
The Truth Beyond The Fog

Abel Brooks, an ordinary boy who goes from a small and poor town to the city to study and seek a better future, but is involved with vampires and supernatural beings and now has to balance both lives

Deltaemis_RM · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 5- Performance Test

It was already around 3 in the afternoon and I was currently sitting on a bench in the middle of the university campus, I had already finished with all the exams for today and waited for Frank to finish doing them, but since he finished with more than An hour to spare and Frank will most likely stay until the last minute of the exam, well I would have to wait a long time ... so I was distracted by watching the few people walk by and live their lives on campus.

Because it was exam time, few people walked around campus, and of the few who did, they were moving in a hurry somewhere, most likely their next exam site.

Since I had become a vampire many of my senses had improved drastically such as my eyesight, from the secluded bench where I was I could easily see an insect flying hundreds of meters if I concentrated, but the greatest improvement was still in my mind. smell, he was able to smell the faint smell of blood from far away; miles, maybe, but it was the only thing he could identify from a distance.

I was even able to detect where blood had been recently, like a crime scene that was cleaned up to hide it, but I always tried to ignore these smells: smelling them too long aroused a vague bloodlust in me, but it was hard work since in such a large city such smells often arrived.

At that moment a bittersweet and metallic smell entered my nose, I had again detected the smell of blood, even in this quiet and not so crowded campus, but somehow I felt that the smell of this blood was quite fresh and tempting, so that turning to look in his direction reflectively, he noticed a figure huddled on the ground in the distance.

A girl was lying on the sidewalk as she tried to get up, her knee was bleeding a little and it looked like it was recent from a fall, her light brown hair covered her face from my point of view, but somehow I felt that I could recognize her.

- Is n't it Jenna? I remember she's in the same career as me, and she should be doing the same exams as me, have I finished them already? I whispered to myself.

Although it had been a while since I left the exam room, there should still be about an hour of time left for him, that she has already finished it means that he is either very smart or very carefree.

"I remember she's always been pretty quiet and introverted, but she seemed to be blending in a lot with Meyer's group lately, which didn't fit her personality very much," I whispered once more.

Although Frank and I have mostly focused on keeping up with college this first month, we were always socially gifted and hit it off with a number of lonely scholars, but Jenna seemed to be biased by something and avoided getting too close to other people. , being the loneliest of the course in the classes.

But in the past week he seemed to be getting closer and closer to Meyer's group, who were something like the "popular" and "sportsmen" of the course, but they did not stand out too much since we were all new and only in the first semester, nothing to compare with the legendary student council president, Lilah White.

Personally, I had a very good impression of Jenna, studious, responsible and self-contained. If it weren't for the pressure of scholarship and keeping grades at all times, I would certainly have tried to get closer as he was very my type, but since final exams were approaching and he seemed to be getting closer and closer to Meyer's group. , he had decided to forget about it and avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Oh, that's a cute and charming young lady, plus her blood seems to be quite special, but if it were you I would avoid being around her, especially in your current situation or you could end up in a very bad state."

Suddenly a well-known voice spoke to me from very close, almost giving me a fright to death, turning towards the voice, I discovered that at some point Hana had sat next to me without detecting her. He was looking with a smile on his face in the same direction he was looking before and seemed to be thinking about something before continuing to speak.

—I know you are young and it is inevitable that you will be attracted to girls like her, but it would really be bad if you got too involved and even dangerous, so you better find another goal and make the most of your university life, because otherwise you will regret in the future.

Listening to her I vaguely noticed a bit of melancholy in her voice, along with the fact that she seemed to be being very serious about the matter I felt that she was revealing something very important to me. Forgetting the first part, I decided to ask what intrigued me the most.

"What do you mean I'll regret it in the future?" - I asked confused

—You know you're a vampire now, right? And as a vampire you now belong to a different world than your family, friends and most of the people at this university. Your life may not seem very different now from before, since the only change is your recurring thirst for blood and great appetite, but as time passes you will know that the gap between you and your acquaintances will only widen more and more. - He paused as if remembering something from the past before continuing.

—The clearest example will be your useful life, unlike your family or friends, hundreds of years may pass, but hardly and you will age a little, while they would be in their graves at that point, so you should take advantage of the present, since those differences are not so obvious and you can have a relatively normal life.

Listening to her I could feel nostalgia in her voice, she seemed to be speaking and advising me from her own experience, making me reflect very deeply on it. Thinking about it it seemed that I had been taking it too easy, naively believing that as long as I did my duty serving Lilah I could continue with my life and my goals, but I had not taken into account the real weight of my transformation.

Now that I was a vampire no matter how long my appearance will remain the same, now that might be irrelevant, but ... if someone in five years at your university did not change at all or mature, wouldn't that be abnormal?

And what about in ten years, if at my full 30s I kept my 20-year-old look, wouldn't my family be able to notice that? And talking to them about my situation was out of the question, since from the little I understood The world is that it was very dangerous, and the more you knew about it without the necessary force or support, the more dangerous it would be.


"Looks like I've really been acting childish up until now, thanks for taking your time and advising me on this Hana."

Clenching my fists and sighing, I thanked her for being so honest with me and advising me, being part of the group that made me what I am now, it was normal that I was not so sincere about the problems of being a vampire, but she was able to tell me the truth and watch over good.

"C-Come on, it's my duty as your guide and tutor to advise you properly, you don't need to be so serious about it…" Averting his face and with a tinge of nervousness, he answered me.

It seemed that despite her attitude and appearance she was someone quite shy to receive praise or gratitude, which piqued my interest, but before I could continue investigating she spoke wanting to change the subject.

"Anyway, I have not come here to talk to you about life or your social problems, I come to test your vampiric abilities and guide you in finding your center, but this is not a suitable place to do so, so follow me."

If time for her to answer or reply, she got up and started walking in a certain direction, sighing at Hana's sudden changes in attitude, I could only follow her submissively, now that she remembered, when I met her at the bar and drank with her, her personality was totally different. She was an adorable and shy girl capable of bringing out the weaknesses of a man, it seems that she had a great talent for acting or ... in some part of her she really was.




After walking around for a while, he took me to a totally empty gym in a secluded area of ​​the university, it didn't seem to be used frequently, but it was very well maintained and clean.

—This is the lady's personal gym, if you need a place to practice or do something related to vampires you can come here, it's always open. But if you break up or do something that the lady dislikes ... hehehehe.

With Hana's last strange laugh I felt a chill running down my spine, but I decided to ignore it, looking at the large well-equipped gym I could only sigh in amazement, not only was it well cared for, but it had everything in the latest fashion and seemed to be used by rich kids to train.

"We can start well, so get ready."

Hearing Hana's warning I was about to ask what she meant when I felt something stab me, once in the stomach, once in the right lung and once in the back. A total of three stabs in my body almost simultaneously and without being able to answer I could only submissively fall to the floor.

Standing next to me Hana looked with interest at the wounds she had inflicted on me, as deep as her hand and gushing blood, but they had already begun to move and heal little by little.

"It seems that you have a good regenerative capacity, it is at least twice as effective as a low-class vampire and that without even having drunk blood for the first time, is quite remarkable," he commented unfazed by the blood or injuries he had caused.

"You know, I feel like every day that I spend with you, is a day that I'll be stabbed," I told him with a little resentment in my voice.

To which she just laughed happily before giving me a hand to get up, my wounds were already half healed and had stopped bleeding, and since I became a vampire the pain is much more tolerable than before, it was not that it hurt less than before , but I felt more mentally firm to bear it, it was like the difference between an injection when you were a child and you cried for it, and when you are an adult and it hardly bothers you.

—Well the next thing will be to test your hypnosis, for this it will depend completely on you so you must try to activate it on your own, but doing it is quite easy you just have to imagine what you want the other person to do and order it while you stimulate your vampiric blood.

He said before putting his hand in front of my eyes, the next moment his eyes turned blood red and his fangs came out, when an order left his lips.

-Raise your hand.

With such a simple and direct phrase before I knew it my right arm was fully extended towards the sky, like someone doing stretching exercises on the radio.

—More or less it should be like that, the feeling of stimulating your vampiric blood should already be known to you, it is similar to receiving an order from a superior blood vampire or when you have a thirst for blood, but if you are the one who causes it, it is much easier to control and support.

Following his instructions in the same way I put my hand in front of his eyes and tried to stimulate my vampiric blood, it was a strange feeling to say the least, it was as if someone asked you to be consciously aroused and for no reason, wanting your heart to beat faster and have a burst of energy, but being a vampire you were more sensitive to these changes, and therefore easier to achieve.

Suddenly my hair curled a little, my navy blue eyes seemed to take on a crimson tint, but without changing much and fangs grew approximately twice their normal size, feeling a strange, but familiar sensation I followed my instincts and ordered.

-Raise your hand!

I ordered in a deep and strong voice, and then… nothing happened. Hana seemed to be lost in thought not paying much attention to my command, and she hadn't moved at all which I was quite disappointed in, it seems she had no talent for this.

Coming out of her thoughts, she looked briefly into my eyes and then exclaimed in surprise.

"Oh!" Look, you managed to make me lift my finger, you seem to be quite talented at hypnosis.

Hearing what you said I took a second look at her hands, she had her hands crossed over her chest and one of her fingers was raised pointing upwards, but because my order was to raise my hand and how surprised she was acting I felt she did it more to humiliate me than to congratulate me.

He seemed to have noticed my thoughts when I continued to speak

—Don't think too much about it, it's really surprising that you managed to get at least a minimal hypnosis reaction on me, after all you're just a low-class rookie vampire and I'm an upper-class half-blood vampire, normally even a middle-class vampire isn't. I could do it, even if I let my guard down.

Listening to it and thinking about it, it was really true that it would be difficult for someone new to hypnotize an expert, so I felt much more satisfied with myself.

—Well now let's finally test your transformation ability, this is the simplest and most natural of vampires, normally for low-class vampires it is only possible for them to turn invisible briefly or turn into bats, to do so you just have to stimulate your vampiric blood and think about doing it, so give it a try.

Being the last test, I put all my effort into it and going into my vampire mode, I did exactly what he told me, but… nothing happened. I didn't manage to become the least bit invisible, much less turn into a bat, Hana scowled as she thought until she finally shook her head.

—It is really strange that you are unable to use one of the 3 basic skills of vampires, but it is not that unlikely because you are a converted Erben, maybe this is the price, but it is already extraordinary that you are so talented in the others two, at least you won't die easily.

Listening to her it seemed that they were testing the 3 basic skills of vampires in me, it seems that I am outstanding in two of them, but unable to use the third, I do not know if this is really advantageous ...

Again to ease my worries Hana intervened once more

—It's really not bad that it's like that; don't worry, vampires are one of the strongest and noblest supernatural beings out there, and within us there are many kinds of abilities and talents, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how many abilities you have if you don't have a truly strong one… "He did pause before continuing.

—There is a story about a noble vampire who was one of the most powerful that ever existed, it was said that the only ability he possessed was telekinesis, even his vampiric regeneration was exaggeratedly weak, but only with his telekinesis he became one of the 7 vampire lords of their time and one of the strongest in history, so it is known historically that what matters is not the amount of skills but the quality of it.

Hearing her I felt a pressure fall from my back, it seems that at least I was not a disaster as a vampire, and it seemed that Hana was really a good person ... vampire, since she always knew how to comfort someone before they could even express their evil

She seemed to have sensed that he was about to praise her and thank her, when she suddenly turned around and spoke.

—Well I have to go report the results of your exam to Miss Lilah, so I'll go now, in the locker room I left a change of sports clothes, go and change your clothes soiled with blood since you can't go out looking like that, And you should go to the gym this more later, those of younger years of the university usually spend their free time there, you should at least follow the advice that I have given you.

Without turning once he left those words behind him, before disappearing at the gym door.

With a small smile on my face I thought that that attitude was really adorable before deciding to go change, since Hana gave me such valuable advice I definitely cannot waste it, I would go to the gym to enjoy my life a bit.

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