

They were like men in black, but this time they were three men compared to the movie that I've watched.

This time I am really scared, "now, what?!" I said with a lower voice, I want to scream for help because I don't know if these three guys that got out from the car are there companions and if that's the cased then I am already dead 

"Ugh,now what? Are you a mafia, a syndicate or an assassin,I don't have money to pay for you and my family is also full of debts and you can't just disect my organ because....  My organ is not healthy" I said to the three guys who got out from the car.

But the guy at the middle just smiled and he seems came from a well-off family the way he stand, and he has a pretty handsome face and he is tall like a model and  the guy at his both side was like his assistant or a body guard. 

Now back to what I said before he was just smiled like he already knew me before, but I am pretty sure that this is just the first time that I saw him,

"The two of you I will give you a chance to stay away from her or you will be In big trouble" said the guy at the middle, my heartbeat fast that as if it is not the first time that i see him.

"Are you an authority, who are you to command us"- said the guy wearing a hoodie.

"Ugh your breath stink I smell a lot of alcohol" I said to them Because I really can't take their smell their smells like chico.

The other guy with hoodie  make an Eye contact with his companion and  he vow to the guy at the middle as if he recognize him and he walked fast a way from the scene.

"Thank you"- I said to them and I don't wait for his answer And I walked away from that placed.

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jade_8923creators' thoughts