
Rosalie Hale doesn't get anxious.

Rosalie was anxious, though she would never admit it out loud. She was Rosalie Hale after all. She didn't get anxious! So, on the outside she was the picture of utter nonchalance. On the inside? Well, you know.

Shannon, a vampire friend they've known since the 60's, called Carlisle early this morning and asked that he and Esme come to Chicago immediately, no questions asked. Rosalie was skeptical, people hardly ever said 'no questions asked' if they knew you would oblige to the request when given all the information - but whatever!

Alice had practically packed her suitcase for her - demanding that Rosalie and Emmett accompany their parents but even at the risk of Rosalie burning every pair of shoes she owned, the pixie like vampire wouldn't spill on why. It was irritating and annoying but Rosalie had learned over the years that when Alice got this way it was better to shut up and deal - so she did.

Alice relies too much on her gift , something Rosalie isn't sure her sister realizes but when she absolutely refuses to share information on what she's seen its because she wants things to take a natural course instead of being affected by her. Which is why Rosalie is fucking anxious, something is going to happen on this trip. Something that clearly effects her, and if her leg hasn't stopped bouncing since they left the Port Angeles airport, the family knew better than to comment on it.

Usually while Carlisle - being the kind-hearted fool that he is would have said yes, Rosalie would have asked…alright, maybe demanded more information but since this was Shannon, she relented. Shannon was an extremely close friend of Esme and wasted absolutely no time in coming to their aid against the Volturi three years ago. She was the first person to come and while she absolutely adored Renesmee, she had demanded no explanations even before they had told her Nessie was a half human hybrid and not an immortal child. So instead of asking like her instincts were demanding her to do she simply followed her mate and parents and got on one of the first flights available.

They would arrive late at night, and that was exactly the way Shannon wanted it. Whatever she wanted to show them - because that is all they could seem to deduce from the two phone calls exchanged, would be at the hospital with her for her night shift. The flight was slow, Rosalie would have preferred to run, and the smell of sweaty human was almost overwhelming. She couldn't decide what she wanted to do more, shove them out of the plane or force them into a bath first. The only thing stopping her was the fact that she would have to touch them to do either - and the disapproving look she got from Esme. Sometimes it's like she is the mind reader instead of Edward, Rosalie thought to herself with an inward eye roll.

Finally! Their flight landed and they rented a car to head to the hospital. No one talked, too lost in their own thoughts about what they could possibly be facing. Unfortunately for their species, Vampires hardly made emergency calls unless there was in fact an emergency.

It wasn't hard to find Shannon, even if they could have located her by scent she was already sitting at the front desk taking notes on a chart when they walked in the front doors. She looked up the minute their scent registered to her and she rushed over to greet them.

"Carlisle! Thank you so much for coming!" The brunette vampire immediately shook his hand and hugged Esme, shooting a cautious glance toward Emmett and Rosalie. That was weird, she thought. Why would Shannon be wary of them?

"Of course, old friend. I would love to exchange pleasantries and I don't want to sound rude but it seemed like an emergency…" Carlisle trailed off, ignoring the look Esme sent him. He knew she wanted to socialize with her friend but he would rather get down to business first. Assess the potential danger, they'd be here for two days. She had time to socialize later.

"No at all, I completely understand. Come, come. It's rather hard to explain so I will just show you" She ushered them down a long corridor where most of the people in the rooms were sleeping. Rosalie could smell the illness's and the way it tampered the smell of blood that would be otherwise appealing. Part of her wanted to be thankful for that - it negated the burn in the back of her throat but even she wasn't selfish enough to find anything positive about some of the illness's humans can suffer from.

While the anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach hadn't left, Rosalie was glad Carlisle did the smart thing. She wouldn't have been able to sit and listen to Esme and Shannon gossip like two old women while who knows what is going on in this hospital. She watched as Shannon handed the folder to Carlisle, "These are all the notes I've been able to take so far, I honestly don't know how much they're capable of. They seem relatively intelligent though."

That only caused Rosalie more confusion, they were here to see vampires, obviously but why? She chanced a look at Esme and Emmett but they looked just as confused while Carlisle looked like a kid on Christmas.

"You found them?" He asked Shannon, without looking up from the manila folder in his hand.

"Yes, It's a rather complicated story that I'll explain after. Please stay as calm as possible, they are overwhelmed as it is." Shannon pleaded when they had finally reached a door that needed a special hospital card to open. It was obviously a special room for special patients and Rosalie forced herself not to hold her breathe when the door was finally opened and they followed Shannon inside.

She heard Esme's sharp intake of breath at the same time as she herself performed the action and her heart melted. There sitting on the bed watching a cartoon she was pretty sure was called Sponge-bob, sat a pair of young twins. A very obvious pair of twins. They were clearly between the ages of three and five. The young girl had wavy blonde hair down the middle of her back, and the brightest ice blue eyes Rosalie had ever seen with tan skin. She was dressed in a pair of pink princess pajamas and holding a dark brown Teddy bear. Her brother had the exact same color blue eyes and the exact same shade of tan skin, with short blonde hair that reminded her of Emmett. He was dressed in Royal blue pajamas with footballs on them and he was holding a light brown Teddy Bear.

Whether because they were so immersed in the cartoon or because they were simply uninterested, it took the children a few seconds to make eye contact and when they did it was clear to see the way the younger boy tried to block his sister's body with his own. It was subtle, and a human wouldn't have picked it up, but they all saw it.

Shannon stepped forward slowly walking toward the two children before sitting on the edge of the bed in front of them, "Alright little one's, this is my friend Carlisle. His wife Esme, and their children, Rosalie and Emmett." She pointed them out while saying their names and It was clear with the way the young blonde girls eyes rested on Rosalie that she was curious about her.

"Everyone, this is Emma and Liam." Shannon reached over and pushed some of Emma's hair behind her ear and they heard her whisper, "why don't you try saying hi?" It was too soft for a human to hear but with their enhanced hearing she might as well have spoken aloud.

Emma looked to Liam as if seeing whether her brother would argue with the request before smiling a beaming smile at the foursome, "Hi." The timid wave they got was in direct contrast to the smile and Rosalie couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi." She replied, and chuckled softly when Emma shyly hid behind her brother afterward.

Liam seemed to size them all up, he was obviously a protector and felt extremely protective of his twin sister, he didn't say hi or smile but they saw the small tick of his lips when he watched Emma interact with Rosalie.

"Miss Shannon, Emma is hungry." Liam spoke suddenly and they saw Emma clutch her bear tighter while Liam wrapped a clear protective arm around her shoulder.

"Mmm it is about that time huh? How about I get you something while my friend Carlisle talks to you for a few minutes?" At Emma 's almost non existent nod, Shannon quickly left the room and the three older vampires looked to their Coven Leader for a possible explanation on the situation. Emma had returned to her cartoons, while Liam was alternating between cautiously watching the foursome and watching the television.

"Emma and Liam, are three year old twins. Shannon thinks they're hybrids but she isn't sure. They exhibit similar things to Nessie but there are also differences" Rosalie glanced back at the two children upon hearing this, so they aren't human, she thought. She tuned back in to hear him say, "She's gotten very little about their story and abilities but they drink blood, eat human food and there is something peculiar about their eyes. She found them about two nights ago, at first she thought they were humans."

Rosalie couldn't help the pull she felt to the corner of the room where the twins sat so instead of listening to information she could get later she left the three of them to talk about whatever they wanted and slowly approached the young blondes, whose heads snapped to her simultaneously the minute she began moving towards them. Liam, as expected, had a cautious look on his face. It was clear he didn't trust her - maybe not any of them for that matter, but Emma had a small smile. Rosalie knew she would be able to get closer to the blonde girl before making any progress with the blonde boy.

She was so focused on the kids that she didn't notice Emmett had decided to follow her until she felt his hand in hers, offering a small squeeze of encouragement. She sat in the chair on the far side of the room, next to Emma and Emmett took the chair beside her.

She wasn't prepared for it, and maybe if she would have finished listening to Carlisle she would have been but one second Emma was sitting on the bed and the next she was tucked onto her lap. It was the small almost imperceptible movement Emma had made before she had relocated that assured Rosalie the girl hadn't simply teleported to her lap. The first difference between these children and Renesmee, they were almost too fast for even a vampire to see.

She wasn't sure whether to comment on it or not, she didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable but the decision was made for her when she felt a small warm hand on her cheek,

"You're pretty." Emma 's voice was like soft tinker bells and her smile was dimpled and Rosalie almost chuckled aloud, maybe Tink would be her nickname?

"You're even prettier," Rosalie told the small child with a simple tap to her nose and was rewarded with a high pitched giggle, it reminded her of when they had heard Renesmee laugh for the first time. A distracted part of her mind also noticed while the children smelled absolutely amazing, they in no way caused her any thirst. She could see Emmett watching the two of them with a smile, and couldn't help the smile that seemed glued to her face. It was like Renesmee all over again, this tiny little girl winning hearts with each smile.

Before Rosalie could reply, Carlisle started walking over to them and she noticed how Emma seemed to try to get impossibly closer to her. She took her tiny hand in her own and when icy blue eyes rose to meet bright topaz she gave her a small reassuring smile. Rosalie felt immense satisfaction when the young blonde chose to trust her by relaxing but no one in the room could hide their shock when Liam was suddenly in Emmett's lap. It was obvious he had wanted to join the way he was watching her and Emma but she didn't want to push him so she simply allowed him to watch without looking his way but obviously he had other ideas.

She looked over to ensure Emmett was okay and smiled softly at the way Emmett was cradling the young boy to his chest. Liam needed the comfort and she loved Emmett just a little more in that moment, realizing that he instinctively knew that. Before Renesmee, Emmett would have been afraid of hurting Liam but he was as comfortable as she had ever seen him before. Liam watched Carlisle like a hawk as he walked toward Emma and Rosalie, and he bent down so he was at eye level with both of the blonde's before he spoke.

"Hi Emma , Hi Liam" Rosalie had always admired the way her father could make himself so warm and appealing to patients and while it worked on Emma , besides a nod, Liam didn't take the bait.

"Hi Mr. Carlisle, Miss Esme." Emma responded and Rosalie felt her heart melt again at the absolute adorably well mannered little girl.

"Liam said you were hungry, can you tell me how he knew - when you didn't tell him?" Instead of looking at Liam for permission, Emma looked up at Rosalie who hid her surprise with a smile and a nod of encouragement.

Almost suddenly, Carlisle jumped and Emma giggled along with the rest of them, "Amazing!" He exclaimed looking at Emma in Awe, who was still giggling behind her bear.

"Can Liam do that as well?" He asked, receiving a small nod from the blonde.

Rosalie looked at Carlisle with a clear question in her mirth filled eyes, trying to mask her irritation at being left out, "Liam and Emma can project thoughts into someone else's mind. Like Renesmee, but they don't have to have physical contact." Rosalie watched as he began taking notes along with Shannon's in the manila folder and vowed that she would remind him they were not lab rats but children. His curiosity could get the better of him sometimes.

Thankfully he was interrupted from continuing by Shannon returning, with a pink and blue sippy cup in each hand. "Alright little one's I am so sorry it took so long but I know you like it heated."

Both children sat up straighter clearly thirsty, or in their words hungry, but patiently waited for Shannon to cross the room at human speed. "Warming up to you already?" She inquired of the older blonde, who was busy watching the child in her arms. She wanted to ask if the others were seeing this too, but she didn't dare look away. While the iris of Emma's eye's seemed to become even more blue, taking on what she was sure was a glow - Rosalie watched as the whites of Emma's eyes were completely engulfed in onyx black. A quick glance at Emmett showed the same was happening to Liam and the only one who didn't show any surprise was Shannon.

She simply walked past all of the shell shocked vampires and handed each twin a cup. Emma immediately brought the cup to her mouth with a pleased hum before gripping her teddy close and laying her head against Rosalie's chest. Liam repeated the action with Emmett who didn't dare move. Rosalie didn't have such reservations and she simply held the small blonde closer to her chest, rearranging herself in the seat so she could sit comfortably while Emma finished her dinner.

They could smell the human blood in the cups, which was similar to Nessie but the eyes were new. If they were hybrids which so far they seemed to be, they were definitely different than Renesmee. Shannon handed Rosalie and Emmett each a extra soft blanket - matching each of their pajamas of course and both wrapped the quickly falling asleep children up in them. Rosalie didn't know how they were going to spend two days with the children and then leave but she already didn't want to go. This was cruel, to show them these children, have them grow attached only for them to return to forks while the twins stayed in Chicago with Shannon?

"I can see why you would have called us, while they are clearly different than Renesmee it is obvious they are some sort of hybrid children, but what do you intend to do with them?" Carlisle inquired softly, hoping not to wake the now asleep children. Rosalie listened with rapt attention to the conversation but didn't take her eyes off the sleeping toddler in her arms, she really was the most beautiful little girl. She slowly ran her fingers through blonde locks as she heard the tell tale signs of sucking air out of a now empty sippy cup and slowly removed it from the little blonde's lips, using a bedside tissue to wipe the small amount of blood that stuck to the corner of Emma's mouth.

"I don't have a maternal bone in my body, while I am perfectly fit to be the fun aunt…I am not fit to be their parent. From what little I have gathered so far, they are orphans…they don't know or remember their parents. You already have experience raising an inhuman child."

She didn't finish but she didn't need too, it was clear what she was asking. She called them to take the twins to Forks with them, to give them a family. Jealously burned through Rosalie's body, Bella and Edward had Renesmee and now Carlisle and Esme were going to get Emma and Liam? Why the hell did Alice want her and Emmett here for that? Just as she was about to call Alice and either demand an explanation at the risk of every pair of shoes she owns or cuss her out, she realized…Alice wanted her and Emmett, to be here for the twins. The twins came to them, and Emma was only comfortable answering Carlisle after Rosalie reassured her.

"Did they come with any papers or anything?" Rosalie interrupted what ever her mother and Shannon were talking about while Carlisle was in the corner of the room taking more notes on the twins.

"No. I assume you can have papers made for them." Rosalie simply nodded. Yes she could, her phone buzzing broke her out of her thoughts and she whipped it out and rolled her eyes at the message,

Alice: Already on it!

"How are you doing?" Rosalie asked her husband, the way she was seated gave her a clear view of Emmett and Liam while still being able to see Emma .

"I didn't expect him to come to me Rose, he was so cautious when we all walked in. I definitely didn't expect him to fall asleep in my arms…" Emmett's smile let her know he was happy with the way this turned out, happy that Liam had chosen him. She knew what she wanted to bring up, but she didn't know how. She didn't want him to say no, even though a big part of her didn't think he would.

"I want them." She couldn't help the way her eyes widened, "I'm serious. This is our chance to be parents to two children who need us. Emma is already taken with you, and I am the only one in the room, besides maybe Shannon -"

"Not me." Shannon denied quickly, interrupting Emmett to help him prove his point.

"Okay then I am the only one in the room Liam seems to trust, maybe not enough to talk yet but at least enough to come to me, and even sleep in my arms. Rose, I don't know how to explain it but I can feel it…they're supposed to be ours."

Rosalie could feel the venom tears in her eyes, "I want them too." Is all she can manage to get out choking back a sob. She was Rosalie Hale and she would be damned if she let this room of people see her cry but she held her sleeping little one closer and buried her nose in her hair.

After about twenty minutes, Reluctantly, she laid Emma down next to where Emmett laid Liam and watched as their tiny hands linked in their sleep. It was utterly adorable and she cooed inwardly. Forcing herself to look away she saw Carlisle, Esme and Shannon watching them with soft smiles.

"I'll text you as soon as they're awake and you can come back and see them again, or if they are still asleep you can just come when visiting hours start at 8." Shannon told them while walking them out of the hospital. "If you want something to distract yourself while they are asleep they'll need clothes for the next few days."

Ignoring the goodbye pleasantries exchanged between Esme and Shannon like they wouldn't see each other in a few hours, Rosalie instead focused on the fact that she felt like she was on cloud nine. Not only was she completely in love with the twins but they had Emmett wrapped around his finger as well. "I love you," She told him softly, and she didn't need to elaborate. He just knew what she meant, he knew her and she didn't know how she got so lucky. She knew he had always regretted he couldn't give her children and she also knew he felt just as elated as she did that they had this opportunity.

"Do we talk to them about it tomorrow or give them another day?" He asked her, and she didn't have an answer. She didn't know the correct way to ask someone if they wanted to be apart of your family. She'd never had too. Esme, Emmett, Edward and herself were created into it and Alice and Jasper just showed up one day asking for a room, Bella forced her way in and Renesmee was born into it.

"We'll play it by ear." It would have to do for now.