

Leina hung her apron behind the kitchen door and checked her wristwatch, it's 2:05pm,she picked up her bag and was about stepping when a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her back into the kitchen making her groan out loud before turning to face the owner of the hands "I said I'll be there by 7pm"

"just making sure you haven't forgotten cuz that's what you do best...FORGET!"

she stared back at the piece of crazy in front of her "you know Dora, I think you really should take a break from this place" she said looking around the kitchen of the diner where they both worked before looking back at her friend

"where would I go?" Dora asked sweetly

"I don't know, maybe a vacation or something"

"like where?"

"an asylum maybe or a psychiatric clinic" she smiled innocently

"Wooow, really Leina, I'll take that as a compliment"

"ugghh" Leina groaned


"you know i love you right"

"you do?" answered Dora frowning



"and that's why I'll be in Delores tonight"

"you better be" with that her friend turned back to work and she was finally able to leave

She walked along the street for awhile and decided to grab a cup of coffee in a nearby coffee shop, she would have liked to get it at work but knowing Dora is there, she'll never have her peace. she walked into the shop and sat by the floor to ceiling window, she signaled the waitress who came to get her order and within minutes came back with her coffee. she looked out the window while sipping her coffee and thinking about the past, it's been two years now since she lost her husband and she has refused to go on a date with any other man not because she hasn't gotten over her husband but because she isn't ready to face another set of abuse from another man, she sighed deeply and turned around to look around the shop when her she felt her body go numb as she stared into a pair of grey eyes with golden speck around it. that is not what made her stop though, it was because those eyes belong to her husband, her husband is sitting in the next table directly in front of her, and instead of the normal grey color of his, it has gold within, do people's eye change when they're dead.

she turned away quickly and stated packing her things when she felt someone next to her, it was her husband ghost and the ghost is smiling at her



"I'm Mikail and you must be Leina"

"ah yees? "she asked

you must be wond......" he suddenly jumped on her, both of them falling to the ground seconds before a van suddenly drove through the glass window near where they were seating .Mikail was about to stand up when the vehicle exploded forcing him down on the woman again, amidst the shouts he heard his right hand man's voice and in the next moment they were lying on grass.


leina looked around her, beautiful would be an understatement if she were to describe the garden they were suddenly in, it was as if it was enchanted with some sort of magic. then gradually it came back, they were in.. "hey, where am i ?" she asked the men who had been observing her since they arrived "we" answered not-grey eyes man of the two "..are HOME" he finished, bowing

"what?" she asked confused but before the not-grey-eyes could answer, grey-eyes cut in



"when there is trouble, where seems to be be place to stay to be safe?"


"answer the question Leina"

"well...home would be the best place"

he shrugged with a triumph look on his face "that's why we brought you home"

"BUT THIS IS NOT MY HOME!" she looked at both men who still kept their cool "i'm calling the police" she stated bringing out her phone but before she could type the numbers, the phone was out of her hands, her eyes widened in fear and in a blink of an eye she blacked out

"ugghh, i thought she was never going to shut up" Mikail said while Damien carried her on his shoulder

they began walking towards the castle quietly, luckily Damien had been able to transport them into his garden and to think the poor lady could have died today if he hadn't been there, he would find those behind it but now his right-hand-man was out rightly ignoring him as he kept walking ahead "is something wrong?" he asked but was ignored, 'fine' he rolled his eyes

he looked around the room Damien had prepared for her as the maids tucked her into bed "get the doctor" Damien said to the maids who bowed and left

"why would she be needing a doctor sir Damien?" still ignored

"you know its treason to ignore your king right?"

this had the other man look up at Mikail into his eyes "then if i may speak freely your majesty..."

"no you may not" cutting him off but the right man was just continued

"there is no reason to knock her out, all she needed was an explanation"

"oh yeah"

"she's just a helpless.."

"ah, this story is too long for me" Mikail cut him off again and walked out of the room. the other only shook his and looked at the woman on the bed before walking out as well.

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