch. The latter immediately reached out to the children, taking each one in her arms and caressing them (Sasuke fidgeted and pulled away, which was ineffective given his one-year-old age, but Itachi endured it with his usual pouty attitude).

- I can't believe it's been so long! - She paused in her speech as she let go of her brothers, "You haven't written anything since Hogwarts; you don't write letters every month!

- I wanted to be an artefact master, but things got complicated, and then the twins were born, and I didn't have time for that. All I had time to do was get an apprenticeship. Now I work in a shop. Determining whether or not to buy an artefact.

- Yes, I remember your talent for spells and transfiguration... But it's okay; the kids will grow up, go to school, and you can continue your studies.

- You're right. We'll see how life turns out.

- By the way, how's Snape? They're his sons. I remember you blushing and stammering every time I saw him; I was afraid you'd faint! Only at graduation did you get the courage to approach him. By the way, the twins have your features and his eye and hair colour. And Sasuke probably started working on his look as well. You should have told him to be more careful around children, or the little guy might try to scold them! - Alice laughed.

- Severus doesn't know anything about them. And let's put this to bed," Azumi cut the matter off, turning sullen at once.

- How so?! He left you?!

- I left on my own.

- But why? Only a blind man can't see that you're in love with him!

- That's not enough. It takes two to have a relationship.

- You mean Lily? I remember him chasing after her like a puppy, but I thought he was over it...

- I thought so too," Azumi sighed, "but I guess I was wrong. Besides, you know how his social circle has become...

- Eaters..." she sighed, then braced herself, "and Frank and I haven't been out in a long time. Ever since the prophecy was made that a boy would be born at the end of July and would be his equal, I've been home with Neville. Sometimes Frank's mother would take him out to get me some fresh air, but at least we weren't his first priority. Wouldn't it be better if we were like the Potters under Fidelius? By the way, weren't your sons born then, too?

- July 25th," Azumi smiled, "so I didn't defy Him and have nothing to fear. I have never told anyone except you about the birth of children, and I have never gone out except for the shop, so I put an illusion on my appearance with a little artefact. It's expensive, but the goblin work is worth it and safer that way.

They talked some more about the children, and Alice hurried home. Undoubtedly this conversation gave the brothers much food for thought. Firstly, they learned that their mother was a sorceress: she had never used magic on them before. Secondly, their father's name was Severus Snape, and he was a member of some illegal organisation (the brothers looked at each other as they recalled their involvement in Akatsuki). Thirdly, some men put fear into the magical community, whose name the magicians were afraid to even say. At this point, Sasuke almost snorted. Of course, how could there be a new world without another Madara! He would be a twin brother if he also decided to take over the world. And lastly, the man, supposedly a wizard, feared the boy who would be born in July. At this point, Sasuke almost nervously laughed; now, it turns out to be a mixture of paranoid Danzo and Madara. Just a super combo. The new world never ceased to amaze him.

Time passed. The brothers were developing, learning to run and speak in short sentences; the stamina and conspiracy of the shinobi prevailed, so they tried to seem only slightly more intelligent than their peers. Alice only came a couple more times, and then the Daily Prophet wrote that one of the Death Eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange, was torturing her and her husband to find out where their son was. The boy was at his grandmother's house at the time, which saved him, while Alice and Frank were sent to Mungo (a magical hospital) due to prolonged torture with a Crucio spell. As Sasuke and Itachi learned from the newspaper, this was a banned spell, along with the killing Avada Kedavra, which struck them as an interesting fact: Sasuke and Itachi were sure that there were a large number of deadly spells; why this particular one made it onto the banned list remained a mystery to them. The Longbottom couple never regained consciousness. Voldemort, who turned out to be the wizard everyone feared, died as his Avada bounced off their boy Harry, a boy of the same age, leaving the boy with only a lightning scar. His parents, Lily and James Potter, were killed, and the child's fate was unknown. Itachi found it interesting that Mrs Potter's name was the same as their father's favourite girl, but he didn't stress it as there weren't many people with the same name? Magical England sighed freely.

The brothers' daily routine now consisted of the following: Azumi would get up, make breakfast, wake them up and feed them. Then she would go to work and leave them with Mary, who was devoted to the little ones and always tried to bring them something nice to eat. When she started cooking dinner, the children would steal the newspaper from the table and read the news. The Daily Prophet was their only chance to find out what was going on in the magical world, they also learned that the Eaters had been tried, but many escaped prison as they claimed to have been under the influence of a subduing Imperius spell. They also learned that their father had turned out to be a spy for the 'light' side, and he had been released. Itachi was surprised that they appeared to have so much in common with their new father, and the brothers decided that when they entered Hogwarts (where he worked as a Potions teacher), they would look into him and perhaps report on their family connections. The former Uchiha and now Robinsons respected their new mother's opinion but lacked a large family. The Uchiha were a large clan, Sasuke and Itachi had another cousin Shisui and a sister and three third cousins, though they were only in close contact with Shi-Kun.

After lunch, the brothers practised physical training and meditated, trying to feel and control the magic. They realised that, unlike chakra, it does not flow through channels from the hearth but is produced in the nucleus located in the wizard's chest, and, through trial and error, that it bursts out in bursts when magic is performed. From then on, they tried to practice summoning it themselves, though given their young age, they were not very good at it; the two of them were very persistent.

Itachi's first outburst happened while they read the Prophet, and Mary suddenly decided to check on them. There was no way she could hide the paper; if she noticed the moving pictures, she would know immediately that it was magic. Itachi, badly wishing he had his ninjutsu abilities again, put the illusion of an ordinary newspaper on it. Mary then laughed that the children wanted to replicate their mother's behaviour, read the newspaper in the morning, and did not scold them. The Robinsons began to practise with redoubled vigour. They attempted the familiar chakra sheet to the forehead, but then, realising that magic responded more readily to a sincere desire, they tried what was one of their clan's trademarks, casting illusions. They decided not to experiment with fire yet. Soon they could cast light illusions, changing the colour of objects. When they "accidentally" showed this to Azumi, she was over the moon because her babies were growing up to be powerful magicians! They have outbursts as early as two years old, though usually, it's by the age of four. They are definitely the most amazing!

The decision to show their magic to their mother was not spontaneous. The brothers wanted to know what level they were at and what direction to go to develop their abilities, and aside from Azumi and Alice, they needed to have experienced mages. Azumi showed them Levios' Vingardium, a levitation spell, and entertained them by flying objects around the room. From that day on, the brothers incorporated it into their training.

Sasuke and Itachi's new life flowed carefree and quietly, not to be considered a strain on their training, as the clan training was much more difficult. However, their happiness didn't last forever. One day a policeman knocked on the door.

- Excuse me, ma'am, did Azumi Robinson live here?

- Yes, what's the problem? And why did she? She still lives here," Mary asked in surprise.

- I regret to inform you that she was hit and run over by a car while she was out getting food. The driver was under the influence of illegal substances. According to witnesses, the car suddenly jumped around a corner. Miss Robinson did not have time to react and move out of its path.

"Or use magic," the brothers thought. Oh, and there were a lot of muggles.

Itachi and Sasuke simultaneously felt the familiar tear in their eyes. Their Sharingan had awakened. "He had the Eternal Mangeke and Rinnegan, but they were blocked because if they had used the second stage of the Sharingan, their two-and-a-half-year-old bodies wouldn't have been able to withstand the strain, and they didn't have the strength to hold their eyes in that state. They heard further dialogue as if through cotton wool.

- How come she was such a good, kind girl. She entertained the old woman... And the children? What about her children? What about the children? They're motherless, aren't they? What will become of them?

- I'm sorry, ma'am. If they have no other relatives, they'll go to an orphanage.

Mary grieved for a long time over Azumi's death and worried the children would be orphaned. She constantly apologised to the children that she could not leave them behind, for she was eighty years old and would not have been able to manage them alone. The twins also took the loss somewhat challenging; they had already grown attached to Azumi, and the peaceful civilian life had, in many ways, allowed them to relax and feel a little carefree. However, the reflexes still hadn't completely gone away. They would not hesitate to exchange the gift of a newfound kekkei genkai for the life of the woman who had replaced their mother. A week later, the brothers were sent to an orphanage.