

She is really cute, she's different I guess she didn't recognize me"

"President leo we need to go now she is safe now"- said pao, pao and Chris is my trusted assistant.

"President when will you tell her the truth?"- said Chris

"This is not the right time"

"Indeed she is cute and different"- said chris. 

"Ma I'm home now"

"Chichi why did you went home so late your father are worried he keeps telling me to call you"

"Have you had dinner, change your clothes and I'll prepare you some dinner"

"Next time call your father early so he will not get worried, especially you have a night blindness you can't walk home late at night" 

"Okay mama I will just change my clothes and I will go downstairs to have some dinner" while eating my dinner, I keep thinking the guy at the middle and two guys beside him, who is he why does he suddenly appear and help me is it just a coincidenced I kept overthinking about what happened but I can't answer all my question that is on mind.

And right now I just want to rest because this is a long night.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

jade_8923creators' thoughts