


There were press conference inside the building and lots of media and reporter inside the conference hall, there are tons of security inside, and there were lots of executive sat on the conference table but the one that they're waiting for had not arrived yet.


While inside his private car, "President Leo Tiu you have a  press conference meeting today, next on your schedule is a board meeting, and lastly you have a lunch meeting with your father" pao said while still scanning his IPad.

his driver drop him at the conference hall, his look was very stunning that  everyone would admire, he has fair skin, black hair which was always in style and he is tall like a model at the runway. then, while he was walking through a conference hall, some of the media that were waiting outside are busy taking photos of him and there were also staff waiting for him outside.


At the conference hall he sat at the center of the conference table, then the host of the event introduce him to everyone 

"ladies and gentlemen I would like you to introduced our new CEO President Leo Tiu, he will now be the CEO of "let's talk" application and he will merge with "Z soft" the popular software in our country"

"Good day gentlemen I am President Leo tiu the new CEO of "Let's talk application and co-owner of "Z soft although I am new in this industry I will gurantee that I will surpass your expectation to our company, the old generation and the new generation will not get bored of our application and we will  help those people to get out of their shell and explore new things, this is a modern era that will help not to suppress their feelings and thought in this application and software they have freedom to express themselves because there will be alots of exciting updates that's why I hope you continue supporting us and keep telling your honest feedback thank you" President Leo said while making a vow

"Well said President Leo Tiu" the host said and the media are smiling while clapping with amazement.

Then he went immediately to  the board meeting for formal introduction.


at the boardmeeting all the board members and executives were all waiting for him they were so curious if who will be their new CEO,

suddenly President Leo Tiu arrived and they all started the meeting they were so amazed because he is so young to be a CEO and yet he was so smart and talented it cannot be deny that he came from respected and influential family his father has run a software company as well.


"President tiu the meeting is over you need to go and see your father now he is waiting for you at cafe palazzo" pao said while Chris is scanning the enviroment and assisting to go outside the building.

when President Leo went to the said the meeting place he saw his father sitting near the entrance while busy with his phone.

"Pa I'm already here I'm sorry I'm late" President Leo said with a deadpan face "my son congrats you are now a new CEO" his father said with a proud smile "Thank you if you dont have anything to say I need to go now father my mother is waiting for me" leo said "sure we can just catch up another time" his father said

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