
The Traveler of Tragedies

A rupture caused the end of the governments of the world and the life of our protagonist, he is commissioned to finish a mission in his long journey through the multiverse. Unfinishable according to a Deity, but for him nothing is unfinishable. Embark on the journey of our protagonist's life through life and death in a world unknown to him. This story may possibly contain spelling mistakes, sorry that's because English is not my first language.

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Chapter 1

Japan, 2012

Rain was falling under the gigantic city of Tokyo, puddles of water formed on the roads where cars passed by from time to time. The distinguished moonlight and its brilliance illuminating the paths under the cold night, torrential rains and the sound of raindrops hitting the concrete, among it a figure of an average size was spotted at a bus stop.

That figure looked young, a boy, walking in clothes that from a distance you would think he was a tourist, that young man looked shivering in the occasional cold. The figure got up and began to walk in an unknown direction, who would think he was just looking for directions home. But reality is far from fiction, the young man was lost in the middle of the night not knowing exactly where his Inn was where he was staying.

- Where~ was that thing~ -said an exhausted voice, denoting tiredness and at the same time the figure of the young man himself stops while he was holding on to the wall due to fatigue. - Was it a bad idea to come to Japan?" said the young man's voice as his legs fell to the cold and wet floor.

- At least I fulfilled the dream that every otaku has had in his life? -said the young man as he raised his head to the sky, raindrops brushed his cheeks. The rain suddenly stopped and a ray of sunshine began to warm the wet streets. The Young Man looked up at the sunlight, saw that the rain was over and with it the cold as well.

As the young man walked through the huge streets of Tokyo, a mysterious circle of purple hues appeared in the sky. Huge amounts of screaming and fleeing people are seen all over the city of Tokyo.

- What is that?" said the young man as he pointed his right hand at the huge purple circle in the sky. As the young man looked at the sky. - We're all going to die! The Mayans weren't lying!" said a man as he ran up to the young man and threw him to the ground.

At that same moment in different locations in Tokyo, huge circles appeared in the sky, hundreds of people were fleeing for their lives in search of a safe place.


A huge figure with a physical structure resembling a lizard fell from the purple circle in the sky. It had an enormous proportion, where it fell there were offices and shopping malls. Cries of agony and fear echoed throughout the city.

- What the fuck are those things!" shouted the young man as he ran in an unknown direction, escaping from those strange creatures.

A black lasso from the creature grabbed the young man's torso, the creature's tongue imprisoned and squeezed the young man's body each time.

- Arghh, it hurts like hell! - said the young man as he was dragged into the creature's mouth. - I don't want to die! Help! - but nobody heard him, the young man was swallowed by the creature and the screams of terror of the other citizens was increasing.

Meanwhile more creatures fell from the circle in the sky, and as time passed the city of Tokyo was declared as the dead point of the world. Access to it was restricted, and all sightings of these creatures were reported to Japan's national security headquarters. Soon the world and its governments would pass into a new era, the dark ages.


In the meantime, what happened to the young man who was swallowed by that creature. The young man for obvious reasons died in the act of being swallowed and with the torment of a quick death by being riddled by the sharp teeth that pierced him while he was still conscious, after that he was discharged, and considered the first human to die at the hands of a strange creature, or so it was believed.

- Where am I? Wasn't I dead already?" said the disoriented young man as he observed where he was - "Why is everything blank?" whispered the young man as he felt a kind of pressure that made him fall to his knees and direct his gaze to the ground without the possibility of looking up.

- You're in my bedroom, young human," said a voice that exuded authority while the pressure increased as time went by. - Could you tell me how you got here," asked the voice as the force in his words and the surroundings gradually diminished.

- It may sound strange, but I died in a catastrophe and I appeared here - said the young man as he got up from the ground and cleaned his clothes with both hands - I know very well that I am already dead, my death was painful and quick - mentioned the young man with a sad expression.

- Don't worry, human beings have met others who have come to my paramos, you are not the only one. Sit down, we need to talk," said the voice as it made a chair appear out of nowhere. - Normally those who come here have a mission to accomplish, and yours will be next," said the voice as it made a diary appear, exuding authority, "I hate it when this thing shines, sometimes it annoys," said the voice as it opened the diary and leafed through the pages one by one. - Here it is, Altair Tylryt, is that your name or am I mistaken? -asked the voice as he leafed through the book.

- Your mission is one of the most complex I have seen in my millennial existence, human your duty is to live each of your lives from where you will travel, an arduous task, but apparently it has its advantages," said the voice while turning the page in the journal. - You have three blessings, you will discover them for yourself. I wish you the best Altair, take care on your journey," said the voice while with his right hand appeared a ray of light in the direction of the young Altair. At the moment of collision Altair fades into particles and little by little he loses consciousness.


- Where am I now' - thought Altair as he slowly opened his eyes. After opening them he saw cars passing by outside the alley where he was - 'Is this Japan? It looks a lot like Japan...' - he thought in his heart as he got up from the garbage bags he was sitting on. Leaving the alley he was in he saw cars driving around at night - 'This is not the Japan I ever get to see' - Altair said in his mind as he walked along a path where he was near a forest.

- Why is my body so small? Am I a child?' muttered Altair in his mind as he continued walking - 'I think I can rest here,' said Altair finally closing his eyes and taking a rest in the roots of a tree.


- Yugo, why did you stop in the middle of the practice match? -said a tall person while holding a yellow colored sword.

- I feel a presence in the forest. I'll go investigate the area," said Yugo as he jumped from branch to branch looking for the presence, "Soichi! I found something come here. -Yugo said as he climbed down from the branches of the tree and found a small boy sleeping peacefully in the roots of the tree while the moon was shining its brightness on him.

- What did you find that made you so loud," commented Soichi as he landed by jumping from the branches of the tree.

- It's a boy, I found him here in the forest sitting there," he commented as he pointed to the ground surrounded by the tree roots, "He looks no older than 6 years old, what do we do with him Soichi. Shall we take him to the base? -Yugo asked while carrying the sleeping boy.

- Let's take him to the base and when he wakes up we'll ask him what he was doing sleeping in a place as dangerous as this forest, okay? -replied Soichi.

- Soichi, Yugo, why did you come back so early? What are you doing there Yugo," asked the figure on the bridge.

- Let's go inside the base, we need your help, Masamune," said Yugo as he and Soichi quickly entered the building.

Inside the huge building were the three familiar figures and a small boy who was unconscious.

- So what are you going to tell me, what happened to that child," said Masamune as he pointed his index finger at the boy lying on the bed. - Don't tell me that... he was kidnapped - he said while he looked at both of them with a somber face and took two steps backwards.

- What! Of course not! Don't think stupid things - shouted Yugo exalted while waiting for an answer from Soichi.

- hm~ where am I~ - said a high-pitched voice as he raised one of his small hands in order to massage his closed eye sockets.

As the previously unconscious little boy was waking up the remaining 3 young men in the room fell into an abrupt silence.

- What is this - where am I?" said the little boy's voice again. - Who are you? Did you bring me here while I was... sleeping?" asked the little boy.

- Little boy... why were you sleeping in that forest?" asked Masamune.

- I was very sleepy, yesterday I couldn't sleep well because of hunger and I decided to sleep a little bit to recover my energy - said the little boy while looking at the three young men standing there.

- Did you say you slept because of hunger, little boy, do you have a home? - Masamune's question made the little boy with king blue eyes freeze.

- I don't have a home, I have lived in the streets since I can remember - stammered the little boy with a sad face.

After those words the young men stared at the boy in front of them, none of them wanted to say a word, but suddenly one of them said something. That was Yugo.

- Do you want to live here with us? Maybe it's not very suitable for a little boy like you but- - said Yugo until he was interrupted by the little boy.

- Are you serious? c-can I live here with you? - asked the little boy with tears running down his eyes.

- But before that you must tell us your name and we will give you ours - said the black-haired man while he placed his left hand on the little boy's head.

- My name is Alriot - said the little boy while a smile formed on his face. - What are your names - asked the little boy.

- My name is Soichi Mogami, it's a pleasure Alriot - said Soichi as he bent down to shake the little boy's hand.

- I'm Yugo Kuga, it's a pleasure to meet you, little one," said the black-haired boy as he fluttered Alriot's reddish hair.

- And I am Masamune Kido, the friend of these two irresponsible people - mentioned Masamune with a shivering eyebrow.

- Irresponsible me? - said Soichi - The only irresponsible one here is Yugo with his traveler ideas - said Soichi while giving too much exaggeration to the problems.

While the trio of youngsters and little Alriot were talking and chatting about the future life inside the base, in a distant place of understanding, a group of beings with humanoid appearances and horns on their heads were moving a group of bipedal beings which were wearing chains on their feet and hands.

- You saw the news. The orbit of the planet is taking us close to Miden. Do you think it could be a sign of something to come," said a voice.

- Are you talking about an invasion of Miden? If so, it's possible. Miden is one of the few forces that have no defense and no attack power. When do you think we will arrive," said another voice.

- I estimate about 2 years, our nation's orbit will be close enough to Miden to send a group of soldiers and an expedition group - said in confirmation the same voice.

- It is decided we will tell the King, the next plan is to prepare for the arrival to Miden - said the voice in completion.