
The Tyrant Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Jon Hardy had no intention to hold back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1945 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Jon Hardy is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · perkotaan
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458 Chs

Chapter 190 Merging

  "Bill, how's the situation with the Austrians gang?" Hardy asked.

  Bill shook his head. "Not great. You asked me to make friends with the Austrians gang. This morning, I got a call from one of their leaders. He told me that the Austrians gang now knows about Mr. Sigel and Boss Fred's deaths. Plus, they were attacked last night. People are very down and worried now."

  Worry was just right. When people's hearts are unsettled and the situation is tense, some untimely ambitions and ideas will be suppressed.

  "Bill, call Alan Payne and tell him I want to talk to the Austrians gang leaders. You'll come with me later," Hardy said.

  "Okay, boss."

  Alan Payne, after being rescued by Bill last night, took a long time to recover at home. He slept fitfully, waking up several times in between. At around 8 a.m., he received Bill's call, informing him that Boss Hardy wanted to meet with the Austrians gang leaders.