
11 - Talking was a bad idea


I panted heavily suppressing the pain as best i could, my blood dripping from fresh wounds pooling underneath the chair.

"Who is your Master!" the man demanded. He refused to believe i served who i said i did.

"Master Victor" I reply coarsely, this had already been ongoing for a couple hours, my wounds were taking longer to heal as i got weaker.

"Bullshit! That kid isn't even a summoner, who are you working for?" a fist smashed into my face 'what a brute' "What was your goal?!" he yells.

"I'm a servant to Master Victor, i was out looking for food" i repeat for what felt like the hundredth time. He seemed convinced that my true master was a terrorist and that i had been sent here on an assassination mission.

He proceeded to yell in frustration and pick up a saw. Upon seeing that i froze knowing full well what saws were used for in a torture setting. I've been tortured before more than once, but the pain was never something i could get used to fully, it had become manageable but getting a limb severed was one of the worst pains i've ever experienced, alongside being burned at the stake. At times like this i wished my system had a pain block feature.

"Let's see how well you talk after losing a wing" he pressures with a grin. Saw in hand he approaches and unstraps my left wing then grabs it in his hand and attempts to pull it open but i hold it folded tight refusing to let him have it. Suddenly the chair gets pulled backwards so fast it catches me by surprise. As i fall backward, on instinct my wing opens to catch myself only to get grabbed and held open by the man. I try to pull it away, but the man had his foot on the back of the chair as leverage holding me tight. He begins to saw at the base of my wing tearing through my flesh with the serrated blade. I could barely breathe through the pain as it severed flesh, muscle, tendons then the bone, my body was screaming as if i had been lit on fire, i couldn't stop shaking and i felt like i might pass out but even still i refused to make a sound, i refused to give them that satisfaction. My body was naturally durable but with only 2% of my power even my durability was almost as low as a human's.

"Who is your master" the man asks yet again after tossing my fully separated wing to the side.

"I already told you" i growl beginning to get impatient, my anger was bubbling fueled by the pain.

"What's that? you want the other wing cut off?" he threatens unsatisfied with my answer. He gets behind me again unclipping my second wing. As soon as my wing was free i struck him in the chest as hard as i could with it, he stumbled backwards coughing from the impact, i snickered, satisfied that i had gotten a decent strike in.

"You fucker" he yells furious. I felt the blade slash at my back catching some of my remaining wing, the sudden pain causing me to gasp. He walked back to the table of torture and picked up a spiked whip then proceeded to give me anger fueled lashings completely destroying my clothes with blood and rips.

The torture continued for many more hours until the man had enough, by that point my remaining wing was torn like a rag, my right hand had been severed, i was missing a few fingers from my left hand, one of my fangs and a few other teeth had been torn out, my tail had been flayed, my remaining left ear was still bleeding from a skull fracture, the right ear had been cut off, my eyes were blackened and my legs were slashed up with a few toes missing. My bruises were disappearing first slowly but i was in a lot of pain from the rest of the injuries grunting as I was dragged back to the front cell where the elf remained. Her eyes opened wide with horror when she saw my appearance, but she didn't say anything, likely fearing the same treatment. 'i should have just asked the elf for blood instead of talking to that damn human' i think bitterly as i'm shoved back into the cell.

The man on duty who incited this beating laughed with a smirk "You seem to have learned how to be quiet" he taunts. 'Laugh while you can, you're going to be my meal for sure' i threaten mentally memorizing his appearance for later.

I sit tenderly trying not to cause myself more pain from moving. As i sat a small pool of blood accumulated below me. My blood seemed to stop flowing after about another hour, at this point the sun was beginning to rise and birds were chirping.

Would i finally get to leave this place? just as i finished that thought a dragon landed at the entrance to the station and the lady i had met last night entered. Bethany was her name.

"What the fuck is this Jeff?" she demanded after noticing my state.

'What? I sent him to get interrogated, what about it" he scoffs

"I only told you to hold him overnight" she replies sternly clearly disapproving of what he had done.

"well as the officer on duty i felt it necessary to get him investigated" he responds annoyed. She scowls in disgust but doesn't say anything in response and instead just takes my ID from the bench. She goes behind the desk, picks up the desk phone and starts to call the number shown on my Id.

After a few rings i hear my master answer the phone half asleep still and a little snappy from the disturbance.

"Hello? What do you want? who is it?"

"Hello, is this Mr Victor Henry Steven Ross?" Bethany asks

"Yes, what do you want?" Master victor says still annoyed

"My name is Bethany, i work for the Public Law and Safety Enforcement Agency. I'm calling to inform you we have your summon detained at 02 Levitangton Station, you're free to come collect it any time" she informs.

"What?" Master half yells into the phone wide awake now "For fucks sake" i hear him curse "what did he do to get detained?"

"I can explain the situation when you come to the station" Bethany responds.

"Right. I'm on my way"




-Fullness - 19/100 (linked) -consuming human blood will increase the fullness

-HP- 34/100 -if the hp drops to 0, Aaron will become unconscious until all fatal wounds are healed with 'regeneration'. Once all wounds are healed, corruption will increase to 7/7

-Corruption - 5/7 -corruption will reset to 0/7 upon reaching 100/100 'fullness'. corruption will increase by 1 for every day Aaron is not at 100/100 fullness



-Coexistence (linked) -Aaron can transform into a human permanently until the transformation is canceled or until 'fullness' drops to 5/100. Must have at least 50% fullness to transform into a human. 5 fullness will be used

-Partial morph (linked) -while transformed into a human Aaron can reveal parts of it's true form at will. Re-morphing those parts into a humans' will use 1 fullness per major morph.

-Blood Consumption (linked) -Aaron can only consume blood. Human blood will increase the 'fullness', other types of blood will prolong the 'fullness' from reaching 0 for a maximum of 7 days.


-Regeneration -All wounds small or large will heal. If Aaron consumes human blood, the healing speed will increase by 150% for 1 hour.

-Superiority -All biological traits are amplified supernaturally.

-Berserker -When corruption reaches 7/7 Aaron will go berserk. Can only be deactivated upon reaching 100/100 fullness. While berserk Aaron will not listen to any commands.


Power limiter - 2.3%

XP - 0/100

Current quest: Rise from rubble - Increase your 'links' level to 50 before completing the tutorial.


-Immortality -as a/an ??? entity the User will be protected from permanent death.

-Target translation -any words spoken by any entity directed towards the User or being listened to by the User will be translated for the User.

-User translation -the system will translate all spoken words used by the User to the native language of the targeted entity.