

Lezah Eam

What the.... What is he saying...'be my girl?' What the fuck?!

"He's on this again Lez...hahha" Wood whispered that only I can hear at the back of my head. I look at him and saw from my peripheral view I could see Ken anytime soon will burst out if he wasn't been stop by the others at the back.

"In his dreams..." I silently whispered and look at Wil who's enjoying his enjoyment in talking about his flirting again on for so damn years now and here he is again. Worst in front of my squad... does he has death wish or what?

"Do you want to get a punch? or do you want to be beaten up right here right now?" I sarcastically asked and smirked.

"A-a-ahhhhh... why you're so mean bab------------"

"You're done right? Next please miss. I'm so bored with this."

After I said those... I then look at the window where I could see the view of the field from here... I look up on the blue sky and thought of it.

'It was still on first day but so many things have happened. What more if they... I mean him, know about other guys... well they're also my friends especially with Mark and the others... but not only them. There’re also some jerks flirting on me during breaks and lunch...not only that but some went up here and give some gifts and all. That's why me and Wood agreed on not correcting those speculations of them about us being a couple for them not to annoy me about those things. After those "fake couple" thing... half... I think or more than that stop annoying me at some point and just doing their stuffs.'

I think by now Wood still can't tell those reasons since where still on a closed space where anyone especially our classmates who'll hear about those. By now both Ken and Reyn is calm on the outside but inside.... they’re on fire...

Minutes had passed half of my classmates and even Mark has done introducing and right now...the last two rows which basically occupies by our squad because it has 6 chairs in a row...and I'll be the one to introduce first before the others... tch... I hate this...damn!

"I'm Lez. Lezah Eam Stanford. 18. My hobbies... I don't know... I guess... for my future... tch.. well a lame one since it's been planned after all. Thank you." I introduce. What for? Having hobbies that I don't what and knowing what I'll do in the future is a real pain in the ass. Our future, you said? Ha... we never had a better future than this. Living our life with our own is better than living with the life that full of orders to follow. Thinking that... I look up when Ken stand up and went on the front.

"Nhoj Ken Draven. 19. No hobby. No future plan. From class B before. Thank you." Ken short introduce. He really is pissed. You could see that.

"Renwood Kyle Smith...uhm...18... No hobbies, I guess... umhmm----"

"Mr. Smith would you fix your introduction... your just following what Miss Stanford said earlier. Make your own. Gosh I know both of you are so not friendly in this kind of things but just this one makes it proper especially you Miss Stanford... you've been doing this for years now and this... ugh..." Miss Manuel unbelievably said that frustrates her.

Tch... she knows us well. Well she's been our teacher for so damn 4 years since third year... she was the only teacher who can make us do this... promise... she really is. Among all the teachers, Miss Manuel was the only one can resist all of our quietness and I must say that she'll do everything just to make you do it.

"Ahh hehehe miss... Why always me? Tch." Wood whining in front of me. What the hell?! He's so disgusting.

"What the... Wood... You're so disgusting.... just stop dragging me into this. Damn you!" I hissed.

"Stop complaining mister Smith and just do it. Time is ticking."

"Arghhh!!! You know Lez.. you're such a special one...damn this..."

"Mister Smith?..."

"Fine fine... here it is... Damn... Uhmmm... yeah as what our beloved teacher lectured me...heheheh peace miss..I'm Renwood Kyle Smith...I'm 18 years old...I'm in Class A since first year so I'm a veteran here guys... hehehehe so my hobby is a doing stuffs on my computer. I plan for my future job is to be a computer expert... hehehhe that's all miss. Thank you. Okay? Okay..." He said and tease our teacher which make her annoyed. Hehheheh well Wood is a joker sometimes...

"I'm Elreyn Mae Miller...18 years old. Hobby is designing stuffs. For the future?.... I guess to be a fashion designer.... I think. I'm on Class C last year. That's all thank you." Reyn introduce nicely even tho she's not in the mood.

"I'm Ben Trigo Lui...18 years old. Don't know my hobby since I make many stuffs... hehehehe I'm from Class C and for future plan? I don't know." Ben happily introduces.

"I'm Mikie Lyn Ching...18 years old. My hobby is cooking and baking. I want to be a chef. Thank you hehehhee...oh I'm from Class B last year... heheheh" Kie cheerfully introduce.

"I'm Jiemy Joy Stylus... 18 years old... My hobby is reading... my future job was to be a writer.... I'm in Class B last year. Thank you."

"I'm Ramil Kiel Waled.... a 18 years old guys who's learning on something be useful for my future business. I want to be a businessman someday. I guess..."

"I'm Mar Renzo Gray...18 years old... my hobby is mixing some stuffs...I guess... I'm not sure if that's what you call a hobby. I want to be a simple guy...nothing to follow and do as ordered. From Class B. That's all."

"I'm Julie Kate Roberts... 18 years old... my hobby is do some make up stuffs something like that.... I want to be a make-up artist... Seems like a new plan for me...from Class B.. Thank you."

"I'm Allen Jadzen Jones...19 years old...hobby is making coffee and want to be a future barista for my business...I think... From Class C. Thank you."

"I'm Kiara Jane Hansen...I'm from Class B last year. My hobby... I think for now... being a dependable big sister.. I guess.... I do some stuffs a big sister can do. It feels like a hobby for me. As for my future plan or some job as you call... for now I think I'll take the management....that's all.. thank you." Kia introduce while looking at us with a sweet and assured smile on us.

And I guess each and every one of us... really thought of taking up the one that what's run in the family. Especially on the others which they really excel too... some don't want and choose another one as what they really want and not part of the family business. Like mine... I don't know if I'll really want to do making those stuffs or not.... but I think I'm good on planning that and sometimes I do make some drafts for it but doesn't show it. It's not I don't have confidence but... I don't know... maybe because of my pride or maybe because I don't want to remember anything from the past....I guess..

"Okay....so hope that all of you can interact and be sociable to each other... especially to our new students here in this class. So as I check your 48 in this class... but there is one who doesn't introduce itself right now.... and look who it is?.... she really is into her name huh? This little girl... when can she change?... where is miss Santos?... Mister Gar----oh here she is....Miss Santos your late for damn 20 minutes... gosh what time is your class?" Our teacher said looking to my friend Creme who arrived just now. My friend comes in like she was on a runway as she enters and went to her place like no one is here inside.

"On your first day and still right now on my class...again, you're late... how rude of that...why are you always late on my class Miss Santos? And you also the president of this class and this." Miss Manuel added and chuckled as she know my friend very much when it comes on being late.

"I'm sorry miss...hehehehe I don't know...as far as I know I didn't even know that your our adviser for this year... hehhehehe I really didn't mean for this to happened miss. It was coincidental... I promise you that." Macreme... my friend giggle as she said that and act cute. All of us laughed except for the new ones and my squad who hasn't react as always.

"Okay okay... since your late... you better go with your introduction. Go tell them your name...age...-----"

"I know miss. I know...hehhehe sorry for cutting off... I heard it earlier before I enter here." she apologized and our teacher just signaled her to start.

"Okay...so uhmmm.. well... Hi guys! Ahhh... miss why this is so sudden.. I'm not ready...ahh so yeah... I'm Macreme Joy Santos... I'm a student of this class from year 1 until now so basically, I'm a veteran of this class and known by my nickname that was made by our beloved teachers as 'Tardy Queen'... haahahaha and also the president of the class too as what Miss Manuel said earlier... hahahha so my future dream... well I can't decide for it now since I don't have a plan for that for now. hahahahaa so yeah, my age...hmmm I'm on my last teens by this week... I'm 19 and will turn 20 next week Sunday...and most especially to all of you my dear classmates and also miss... I'm inviting you for my party... I don't accept NO for an answer...." Creme cheerfully introduce and invite the class including our adviser for her most anticipated party as what she always says... because by this week until on her birthday her teens will finish and adulthood will come....

"How about the new ones? Are they invited to Creme?" Jeizel, our chic girl in class.

"You heard me, right? When I say all...even the new ones are invited so all of you come. Especially to my besties there...hhahahaa Lez... Wood you both come...I must say this literally in front of them all as a witness because both of you really have so many reasons to just not come to any event... gosh you both at least once in your high school life try to have fun...stop being so really into academics you're both smart whether you study or not. So have fun! gosh hahahaha sorry about this miss. Next in line please do introduce. And I thank you..." She added and ensures everyone to come most especially us...well she's been persuading us to come for more done 4 or 5 years I think...we didn't come on any event in this school in our whole damn high school years for some personal reason...

"Ahhh...Creme..as what I always answer... it's always a NO.. you know some----"

"Some personal reasons again? Lez that's so old now...come please... it's the last year now... please do come...my last wish for you before school ends. Come just this once. Pleaseeeeee....." she said cutting me off. She really knew but with this kind of attitude of her... you can't resist with it. She's acting cute in front of me... Literally acting one. Like damn how can you say no on those kinds of looks of hers. Fuck this!

Before I answered... I look at the back where the others are asking if it's okay for me... for us to go there...Kiara just nod trying to tell me that it's okay... that they are there....

"Okay... I'll come. But..."


"I--- I mean... we will not stay there for long... we have so lots to do... just that."

"Ahhhh... Okay... as soon as you come.. then okay... Thank you!"


Well among all of my newly fond friends in this school.. Creme was the only one can resist my coldness and even my meanest attitude every time I'm not in the mood. Among on all people I knew here... she's always the one who will stay whatever the reason is. That's why I considered her to be my friend than the other in our group... I mean her own friends... she's the only one... I think I considered real. She will always be a good real friend for me. A very indeed one.

Every one of us just here listening to our adviser who's been busy telling us what to do and what not...well always on first day, only the adviser will meet by us in the morning, while on the afternoon.. all the subject teachers will meet us and do the introduction again and again....the nature of Class A is different from the lower class. It's like a totally different from the others...as always...

My friends are quiet and still on their boredom mode when it comes to this... They're really not into this... Class A..like normally do this on the first day and it's not new for us.. since we've been in this class for years now.

As for Wood... there Reyn was still mad about those early news or revelation earlier... Reyn was easy to get mad or sullen at all times.. She's tough when it comes to this... and also worst she's difficult to coax. A difficult one....

And for Ken...he's there listening but inside...tch he's pissed and mad at the same time. Well what he could expect... I may not be that approachable and friendly but every student from this floor know me.. us together with Wood... he may be mad and pissed with just only two guys..but what if he'll see more than that?... hahahaa it will be an end of this fake thing.. I guess... well good luck for his temptation because any minute by now... as we all much know about Miss Manuel... well except for my friends and others who's new in this class... lunch time was always 15 minutes early than the others..... and to that.... I think Ken's possessiveness and jealousness will be more upgraded....

I may not be reacting about this but deep inside... I'm more nervous... knowing that by this day... many revelations where been up... how much more if it's every day, months, and worst a year? Gosh... by now it's really so frustrating... Just a great good luck for me I guess....