

The night was cold and chilling, as the cold wind swirled through the silent town, swiftly Fiona dressed in her usual black robe wheeled the barely breathing Bloom towards the car wating to take her to the town's main gate, there was a strange sensation in the wind as if there was a shadow watching her every move, she became very alert and concious while she wondered who was out in the wind by that time of the night, just almost close to entering the car a bloated figure appeared in front of her with shock on his face, "you?, how is it you?, i thought it was someone else, how have you been handling working for that stranger all this while?" the bloated man exclaimed "you going to keep asking questions?, or you are going to drive the car?" Fiona retorted back with impatience laced in her voice, "oh okay, but i would always remember this night, who would have thought the most docile maid in the palace works as an undercover agent for someone" the man muttered as he helped settle the princess in the car but Fiona ignored him, the strange sensation was still there, but even if it was a person no one was coming out to confront her, she kept looking around until the car zoomed off, as soon as the car left, a pregnant lady in a black translucent robe, walked out of the building she had been hiding, she looked so sinister standing alone and barefooted in the cold wind, with her nestled hair and with the wind fluttering her robe, it was Helen she looked in the direction of the palace and sighed "the worst days are yet to come" she mumbled to her self and strolled away slowly as she carressed her bulging tummy. That night Bloom was settled on a flight to New york with many hired care takers attending to her, while her sisters were already awaiting her arrival at the airport, with a few doctors and an ambulance, Jade was also there, she didnt know who was coming but she was the most expectant, three o'clock am the plane landed and the sickly Bloom finally appeared before them, the sight of her was so pitiful there was no ounce of care on her body and immediately she was rushed to the hospital and was placed under strict medical watch, there was hardly any hope but atleast she was there with them.

While in tuner's town the shocked scream of a cleaning maid woke the whole palace, she was the one assigned to clean Bloom and her room but she arrived there that morning and the third princess had strangely dissappeared, the whole palace was filled with chaos and panick and it soon affected the village when they heard the news that their hope of getting the tuner back dissappeard overnight, it was the second panick breakout in the entirely village since the tuner dissappered, the king and his wife were the most glum, thier lavish way of living was crumbling in front of them and they had no way to stop it, that very day many of the townfolks packed their bags and left the village, they lost hope of the village ever coming back on track, those who were still hoping and those who were too poor to relocate remained, it was barely even three months and the village was fast approaching it doom.

It was a stressful morning, Turlip just ended the call with Jeremy who called to ask about the situation of things and she decided to get some pain relieve drugs in the hospital pharmacy before heading home, Jade was fast asleep in the hospital reception and Ixora had gone back home, it was a good opportunity to buy things without worry, she finished buying what she wanted and it was time to go home, just then she sighted a familiar manly figure a figure she never hoped to meet ever again, Anthony, in the hospital lobby, coincedentaly the figure also turned in her direction and thier eyes met, her heart skipped and she averted her gaze immediately and she pretended not to see him but he unexpectedly walked over, "Hi" he greeted while trying to pretend it was all fine, but Turlip wasn't going to get beaten to it "hi, do i know you" she muttered with a very polite expression and he Froze for a second but recovered immediately "Tiar.." "I dont know where you heard that but my name is Turlip, Turlip George" she interrupted without any changes in her expression "Turlip about th..." "Sir, i dont know you and you dont, we became strangers six years ago, dont bring up forgotten memories and dampen my mood" Turlip said with a slightly cold expression but she immediately fixed it "i am sorry i would have to go, i have a lot to do this morning" she added and strolled off without waiting to hear another word, as soon as she dissappeared through the coner heading towards the hospital reception Cyan appeared and patted his friend's shoulder "drop that thought Anthony, there are barely any hope that she is going to ever acknowledge you" he said and an evil smile surfaced on his face "why dont we visit Mr Stanley in his ward, its been long i have seen him and i really want to play" he added and Anthony smiled slightly "the doctor said not to agitate the old man remember" Anthony said, though he didnt look like he was going to heed to the doctors words "of course, just some nice words to make him spill more about the RWD and we are done" Cyan muttered and the two men smiled with common intrest