
Death by carnal desire

When he rolled down the automobile window, cold air brushed over his face. He was worn out. He believed that it would be difficult to enjoy life while working at his dull and stressful job. Cane Astro left K Hospital after spending a lot of time there. He was an eligible bachelor who attracted all different kinds of women.

He adjusted his ways after a nasty breakup, unlike some people. It served no purpose to make Cupid seek him with his bow and arrow because, in his opinion, true love would only come to those who earned it. But he was hoping he could be a recipient of such love because he thought it would start bringing color to his world.

He was returning home in his Porsche A1000 when he saw an unidentified "thing" materialize in the middle of the road, seemingly out of nowhere.

He quickly applied the brakes, sending a piercing screech from the car's tires.


If he did not pay close attention to his surroundings and remain vigilant while driving, he believed he might collide with that unidentified object.

He quickly exited the vehicle to investigate, but he was astonished to discover that it was a "who" rather than a "what."

A woman in distress was sitting there with her back to him. He was shocked and found it hard to believe someone could just emerge in that manner in the midst of a highway.

It was fortunate that the road might be viewed in some ways as exclusive to the residents of his neighborhood. Since it was already one in the morning, the only vehicle often passing through at that time was his car.

He instantly inquired as to her wellbeing, but all he got back were murmurs.

He couldn't believe that she had suddenly materialized in an instant, so he was perplexed by the circumstance. He was so sure of his senses that he even thought it was absurd to be misled.

The woman had golden hair and was dressed strangely, which was another oddity he observed. He persuaded himself that since he was exhausted from work, he might perhaps be mistaken. He hypothesized that she moved from the side of the road to the center to get assistance.

'Hi! I am a physician from the K Doctors Hospital named Cane Astro. Are you alright? ', he inquired, holding up the license he had removed from his wallet.

When the red-haired man asked her, the woman strained to move and simply forced her head to tilt in his direction.

He was astounded by the woman's beauty as she turned to face him. He was immediately disturbed, though, when he noticed that her porcelain-like skin was gradually turning purple.

He hastily assisted her in standing up and took her to the car so she could receive medical attention at a hospital.


Unexpectedly, she slapped his hand away and uttered the following words:

"Please go away from me!"

He was taken aback by her response. But he made a vow to save lives when he became a doctor, and the woman's was no exception.

"I apologize, Miss. I have no idea what you are going through right now, but I am aware that you are in danger. Based on your temperature when I touched you just now, you are really unwell. The best scenario is for me to have you inspected straight away. I even calculated that the seriousness of your condition prevents me from having you brought to the closest hospital, so I would have to carry you with me to my clinic in the neighborhood," Cane remarked worriedly.

The purple veins on her neck had grown much darker and more pronounced, he saw. She started squirming in anguish, but quickly slumped down. He picked her up quickly and drove right away. They arrived in about four minutes.

PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME! PLEASE! ', she insisted when Cane was ready to remove her from the vehicle.

But he remained steadfast. He'd rather have her despise him than do nothing to save her life.

"I apologize. I'll have to force myself to do this." He said, pulling her out of the car on a bridal carry, "Hate me as much as you can after you get healthy."

Her fits were progressively more violent. But she lacked the strength to fend off Cane's strong arms.

"What makes your body so warm? This is quite worrying. This high of a body temperature shouldn't be possible for a living being.", he exclaimed in wonder and bewilderment.

When they entered the clinic, she was quickly laid down on the bed. He instantly took her vital signs, which only revealed that her body temperature and the violet tint of her skin were abnormal.

He quickly walked back to his car, grabbed his phone, and dialed the hospital he worked at's emergency response number.

When he returned inside, he was astounded to discover her standing on her own and approaching him.

She was moving slowly and appeared to be muttering some things that appeared to be prayers in another language, but nothing was audible.

"Miss, you must lie down."

She instantly placed her hands on his chest and began to smell his neck, interrupting him.

'Please leave me! I can't control this anymore, please!', she begged him.

Her words and behaviors were completely at odds with each other, and Cane was perplexed by how she behaved. He had many thoughts about the potential conditions she might have, but he was unable to connect any of them to the scenario he was in.

Then, all of a sudden, he was reminded of an old study: ancient medicine.

"Are you potentially under the influence of an aphrodisiac? But something like that shouldn't have led to this. Could it be a brand-new drug? Miss, don't worry; the ambulance should arrive shortly. I'll wait here while you climb back on the bed, please."

Just as he extended his hand to assist her, she unexpectedly kissed him.

Although the unexpected kiss startled him, what really made him flinch was when he noticed that she was crying.

Cane was reminded of the use of ancient medications when he noticed that their lips were still together. Unconventional research once held that the only way to get rid of an aphrodisiac was for the victim to let go of the suppressed desire that the stimulant had so strongly influenced.

Even though he believed it to be an extreme stretch for those things to actually occur, he continued to consider the concept because it was the only thing that was remotely similar to what was happening.

Suddenly, he was reminded of his professional personal oath, which required him to use any means at his disposal to help his patients get better.

Since it would be his first time dealing with that kind of situation, he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little nervous about the concept.

She abruptly tore open his blue polo without giving him a chance to think it over and forced him onto the couch that was next to the door.

The woman climbed onto Cane's lap, and he obediently sat down on the couch.

She gave him another passionate kiss, and that inspired even more courage in Cane to carry out the potential "antidote."

He began to remove his pants while touching her body, but he was unaware of it. He was hypnotized. He seemed to suddenly become irrational and lose control of his body.

His consciousness, though, was still present. He was aware of the woman's beauty as they were having a sexual encounter. She wore a very elegant outfit that should have been one solid piece. However, it had shoulder padding despite just covering her chest and thighs. It featured a feather-like skirt, was extremely skin-tight up to her waist, and was made of materials that weren't typically utilized for clothing in the nation.

They really went all the way, not long after her ferocious sexual assault on Cane.

After their intimate moment, Cane noticed that she appeared to have a lower body temperature and that the purple spots were gradually fading.

"Why do I suddenly feel so energized? What is this strange sensation going through my body, exactly? She now appears better as well. Was that actually successful?"

Cane awoke from his trance and quickly called the emergency crew to tell them to cancel while he "took care" of the situation.

He was unaware that the ambulance was only a couple of minutes away. Fortunately, they were not present when his miraculous treatment took place; otherwise, it would have been an awkward sight to see.

His manhood hardened once again, as if it had not just been through a war, fueled by the newly discovered unknown force.

He didn't hesitate for a second to totally cure the stunning virgin who was still on top of him because the unique treatment had initially been successful.

They were at it at least seven times. He had his fair share of sexual encounters as a doctor and eligible bachelor, but it was by far the most thrilling and rewarding, in his opinion.

But after every round, he felt that the unknown energy inside of him was getting stronger while the woman's complexion turned normal.

Suddenly, his heart thumped. He was not sure if others could hear it, but it beat loudly like it was beside his ears.

That unknown energy speedily spread out all over his body. His heart felt like it was hammered by a giant mallet in an abnormal manner, then a few seconds later it totally stopped beating.

Shit! Did I just die? What a bizarre way to die—die to heavenly sex, that is.

Hi everyone! I am excited to share this novel with you. I hope you like it and come to love it soon. Please don't hesitate to comment and post reviews. I will really appreciate your support. Thank you, guys!

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