
The Transmigrant Mage

The novel follows the journey of Kyle, an office clerk who loses his job due to his lung disease. As he grapples with the reality of his illness and the fear of the unknown, Kyle finds himself inexplicably transported to a fantasy world that resembles a MMORPG that he played. Despite being disoriented and confused by his sudden arrival in this new world, Kyle quickly realizes that he has been granted a second chance at life, and he must make the most of it. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has been blessed with incredible magical powers that he never knew he had. As Kyle sets out on a quest to understand the full extent of his abilities, he encounters a host of fascinating characters and beings, each with their own unique stories and motivations. Along the way, he learns to harness his magic and use it to help those in need, becoming a hero in the eyes of the people he meets. But as Kyle delves deeper into the mysteries of this world, he discovers that there are dark forces at play, threatening to destroy everything he has come to hold dear. With the help of his new friends and allies, Kyle must fight to save this world from destruction, using his newfound powers to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through a series of thrilling twists and turns, the novel explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance. It is a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat, rooting for Kyle as he battles his way through this fantastical realm, using his wits and courage to overcome all obstacles in his path.

Torchlansky · Fantasi
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62 Chs

The Prophecy

As Kyle paces back and forth inside the room assigned to him by the Duerger, his mind races with thoughts and plans. The room is spacious yet sparsely furnished, with stone walls and a single small window that lets in a sliver of light. Outside the door, he knows there are guards keeping a watchful eye on his every move.

Restless and eager to resume his mission, Kyle occasionally peers out of the window, observing the bustling activity of the Duerger village. He sees craftsmen working diligently, their hammers pounding on anvils, sparks flying as they shape metal into intricate forms. The rhythmic clanging serves as a constant reminder of the Duerger's industrious nature.

The guards stationed outside his room remain steadfast, their gaze fixed on Kyle. It is clear that the Duerger leader is taking no chances, even if they have not detained him outright. The freedom to wander the village is given, but always with a watchful eye and a reminder of his status as a guest.

Kyle sat down in his room, his mind filled with curiosity and anticipation. He opened his interface, eager to see the improvements that had occurred since his adventure in the ruin.


Kyle Mc Caster (Alex Reaves) Class: Wizard Level : 21 (75%)

Health (Full) Mana (Full)

Element affinities [Mastery Level] : Fire(100%) Wind(100%) Earth(75%) Lightning(95%) Water(65%)


Magic Skills [Mastery level] : Transmutation(20%), Transfiguration(15%), Potion(10%) Rune(40%)

Melee Skills [Mastery level] : Swordmanship(25%), Dagger(80%), Unarmed strike(55%)

Magic Spells [Mastery Level] : Fireball (100%), Fire Whip (85%), Lightning Bolt(100%), Wind blade(100%), Earthquake(60%), Mana Wave(95%), Stoneskin(85%), Fireblast zone(50%), Presentiment(30%), Summon Fire Elemental(20%), Flare(20%), Light(45%), Frost(60%)

Equipped Weapon : Magical Dagger (Crafted by a powerful goblin wizard and blacksmith, this dagger allowed the user to cast magic spells, increase Agility +5, Bonus Skill : Invisible)

Quest 1 (Incomplete) : Find the Rune Master Guild

Reward (Incomplete) : 1000 Experience points and magic item

Quest 2 (Incomplete) : Find the Stolen Creature - Dryad

Reward : 1000 Experience Points, Magic item


First, he noticed that his character statistics had improved. His strength, agility, and magical abilities had all increased, reflecting the trials and challenges he had faced. The experience gained from battling the undead creatures and overcoming obstacles had clearly paid off.

Kyle then turned his attention to the "Map" feature. He saw that the area he had explored in the mountain was now fully revealed, with detailed notes and markers indicating points of interest. It was a valuable resource that would guide him in his task.

With a sense of renewed determination, Kyle closed his interface. His mind races with plans to gain the trust of the Duerger and convince them to allow him to continue his search for the stolen creature. He understands that building rapport and showing respect for their ways will be crucial in gaining their cooperation.

He recalls the stories he has heard about the Duerger's affinity for craftsmanship and their love for valuable treasures. Perhaps offering his own skills or knowledge in exchange for their assistance could prove fruitful. Kyle ponders on what he can bring to the table, considering his magical abilities and understanding of mystical creatures.

With a determined expression, Kyle stops pacing and looks at himself in a small mirror hanging on the wall. He straightens his attire and takes a deep breath, readying himself for the encounters that lie ahead. He knows that patience, diplomacy, and a genuine desire to understand the Duerger's ways will be key to earning their trust and securing their aid.

As the minutes tick by, Kyle resolves to make the most of his time in the room. He begins to plan his approach, strategizing on how best to engage with the Duerger leader and convince her of his sincerity. With every step he takes, he grows more confident in his ability to navigate this precarious situation and bring about a positive resolution.

Kyle stepped out of his room, taking in the bustling atmosphere of the duergar village. The guard who had been assigned to watch him nodded, granting him permission to explore within certain boundaries.

As Kyle made his way through the winding streets, he couldn't help but notice the unique architecture of the duergar dwellings. The buildings were carved into the rocky walls, with tunnels and bridges connecting them. It was a stark contrast to the lush landscapes he had encountered in Faerindor.

The duergar went about their daily activities, their hammering and clanging echoing through the air. Kyle observed their skilled craftsmanship as they forged weapons and crafted intricate metalwork. Their mastery of mining and metallurgy was evident in the fine details of their creations.

Curiosity led Kyle to venture into the marketplace, where stalls lined the streets, displaying a variety of wares. He browsed through the displays, marveling at the unique duergar weapons and tools. He noticed the intense bargaining and haggling between the duergar merchants and customers, a testament to their shrewd nature.

Stalls lined the streets, their colorful canopies casting a kaleidoscope of hues upon the ground. Kyle wandered through the market, his eyes drawn to the myriad of goods on display.

Amidst the various trinkets, potions, and weaponry, a particular stall caught his attention. Displayed prominently were a pair of intricately crafted gloves, shimmering with an ethereal glow. A small sign next to them indicated that they enhanced the casting speed of magic wielders.

Curiosity piqued, Kyle approached the merchant, a stout duergar with a rugged demeanor. "Excuse me," he began, his voice polite yet eager, "how much are those gloves?"

The merchant peered at Kyle, sizing him up with a scrutinizing gaze. After a moment of contemplation, he replied, "Ah, those are the Swiftcast Gloves, fine craftsmanship indeed. For a discerning mage like yourself, I can part with them for a price of twenty gold coins."

Kyle's brows furrowed slightly at the steep price, but he understood the value of such an item. Speeding up his spellcasting could prove to be a significant advantage in his upcoming adventures. After a moment of consideration, he nodded.

"I'll take them," Kyle said, reaching into his pouch to count out the required coins. As he handed over the payment, a sense of anticipation swelled within him.

The merchant's face broke into a toothy grin as he accepted the coins. "A wise choice, young mage. May those gloves aid you in your magical endeavors."

Kyle slipped the Swiftcast Gloves onto his hands, feeling the smooth, supple leather embrace his fingers. He flexed his hands experimentally, sensing the latent magic within the gloves.

Excitement coursed through his veins as he imagined the possibilities that awaited him with this newfound casting speed. With the Swiftcast Gloves adorning his hands, his spells would be unleashed with swiftness and precision.

Thanking the merchant, Kyle left the stall, his steps infused with newfound confidence. As he made his way through the bustling market, he couldn't help but feel a sense of readiness.

Kyle's footsteps echoed through the narrow alleyway as he walked deeper into the duergar village. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed a figure draped in tattered, hooded robes following at a distance.

Curiosity piqued, Kyle decided to confront the mysterious figure. He quickened his pace, maneuvering through the labyrinthine streets until he reached a secluded area away from prying eyes. The figure, an old duergar with a long, unkempt beard and deep-set eyes, emerged from the shadows.

"You've been following me," Kyle stated, his voice filled with a mix of caution and intrigue. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The old duergar raised a gnarled hand, his voice weathered and raspy as he spoke, "I am known as Thulgrim, a keeper of the ancient prophecies. I have been watching you, young mage, for I sense that you are connected to a powerful artifact."

Kyle's eyes widened at the mention of the artifact. "What artifact do you speak of? And what is its significance?"

Thulgrim leaned closer, his voice lowering to a whisper. "Legend tells of an ancient relic hidden deep within the heart of the shadow realm. It is said to possess unimaginable power, capable of empowering a creature of the forest and whoever controls the creature will rule the entire shadow realm."

Kyle's heart quickened with anticipation. "So, you're saying that if I find this artifact and gain the loyalty of the empowered creature, I could rule the shadow realm?"

Thulgrim nodded slowly. "Indeed, young mage. The prophecy foretells that a chosen one will come to claim this artifact and wield its power. They will have the opportunity to shape the destiny of the shadow realm and establish their rule."

Kyle gazed at Thulgrim, his eyes searching for answers to the burning questions within his mind. The weight of responsibility bore heavily upon him, knowing that the fate of the shadow realm hung in the balance. With a deep breath, he asked, "Thulgrim, what if the creature empowered by the artifact is a follower of an evil sect? What would happen to the shadow realm?"

Thulgrim's weathered face contorted into a solemn expression as he considered Kyle's question. His eyes, filled with a mixture of wisdom and caution, met Kyle's gaze. "Ah, young mage, that is a grave concern indeed. If an entity consumed by darkness were to gain the loyalty of the empowered creature, the consequences would be dire."

He paused, his voice carrying a weight of ancient knowledge. "The balance of the shadow realm would be disrupted, plunging us further into darkness. Chaos and despair would grip our land, as the forces of evil sought to exert their influence. The very fabric of our realm would be torn asunder."

Kyle's heart sank at the thought of such devastation. He understood the magnitude of the situation and the importance of ensuring that the empowered creature fell into the right hands. "Is there a way to prevent such a catastrophe?" he asked, his voice tinged with urgency.

Thulgrim nodded slowly, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, there is hope yet. The prophecies speak of a chosen one, a champion who will rise in times of darkness. It is their duty to seek out and protect the empowered creature, ensuring it aligns with the forces of light and righteousness."

He continued, his voice resonating with determination. "Should the creature be swayed toward the path of darkness, this champion must undertake the arduous task of reclaiming its loyalty. Through strength, compassion, and unwavering resolve, they must guide the creature back to the path of righteousness, restoring balance to the shadow realm."

"I understand," Kyle replied, his voice steady with determination.

Thulgrim's eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and hope. "You possess the strength and the will, young mage. I believe in your abilities and your noble heart. May your path be guided by the light, and may you succeed in your sacred task."

As the conversation came to an end, Kyle thanked Thulgrim for sharing his knowledge and guidance. The old duergar offered a final cryptic remark before fading back into the shadows, "May the power of the forest guide you, young mage. The fate of the shadow realm rests in your hands."

As Kyle walked through the bustling streets of the duergar village, his mind was consumed by Thulgrim's words. The mention of the empowered creature and its significance in the prophecy resonated deeply within him. Could it be possible that the stolen creature he sought was the very same creature Thulgrim spoke of?

Lost in thought, Kyle quickened his pace, weaving through the narrow pathways until he reached the chamber where the duergar leader awaited him. The guards stood firm, their watchful eyes following his every move. With a deep breath, he approached the entrance, ready to face the leader and uncover the truth.