
The Trashy NTR Dude's POV

Adult Content. Something that is arguably the biggest business in the entire online world. Something most, if not all humans who have internet access have watched, regardless of gender. Harrison is one such individual. He is a cultured gentleman who enjoys the artworks of Hentai and likes to play popular eroge games from time to time. One such game was 'Orion'. Orion was advertised to be an eroge, but it was so much more than just that. What started as a quick pleasure session for Harrison turned into a full-blown virtual adventure with twists and turns and very interesting game mechanics. Harrison found himself captivated by the game's world and continued playing it till he reached every ending possible. But, of course, not everything was good. One character. The one character that ruined Harrison's entire gaming experience was Zagan. He was one of those stereotypical bullies who appeared in games to be annihilated by the MC for quick character development. But Zagan was something worse. He NTR'd the protagonist. Not once but 3 times. In the end, he was brutally killed and his bloodline was ended. Which gave great pleasure to Harrison. But now... Suddenly... Harrison woke up in the body of the same character he hated from the depths of his soul. "What the hell... WHY AM I THIS GARBAGE?!?!?!", Harrison screamed.

AGENT_ALT · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


'So many more people...', Harrison thought as he scanned the corridors of the school.

Students hurrying to classes, some chit-chatting with friends, and others studying with books in their hands.

'The other books are... A book about dungeons... a book about magic and its properties... and another one about history... Cool, I'll get those later on.', Harrison decided after scanning the books the studious students were carrying.

'Also... I completely forgot the fact that I'm in the same class as the main protagonist... and also... Seraphine... Let's hope I don't step on landmines, haha...', Harrison bitterly laughed at his own fate.

Harrison became a man of careful calculation. Every step he took, every word he spoke, and every action he made was premeditated. He lived in a constant state of vigilance, knowing that any misstep could worsen his already abysmal situation. While some may argue that living like that is unhealthy, Harrison had no choice but to do so, if he wanted to survive.

With a stoic face, a dignified posture and eyes of pure indifference, he entered the classroom.

Upon his entry, Zagan exuded an aura that warned others not to approach.

Students stared at him for a few seconds before going back to doing what they were doing.

Harrison made sure not to look anywhere else but forward. He didn't even want to make eye contact with any of the main characters. Especially Seraphine.

He slowly walked towards his desk and sat down, opening his bestiary and reading through it.

Harrison could feel some stares towards him, but he didn't dare look back.

After a few more minutes, the class suddenly went silent.

Harrison looked up to the front of the class for the first time.

'Professor Henry.', Harrison thought.

"Good morning students. Let us start with the roll call.", the man with a handsome face, sap green hair and equally green irises said.

Everyone sat down and the teacher started to take attendance.

"Roll 38. Zagan Gray."

"Present", Zagan said with an indifferent voice, looking straight forward.

Zagan's roll number was the last since his initial letter was a 'Z'.

After the roll call, the professor started teaching.

'So... he's teaching something related to monster anatomy... Hmm... I should be able to answer some of them based on the labelled pictures and lore written on the game forums.', Harrison concluded.

As the class continued, Harrison's mind began to drift off the class.

'What will be the next step...? Oh, wait... Console.'


[Name: Zagan]

[Level: 7]

[STR: 5]

[STM: 8]

[MAG: 5]

[INT: 4]

[Attribute points: 1]

[Active Skills: {Horizontal Slash (Sword)}, {Vertical Slash (Sword)}, {Lesser Parry (Sword)}, {Dash}, {Pleasure's Touch}, {Electric Ball}, {Lightning Strike}]

[Passive Skills: {Mana Sense}, {Sword Sense}, {Danger Detection}, {Devil's Charm}]

[Mods: {Increased Drop Rate}, {Quick Learner}, {Dungeon Detector}, {Boss Detector}, {Item Detector}, {Minimap}, {*%$# &*$!@#(Loading)}]

'I haven't used any of my mods yet... Also... It seems that mod is still loading...', Harrison thought.

'Anyway, I have one attribute point remaining... Let's use that to upgrade INT...', Harrison thought before putting the point into INT.

'Let's use {Item Detector}...', Harrison thought before clicking on the mod.

Suddenly, Harrison felt a slight tinge in his eyes.


After opening his eyes, Harrison was dumbfounded.

'Damn...', was the only thing he could think of.

{Item Detector} was a simple mod developed by Harrison because he got annoyed at losing rare drops in the middle of tall grass or bushes. There were times were he killed High-level bosses but couldn't find the item drop because it landed in some stupid bush.

Harrison made this mod to highlight items over a certain rarity. The selected items will have a glowing outline and the outline will be visible through terrain and other things. There will also be a waypoint over the items, indicating how much distance they are at.

Currently, Zagan is seeing some very strange things.

There were certainly items.

'TOO MANY ITEMS!', Harrison yelled internally as he closed his eyes.

'HOW DO I CHECK THE RARITY?!', he wailed as he went back to the console.

He clicked on the mod again and it opened a small terminal with a keyboard in front of it.

He quickly put in the command to edit the item rarity filter of the mod and after a few seconds, most of the lights disappeared.

'Only 3 items of the rarity Epic...', Harrison observed.

'2 of them look like spell cards... and the last one... looks like a talisman... I'm pretty sure that's a sword-related talisman, so I won't be touching that. But the spell cards, I'll definitely take.'

As Harrison was thinking, he got abruptly interrupted by the professor.

"Zagan Gray. Stand up.", Henry commanded.

Zagan stood up indifferently.

"Answer me. What is the Ceasar Worm's weakness and how do mages deal with it? Also, without potions.", Henry asked.

"... The Ceasar worms are a type of monster that inhabit dry and hot climates, such as deserts. One would think their weakness would be water or ice since it is the opposite element, but they would be gravely mistaken. The Ceasar worm's weakness is actually electricity. Its teeth have an unusually high amount of conductive metal content in them. A mage would use the strongest lightning spell they can use and aim it at the worm's teeth to stun it. Afterwards, the mage would need to use fire magic to heat up the teeth even more and then use lightning spells again. A few cycles of this should be enough to subjugate a Ceasar worm.", Zagan answered.

Everyone in the class became silent, the professor included.

The professor looked at Zagan dumbfoundedly before Zagan broke the silence.

"Of course, that only works when the Ceasar worm has not gone through any mutation. If it has, a singular mage would never be enough to subjugate it, no matter the mage's strength.", Zagan continued.

"Y-yes. Well said, Mr.Gray. You may sit.", Henry smiled awkwardly.

Zagan sat down and looked back at his bestiary.

'Damnit! To think he would give such a good answer! He usually never gives answers!', Henry thought bitterly.

'Hopefully... that answer was acceptable...', Harrison sighed.

'Let's also use the other mods then...', Harrison decided before opening up the console again.

He activated {Quick Learner}, {Boss Detector}, {Dungeon Detector}, {Increased Drop Rate}.

{Quick Learner} was a mod Harrison made to speed up the process of acquiring mastery over skills. In Orion, using a skill multiple times increased one's proficiency in it, although it all depended on the enemies you killed with it. If you just mindlessly cast a single spell towards nothing, it wouldn't do anything. You had to slay bosses and farm mobs using a skill to level it up.

{Quick Learner} made the process much quicker by giving you more skill exp per kill.

{Boss Detector} detected hidden bosses according to the user-defined level range and warned the player if a higher-level boss was in the area.

{Dungeon Detector} did the same as {Boss Detector} but with dungeons instead of bosses.

{Increased Drop Rate} speaks for itself. It increased the drop rate of rare items.

'Now... the {Minimap}...', Harrison thought before clicking on it on the console.

Suddenly, Harrison's field of view became black and after a few dozen seconds, he regained vision.

But the thing was... On the top left corner of his vision, there was a small circle with a map in it!

His vision was edited to fit the map inside it! It stayed there regardless of the area he looked to. It seemed to be something not affected by the 3D world or depth or anything like that. It was a literal HUD.

Harrison moved his head from left to right and back and forth and the map updated every time. It was exactly like a minimap from any game.

But the best thing was... The entire map was covered. Not a single area was left undiscovered because Harrison had already fed into it the world's terrain data as well as the locations of all the important things.

'This is my biggest cheat code right now... I'll never ever get lost with this...', Harrison smirked.


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