
The Treasure Of Hidden Secrets

Sanya_Taylor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


" Far away deep down in the mountains across a red river and into a dark cave there laid a treasure which revealed one's deepest darkest secrets". "For centuries men and women have seeked high and low to obtain this treasure for it was foretold that the one who found this treasure and solved it's riddle would be blessed with immortality and riches", however if the riddle could not be solved they would be cursed with imeasurable pain, stripped of their skin and cast away in the wind".

Grandma Melda: Okay children that concludes the end of the story for the night off to bed now we have a busy day tomorrow.

Ashley: That's a very silly story, treasures don't reveal secrets, they reveal shiny golds, pearls, diamonds and other pretty things!.

Aston: nonsense! Pure nonsense! treasure have magnificent swords and armors in them not girly stuffs!.

Ashley: They do not have those things!.

Aston: They do !.

Ashley: They do not!.

Grandma Melda: sigh, here we go again.

( Ashley and Aston): They do not, they do, they do not, they do!!!!.

Grandma Melda: Enough!! Both of you hug each other and say I'm sorry.

(Ashley and Aston): I'm sorry.

Grandma Melda: That's more like it, now go to sleep and have sweet dreams, good night children.

(Ashley and Aston): Good night aunt Melda.


Grandma Melda: "Vegetables here!! get your Vegetables your lovely vegetables that makes you strong and healthy.

Ashley: yack!! vegetables aren't nice I don't like them they make my stomach ache.

Aston: haha that's because your too weak, I think you should be the one eating all aunt Melda's vegetables.

Ashley: that's not funny Aston, take it back.

Grandma Melda: For once can't you both get along.

(Ashley and Aston): NEVER!!!

Grandma Melda: SIGH.

(Random customer): Good morning ma'am I need a bag of tomatoes and carrots please.

Grandma Melda: Good morning dear, sure thing a bag of tomatoes and carrots coming right up, Ashley and Aston passed those tomatoes and carrots to this lovely lady.

(Ashley and Aston): Here you go miss enjoy!.

(Random customer): Thank you loves I will.

Grandma Melda: You two make a pretty good team you know, all you need to do is try and get along because you never know when you might need each other.

Ashley: Me, needing him, I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E!!!

Aston: I could never agree with you more me, needing you is downright R-U-B-B-I-S-H.

Grandma Melda: Alright but don't say I didn't tell you, besides I won't be here forever to tell you two stubborn heads to stop arguing.

Ashley: Grandma what do you mean?

Grandma Melda: No worries dear when your older you'll understand now put all this talking to rest, let's go home and bake some apple pie.

Ashley and Aston): Yes! mmh apple pie, my favourite.

Ashley: Hey stop repeating what I said, apple pie is my favourite.

Aston: No it's my favourite get your own favourite.

Ashley: It's my favourite first,

Aston: No it's mine.

(Ashley and Aston): It's my favourite, No it's mine, it's my favorite, No it's mine...

Grandma Melda: This is going to be the death of me.


Ashley: After the death of Grandma Melda, Me and Aston were put in an orphanage because we didn't have any other relatives to look after us. Life there was hard, and the workers there weren't very kind to us, all they did was shout and boss us around. The day finally came when we'd leave this hell hole, this dungeon of a place and enter the big world. Why is that you might ask, that is because today is me and Aston's 18th birthday. Whenever someone turned 18 they would have to leave the orphanage and begin their life as a young adult, luckily the workers were kind today and gave us some money to start us off on our journey, oh did I mention me and Aston are twins, yep... we most definitely are, and of all persons to be a twin with I got paired with him, sigh it's just torture.

Aston: Ashley are you done with your little daydreaming! it's time to get out of here get to it!

Ashley: Although were the same age he's a few minutes older than me because he came out first of course which gives him the idea that he can push me around whenever he wants to but he is dead wrong. Stop yelling I'm not deaf and I'm on my way.

Aston: Ah here we are we've arrived at out destination.

Ashley: What in the world is this place, we're completely isolated from the rest of the other houses, the rest of the world I should say!!

Aston: Quit complaining it's all we could afford right now, remember we barely have enough money, atleast we have a roof over our heads.

Ashley: Your right about that, but this place gives me the creeps, it looks like an abandon haunted mansion, I'm definitely not going in there.

Aston: Fine by me I'll have less annoyance to deal with.

Ashley: Your the annoyance damn, I hate you your such a pain,

Aston: Likewise! anyways let's just get inside it seems like rain is about to fall and I honestly wouldn't want to be attending to you when your sick, all that taking care of you will also make me sick, LITERALLY!

Ashley: Whatever,

Aston: When we entered the house it felt like someone or something was there, watching us. The walls had misterious yet strange paintings on them but one painting which caught both me and my sister's eye was a painting with a treasure chest.

Ashley: This reminds me of the story Grandma Melda told us when we were little about that Treasure thing, sigh I miss her so much.

Aston: I miss her too and yes your right, it does remind me of that story, ha I wonder if that story was real.

Ashley: How old are you? seven, how could that story be real, your so stupid! treasures don't reveal Secrets.


Ashley and Aston: aaaahhhhh!!!