Lin Fai and Ming Xie got down into the Laboratory and saw Lin Huang who was lazing on the couch, he had already completed noting down the things he had wanted to.
"Lin Huang." They called him uniformly.
"Ohhh Grandpa, Ming Xie, you guys are back? How was the situation in the Capital?" He inquired enthusiastically and everything seemed to be in control with that sweet innocent smile.
"All good, why do I feel like you are warm today?" Lin Fai joined him on the couch as Lin Huang brewed some tea for him.
"Hehe, Grandpa.. of course, I need to be happy and welcoming, we are on the road to victory, why not?" He smiled warmly, Zhou Hua moved away, he couldn't get himself to watch that scene.
"Oooh how about we play some chess, I don't know if you can make any moves.." Lin Fai suggested as a sly fox he was.