
The Transmigrated Villainess after her Fall

From Duke’s daughter to famous songwriter/ singer to crown princess, Serena Maxwell did it all. A winner in life who defied the odds of being a novel's villainess. It would have been perfect if it all ended with the royal wedding, but life holds more mystery and follows with misery at times. A divorcee before getting a chance to be widowed, a handicapped Marquis’ younger sister whose parents’ dukedom has been sequestered, poor and too embarrassed to even show her face in public, she can only live simply as a shadow of her former self. Writing plagiarized songs and selling them while in a guise to earn a living. Just when she thought that the situation couldn’t get any worse, worse turned to worst. Despite their self-imposed hiding, a Court Summons arrived summoning her brother to court to face graft charges with possible lifetime imprisonment as sentence. Determined to find help, she seeks the young minister of Justice, the heir to the Cromwell dukedom, Christopher Cross. However, given her current position, it’s not easy to approach said esteemed person even when they were old acquaintances. With no better choice, there’s only one place she can go to be able to meet him. Back to the glitzy, glamorous, and pretentious ballrooms of the nobility facing old acquaintances, from holding the crown to being the clown, becoming the butt of all jokes while receiving surly stares and audacious propositions from the male peers, Serena can only swallow her pride and brave it all. -- After his revenge, Grand Duke Charlton Daniel has become one of the most accomplished and distinguished noble with an unshakable status in society. However, at the end of the day, he felt empty. He used and betrayed his lover to get the best of his cousin. He deceived his ailing mother, the younger sister of the former king, while taking part of the party ousting the royal family. He now has everything, but at the same time, nothing. Sometimes he wonders, was everything he did, worth it? Faced with the emptiness and loneliness despite emerging triumphant, he could only come to terms with the phrase, life must go on. Determined to move on from the past, he started seeing duke Ligeti’s granddaughter, Larissa. She was innocent and naïve, but she gave him peace of mind. So, with building a family in mind, he was thinking of proposing marriage. However, just when he thought that he found his solace, his past lover suddenly appeared before his eyes. She was as beautiful as he first saw her, or maybe even more. Was it the lights or just something in her eyes? Without doing anything, she caused waves and even tsunamis in his heart. Deny it all he might, something was still there. Yet, no. After all she did to him, and him to her, they were over. He can’t possibly forsake his present lover because she came back to... she was back for him, wasn’t she? And just when this thought processed in his mind, reality came crushing in. Before his very eyes, she was seducing another man. -- Will Serena and Charlton rekindle their love this time around? Or will she find true love in another man’s arms? Read and find out!

champilyn · Fantasi
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36 Chs

Chapter 25: Ligeti’s evening dance party III

Serena could feel her heart in her throat. To say that she was nervous would be a gross understatement. As she neared towards the French double doors which would be the entrance to the ballroom, her steps grew heavier.

She has been to the Ligeti's ducal mansion a couple of times, each baring something memorable. Unfortunately, there were more bad than good. Hopefully, tonight would not be anything disastrous, not that she was expecting anything good either.

She shook her head. She must not think negatively. What was the worse thing that can happen anyway? Granted that Charlton would be there with his lover, but she was prepared for that. She has prepped herself mentally about seeing him with Larissa and promised herself not to ever cry because of him again.

She was a lady on a mission, and nothing should distract her.

She took a deep breath. Tonight, she will approach Christopher. She will charm him to the best of her abilities, and hopefully… hopefully…

In any case, the worst outcome was if Christopher were to call her out on her purpose immediately. It would mean that he's definitely not interested. In that case, she can just directly ask for his help. If he turns it down, that's it. At least she tried. Then she can move to the next target, disgusting as the current prime minister was. Just imagining it… yuck.

If Christopher ignores her tonight, it's not yet the end of the world. She can try a couple of times. If he acts only a little friendly, that's also good. It might mean he's open to the idea. It's only her expectations she should manage. Whatever she may be in his life, she must never forget her purpose.

Finally, she stood behind the double doors. She tried to calm herself. Breathe in, breathe out. She can do this.

The footman who the butler earlier sent to inform the duke regarding the lady's arrival came back to tell him that the duke already knows and was ready to receive the lady. 

With this, the butler turned to Serena, "My lady, duke Ligeti has been informed and is ready to welcome you. Shall I make the announcement?" he asked.

Serena raised her right hand as if to say wait. Thankfully, the butler understood her gesture and did not announce her just yet. She was not sure if he was being considerate of her circumstance or has been instructed by Duke Ligeti to be accommodating.

Emily informed her that the reason she chose this ball was also because the old duke was the only one who showed much sincerity and willingness to help her back to society. He was also someone who can keep a secret. Her coming there tonight was a very confidential matter after all.

In any case, Serena smiled at the butler gratefully. She took another deep breath. She can do this, she told herself again. With her social face on, she turned to the butler and nodded her head to indicate that she was ready.

The butler nodded back, and the doorman opened the door. Then, the butler announced. "Her ladyship, Serena Maxwell."


Charlton walked Larissa back to the ladies' corner so she can catch a breather for their next dance which was after the current song. He was about to leave when suddenly, the music stopped playing.

"What happened?" Larissa asked confused, worry etched on her face. She turned to look towards the orchestra and saw that they have deliberately made a pause. Then, she noticed her grandfather who stood from his seat. Was he to announce something? She wondered.

Charlton turned to face Larissa as she asked. He too did not know what was going on, but seeing duke Ligeti standing, then it must be something planned. He was about to say it to Larissa when suddenly, he heard the entrance door opening. Instinctively, he looked upward towards the doors.

He saw her before he heard her name and abruptly all his senses dulled. All he saw, all he could focus on, was her. Serena. Before he could ask himself what she could possibly be doing there, like each and every single time, she took his breath away. She was a vision, a dream. As she descended the stairs, her golden hair cascading down her slim back shone under the lights of the chandeliers, her eyes the color of the blue sea sparkled, and the way she carried herself with her chin held high, confident but not arrogant. He almost took a step forward until he got a hold of himself. What was he doing? 

He quickly looked away. Annoyed at himself for the momentary lapse of reason which he attributed to past sentiment. How could he still feel anything for Serena other than some sort of guilt mixed with disdain?

Anyhow, he turned to look at Larissa to see if she saw his expression, thankfully she too was busy gawking at Serena. He was about to say something when all of a sudden, Larissa grabbed his hand and started pulling him.


With the announcement, everyone craned their neck to see if what they heard was just a fluke. However, the ex-crown princess was truly standing there before their eyes.

Serena was wearing an off-shoulder gown in the color of sky blue complimenting her eyes. The fitted silhouette flattered her figure, and the lace appliqued bodice gave the dress even more stylish flair. The neckline flattered her rosy, white decolletage, and the iridescent shine satin which catches light when she walked gave her an eye-catching and glamorous look. Then there was her face. It was as if she has not aged a single day, and instead it was like she found the fountain of youth making her more beautiful than anyone remembered her. She was not wearing jewelry other than the diamond studs on her ears, but she was positively, utterly, otherworldly, divine.

Her beauty with the element of surprise overtook everyone, rendered them speechless, and only made them stand there to gawk.
