
The Tyrant's Pet

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. A princess from the small kingdom of Rikhill was loved by all. With her beauty that was enchantingly demure and a wise mind, she had caught a lot of attention and captured the hearts of many. One of them was the dashing crown prince of the Maganti Empire. Overcome by the desire to have her and his interest in the land of the small kingdom, the crown prince of the said empire would stop at nothing. The knights from the Maganti Empire marched across the masses and seized the four-hundred-year-old kingdom of Rikhill. The kingdom of Rikhill fell into ruin overnight. The crown prince left no members of the royal family alive aside from his war trophy, Aries. After suffering in his hands, Aries found the perfect chance to escape. That was when he took her to the world summit. A gathering of each sovereign from each kingdom and empire for peace talks. There, she met the emperor of Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Overwhelm by desperation, Aries begged him to take her in. It was too late when she realized that the man she asked for help was far more cruel, twisted, and downright diabolical than the crown prince for taking her as his… pet! EXCERPT: With a pair of crimson eyes hovering over her, Aries held her breath. When the corner of his lips curled up devilishly, she couldn’t react fast as he swiftly flipped their position. She only realized it when she was saddling him, gazing down at Abel, wide-eyed. “No one is above me in this empire and even out — not even the law, but look at you,” he intoned with a devilish smirk. “Staring down on me… so daunting.” Aries bit her lip, planting her palm on her inked chest. “Your Majesty…” “Do you now understand the power you hold, darling?” Abel carefully wrapped his fingers around her wrist, chuffed by her reaction. “Only you, Aries, may go above me and the only person in this world who can look down on me. No one else.” He raised an arm and ran his fingers through the side of her hair, settling his palm on the back of her head before he pulled her down until her face was a palm length away from him. “You better use this at your own disposal,” he whispered, tilting his head as he lifted it up to claim what’s his. HER. Meet Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, the sadistic tyrant, who reigned an empire with an iron fist. With his pet, Aries’ increasing presence in his boring, dark life, he was set to kill her. But alas, every time he thought of taking her life, he finds himself changing his mind. The more he kept her by his side, the more it got harder to dispose of her. And the more he yearned for something deeper and darker... it was driving him insane. With a secret he was keeping from her, what would Abel do if Aries found out about the rotting truth behind the empire and the emperor? Would he kill her? Or kiss her? Perhaps cage her? And if she found out that Abel wasn’t just a normal human, would she try to escape? Or would she accept that he wasn’t just a demon incarnate? In a complicated world that tainted them black, was love even possible to bloom between a pet and her master? Watch as these two play the dangerous and insane game of love and lust. Who would be the master and the pet? Who was the prey? Read to find out more. --------- Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e Disclaimer: Cover not mine. Got it from Pinterest. Credits to the artist.

alienfrommars · Sejarah
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919 Chs

How rude

Aries indulged with Abel for the remainder of the day before she resigned to bed. Fortunately, he had other matters to attend to. So, parting with him felt like she was able to finally breathe. To summarize her tea time with Abel, she had no words for it.

If anything, it was just... unpredictable. Their conversation was random — too random that she would sometimes just look at him, wondering what he was eating to have such a chaotic train of thoughts.

Aries let out a deep exhale, slipping under the sheet. "In any case, I somehow loosened up earlier," came out a mumble while lying down, setting her eyes on the ceiling. "In conclusion, Abel sometimes enjoys being treated like a child."

Not the childish way. But rather, being treated with enough attention, care, affection, and so on. The emotions that a child needed. The only difference was, she still had to tread on thin ice around him. After talking to him for a long time, one thing came clear to her.

Abel was a dangerous devil incarnate. He would keep pressing someone's nerves purposely to see how they would react. He kept doing it to her and enjoyed it when she tried her best to smile in return.

"I feel extra tired today," she muttered as another sigh slipped past her lips. "I hope he enjoys his time with his women."

Aries closed her eyes, unbothered by the order she heard Abel give to Conan earlier today. That was to invite women to his bed tonight. Yes. Abel shamelessly ordered that right in front of her, and she didn't even flinch.

'I hope they exhaust him until he can no longer stand up the next day,' she wished — almost prayed for it. But then she cracked her eyes open while pressing her lips into a thin line. For some reason, the texture of his lips still lingered in her mouth with that faint bitter taste of wine and tobacco.

It was a taste she wasn't particularly fond of, but she surprisingly didn't really dislike it. Was it because he was Abel and not the crown prince of Maganti? So she didn't feel an instant disgust to the point she felt like puking?

'It actually felt nice,' she thought, biting her tongue. 'How ironic. His kiss felt so gentle even when he bites, unlike his personality.'

She pondered about it for several seconds before she shook her head aggressively. She shouldn't think about that, she thought. She should just conserve her energy and rest. Who knew what sort of trouble Abel would cause tomorrow? Aries needed more rest and energy, just in case.

'I really shouldn't think about Abel that much.' That was her last thought, throwing all thoughts about the said man at the back of her head. That man was like mosquitoes, sucking all her energy and forcing her to use every bit of her brain cells just to keep her head attached to her shoulders.


Meanwhile, in the emperor's chambers...

"Your Majesty..." a woman leaned to his side seductively, whispering in his ears. Abel glanced at her, circling his finger around her chocolate hair. She caressed his chest, blushing since she was getting his attention more than the other two who were clinging to him. One perched on his other side, while the other one was on the floor, head on his thigh.

He kept quiet while staring at the hair around his finger. "Ugly," he said after his long silence, making the stunning woman in a nightdress raise her brows.

"Your hair is not green," he explained, releasing the hair around his finger. "This is more boring than I thought. Scram."

"Your Majesty?" the woman blinked twice, looking at him in puzzlement. Not just her, but the other two women who were called to warm his bed. Did this man, who was infamous for his debauchery more than his ruthless ways, tell them to scram?

"I hate repeating myself." Abel cocked his head back, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes. "Isaiah, escort them out before I think of another game that I will enjoy more."

His voice wasn't loud, but the door creaked open. There, the Grand Duke of Fleure, and also the emperor's sword, stood by the door. His eyes glossed over the woman fawning around Abel — a sight he was already used to — and simply gestured them to go out.

"Please take your things and leave," said Isaiah in a crisp voice. "Now."

The women cast Abel a look, but he didn't even bother glancing at them. Hence, with a reluctant heart, they picked up their robe and marched towards the door. Isaiah stepped aside, ordering the knights guarding the door to escort the ladies out.

When they left, Isaiah stayed in his spot, eyes on the emperor. This was new. Abel never let women leave his room spotless. Actually, he heard about what happened earlier today from Conan. He didn't believe it, but it seemed there was something changing in this place.

"Isaiah," Abel called, still had his head cocked back and eyes on the ceiling. "Do you know what is on my mind right now?"

Isaiah's eyes fluttered ever so slowly. "Your Majesty, you know you're the only one who I cannot read."

"Aries." Abel dawdled. "Aries... Aries... Aries... I can even see the letters of her name in my head. A.R.I.E.S. Aries. Nothing else."

"Your Majesty, shall I summon your pet to calm you down?"

"And potato. I think about Aries and potatoes," he continued, completely ignoring his vassal. "I told her she wouldn't want her name in my head... albeit, it was too late. My poor potato."

His eyes narrowed, arms spread across the backrest of the settee. Aries was in danger. The voices in his head kept whispering her name like a broken record. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened them, a glint flickered across his empty eyes.

Abel cocked his head to set his eyes on Isaiah. "My dear vassal, do you think she's sleeping?"

"It's already late. I was certain she was already fast asleep."

"Huh... that's not fair." He let out a dry laugh before dragging his body to stand up. "If she keeps me awake, she should also stay up. How rude."