
The Travelling Emperor

Alaric, a simple person from Earth who loved to travel, is reincarnated in Elaria, a magical world with elves, dwarves, demons, and other mythical creatures. Driven by his passion for exploration, he becomes an adventurer and sets out to see all of Elaria. One day, he discovers a mysterious stone that sets him on a path to becoming the Traveling Emperor, a leader destined to unite the diverse realms and reign over the mightiest empire ever known. ================== Weekly Chapters:7 Chapters Word Counts: 800-1000 ================== First time writing

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Chapter 4 -Eyes of Aletheia

"Host, wake up," Jarvis's voice gently roused me from my slumber.

I blinked groggily, shaking off the remnants of sleep. "Is it been 10 hours, Jarvis?" I asked.

"Yes, Host," Jarvis confirmed.

"Thank you for waking me up," I said gratefully.

"No problem, Host," Jarvis replied.

Feeling a pang of hunger, I stretched my limbs and glanced around. "I'm a little hungry. Let's eat first before checking my skills. Also, I need to take a bath at the river," I declared.

At the river, I gazed into the clear water, catching sight of my reflection. My eyes, once black, now glimmered with a silver hue. It was both intoxicating and intimidating.

"Jarvis, can I change back the color of my eyes?" I asked, hoping for a reversal.

"No, Host, that's from your bloodline effect," Jarvis informed me.

Resigned, I turned my attention to my skills. "Now, let's see the effects of my skills," I said, focusing on the apple in my hand, picked up on my way to the river.

A screen popped up:

Name: Apple

Description: Picked up from unnamed territory of a beginning plane

"It's like an appraisal skill, but more accurate," I remarked, impressed by the newfound abilities bestowed upon me by my bloodline.

So, I decided to conduct a few more experiments to fully understand the extent of my newfound abilities.

After hours of testing, I concluded a few things:

Firstly, it seemed that everything I laid my eyes on could be appraised if I put my mind to it. It was a fascinating discovery, opening up a world of possibilities. With this skill, I could potentially uncover hidden truths about the objects and people around me.

Secondly, I noticed that the longer I used my Eyes of Aletheia, the more strain it put on my eyes. It was as if the intense focus required for the skill took a toll on my vision. However, I found that a little sleep could alleviate the discomfort. Perhaps with time, I could adapt to this side effect and use the skill more efficiently without straining my eyes.

Lastly, in terms of its ability to discern lies from the truth, that aspect remained unknown because I am alone in this plane. While I could perceive the truth effortlessly in objects, determining the honesty of individuals needed more exploration.

"Okay, that sums up the investigation of my new skill," I muttered to myself, satisfied with my findings.

"Now, I think it's time to go back to being an adventurer."

"Host, there is a new mission," Jarvis announced, and a screen popped up before me.


What is an emperor without his subjects? Bring at least 40 subjects onto the plane.


0/40 subjects


The Plane Shop

"What's the Plane Shop, Jarvis?" I inquired, curious about the reward.

"The Plane Shop is the main market for emperors and kings. All kinds of things can be bought there," Jarvis explained.

"What do you mean, everything??" I asked, intrigued by the possibilities.

"It's like what the host thinks. You can buy subjects, unique materials—anything that the host can imagine is in The Plane Shop," Jarvis clarified.

Excitement stirred within me at the prospect of exploring this new market. The thought of acquiring rare items and resources to enhance my power was exhilarating.

"Okay, new mission. Instead of returning as an adventurer, let's go and acquire my first 40 subjects," I declared, feeling a surge of determination.

"Jarvis, can you return me to Elaria?" I asked.

"Yes, Host," Jarvis replied.

"Nice. I thought I couldn't go back. But, Jarvis, where can you teleport me?" I inquired.

"In the place we met, Host," Jarvis responded.

"Understood," I said.

"Do you want to go back now, Host?" Jarvis asked.

"No, I need to make a plan to acquire my first 40 subjects before going back."

Let me think

"What is the fastest way to acquire subjects?" I mused.

"Kidnapping? No, that's not my style," I muttered. "Employing people and buying their loyalty? Hmm, not worth it. I don't have much savings, and these people could betray me anytime."

"Wait—slaves are the key. They can't betray their master and must follow their master's orders willingly. It's forceful, but you know what I mean," I said, my mind racing with the possibilities.

Slaves are prominent in the world of Elaria. Due to the constant wars and plundering between races, slavery has become a booming business.

"Jarvis, can anyone be a subject?" I asked, needing to confirm my plan.

"No, Host. Animals, monsters, and insects that don't have much intelligence can't be subjects," Jarvis explained.

"So, can I use slaves?" I asked.

"Yes, Host," Jarvis confirmed.

"Now I've got a plan. Let's go back to The Outpost of Maleria and turn in my quest. Then, we can use a teleportation device to reach The Outpost of Lizra, the outpost of slave traders," I said, determination in my voice.

"Jarvis, let's go back to Elaria," I instructed.

"Yes, Host. Teleportation initiated," Jarvis responded.

In an instant, the world around me shifted. The serene, untouched beauty of my territory gave way to the familiar forest where I hunted a Velocihorn.

"Traveling to Maleria from this forest will take around 7 hours of walking. Let's just do that," I decided, preparing myself for the journey ahead.