
Blasphemy to the Gods

Doctor Brooke did not mind sharing that with Kharlile because everything would be for naught if Cane didn't survive. She believed he would be able to deal with them once he awoke, but she was also certain that he would appreciate their help.

"I am not a combat-type superhuman, so I have no way of retaliating; but even with you, with his king elements, it would be difficult to survive if he truly intended to kill us; but I hope that is the least of our concerns. You and your family are concrete evidence that I can be trusted; I just hope he believes that when he wakes up."

'So, how are we going to cure him?', Kharlile asked.

'I'm not sure about this. If he truly carries the Sin of Lust, no one else gets to see or know how the avatars control that sin except the avatars themselves. Because he is a man, I am only 50% confident in my prediction. I'm having trouble believing my own theory. However, nothing comes to mind. This guy is an enigma to me.' Doctor Brooke was at a loss for what to do next.

The doctor and the fox-man talked for a few more minutes before being startled by Linda's warning that the liquid in which Cane was submerged had begun to boil.

'This is risky. He will undoubtedly die as a result of his body's extreme temperature. We'll have to wake him up. Only he has the ability to save himself. You said we could communicate with his AI, correct? We'd better do it right now! ', the doctor insisted.

The red warnings continued to flash. It even flickered faster as the temperature readings skyrocketed. Kharlile quickly shook Cane's shoulders to wake him up, but nothing happened. He condensed a small wind sphere in his palm and slammed it against Cane's abdomen, but he remained unconscious.

"Doctor Brooke, I can't wake him up. Take action!", the doctor's violet hair immediately turned blue again after hearing Kharlile's cry for help. "Leave us! I'm going to seal off this room. Don't let anyone in.", she warned.

"It's dangerous." Kharlile retorted, "I should stay behind to protect you."

Doctor Brooke gave Kharlile a determined look and told him to wait outside for an hour and call her via her AI after that. She only guaranteed that she knew what she was doing when he asked why.

Kharlile understood that only she could help Cane at this time. He put all his trust in the beautiful doctor and his unconscious friend.

After the Foxman left, Doctor Brooke quickly instructed her AI Linda, to isolate the floor. Heavy-duty doors closed with a loud thud. She approached Cane, who was still unconsciously floating in the tub, slowly and nervously.

'This has to be fate. Don't blame yourself for what you're about to do if you can hear me. We are only mortals, but you have the Sin of Lust. I knew it when I saw the look in your eyes as you touched me before teleporting away. This is what I'm doing to save my clan. So, don't blame yourself if I die in your hands,' Doctor Brooke said aloud as her soft pinkish white hand approached the middle of Cane's brows.

Cane's eyes abruptly opened, and he vanished from the tub. He was actually now sniffing the doctor's nape.

'Linda, try to communicate with his AI.'

'Brooke, we are connected.'

'Cane. Answer me if you can hear me.', the doctor, who sounded calm but was actually terrified, asked Cane through their AIs.

Their AIs were both quite advanced. Unlike their previous encounter with Kharlile, Liz informed the doctor via her AI that they could directly mimic everything their masters wanted to relay to the other party.

'Doc... I can't stop myself any longer. Run! ', Cane struggled to say.

'Don't talk anymore. I know that you bear the sin of lust. You will need to kill me, or else you will go on a rampage and kill everyone who has blood relations with me, leaving me the last to die. It is blasphemy to the gods when a mortal touches them. I'm not sure how you became the bearer, but I'm ready to die. Don't hold it against yourself. Do it while you still have consciousness! ', Doctor Brooke said solemnly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Cane resolutely replied, "I can't... do... that!"

He flashed and flickered in front of the doctor several times, like a character in a video game experiencing a glitch. As she closed her eyes, Doctor Brooke resigned herself. She was convinced that Cane would kill her to spare others. But she was mistaken—rip! The wave of Cane's hand ripped her clothes in half. She was stunned to hear him say, "I am... sorry!"

She wanted to scream or call for help. But she knew that no one could help her. She had once read in other ancient records how the punishment for the blasphemy of a God worked. It was like a curse. Nobody can run away from it. Hence, even though Cane showed signs of doing something caused by lust, she believed that he would ultimately kill her.

Cane was actually struggling internally. He could somehow influence his body to not make any reckless movements; that's why he was shivering uncontrollably.

'God! Please respond! How can I get out of this? You wouldn't just abandon me to die because of your abilities, would you? And is this woman telling the truth? Do I unconsciously slaughter her blood relatives if I'm not going to kill her? ', he attempted to summon the Sin of Lust God, but received no response.

He racked his brains in search of a solution to his current predicament. Just as he was about to enact the last option he could think of, loud booming sounds resonated.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heavy-duty doors fractured quickly, creating an opening large enough for a man to enter. Doctor Brooke and Cane were standing in an area under heavy pressure. The indescribable power actually came from the person who entered through the opening in the collapsed wall.

'Gravity... Father! You must leave immediately or all of us will perish! ', said the doctor to the middle-aged man applying the pressure.

'I can't let my only daughter die for the clan. Our ancestors have avoided this same type of calamity in the past, so I am sure that we will find a way.', Doctor Brooke's father decisively replied, and exerted more pressure towards the unmoving Cane.

The doctor had no idea how her father learned that she was in danger, but it only made matters worse. She was suddenly able to move after her father's power shifted to a concentrated area. "He has space and time powers. It would be better if I became the sacrifice. I have never heard of a superhuman bearing a god's sin. We can't escape the punishment of the Gods, especially since he is a superhuman.", she worriedly said.

Doctor Brooke please live!

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