
The Transmigrant Mage

The novel follows the journey of Kyle, an office clerk who loses his job due to his lung disease. As he grapples with the reality of his illness and the fear of the unknown, Kyle finds himself inexplicably transported to a fantasy world that resembles a MMORPG that he played. Despite being disoriented and confused by his sudden arrival in this new world, Kyle quickly realizes that he has been granted a second chance at life, and he must make the most of it. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has been blessed with incredible magical powers that he never knew he had. As Kyle sets out on a quest to understand the full extent of his abilities, he encounters a host of fascinating characters and beings, each with their own unique stories and motivations. Along the way, he learns to harness his magic and use it to help those in need, becoming a hero in the eyes of the people he meets. But as Kyle delves deeper into the mysteries of this world, he discovers that there are dark forces at play, threatening to destroy everything he has come to hold dear. With the help of his new friends and allies, Kyle must fight to save this world from destruction, using his newfound powers to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through a series of thrilling twists and turns, the novel explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance. It is a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat, rooting for Kyle as he battles his way through this fantastical realm, using his wits and courage to overcome all obstacles in his path.

Torchlansky · Fantasi
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62 Chs

The Cockatrice

Kyle felt a sudden rush of dizziness and disorientation as he was suddenly teleported back to the wizard's tower. He stumbled forward, trying to regain his balance and figure out where he was.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realized he was back in the wizard's study. The wizard himself was standing in front of him, holding a small wooden box.

"Welcome back, Kyle," the wizard said, a smile on his face. "I see you were successful in retrieving the artifact."

Kyle nodded, still feeling a bit woozy. "Yes, I have it right here," he said, holding up the ornate metal object he had retrieved from the catacombs.

"Excellent," the wizard said, taking the artifact from Kyle and examining it closely. "This will be of great use to me. Thank you for your help."

Kyle couldn't help but feel a bit used, but he knew that he had agreed to help the wizard in exchange for the cockatrice. He just hoped that the wizard would hold up his end of the bargain.

"Can I have the cockatrice now?" Kyle asked, trying to hide the impatience in his voice.

The wizard chuckled. "Of course, of course. Here you are," he said, reaching behind his desk and producing a small cage. Inside was the creature he had been searching for.

As Kyle reached out to take the cage containing the cockatrice, he hesitated. He had a strange feeling that something was not right. The creature inside the cage looked smaller than he expected, and its feathers seemed to be duller and less vibrant than they should be. Kyle looked up at the wizard and asked, "Is this the real cockatrice?"

The wizard chuckled and said, "Well done, young mage. You have a keen eye for detail. I had a feeling you would notice something was off about that creature. It was a fake one that I created to test you."

Kyle was surprised but also impressed that the wizard had tested him. "Why did you test me?" he asked.

The wizard explained, "You see, Kyle, the artifact that you retrieved from the catacombs is a powerful magical item that can be used to create illusions. I needed to make sure that I could trust you before I handed over the real cockatrice. Your quick thinking and attention to detail have proven to me that you are indeed trustworthy."

Kyle nodded in understanding. He was glad that the wizard had tested him, as it showed that he was taking his task seriously. The wizard handed him the cage containing the real cockatrice, which was indeed much larger and more colorful than the fake one.

Kyle took the cage gratefully and examined the creature inside. The cockatrice was small and scaly, with bright green feathers and a sharp, pointed beak. It let out a small squawk as Kyle approached but seemed otherwise unbothered.

"Thank you," Kyle said to the wizard. "I really appreciate your help."

The wizard waved his hand dismissively. "It was nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do. Good luck with your endeavors, young mage."

Kyle looked at the cockatrice, examining its feathered body and small, sharp beak. He turned to the wizard and asked, "What can this creature do?"

The wizard stroked his long, white beard and said, "Ah, the cockatrice. It may not look like much, but this creature is quite powerful. Its bite can turn a man to stone in mere seconds."

Kyle's eyes widened in surprise. "Turn someone to stone?" he repeated.

The wizard nodded. "Indeed. It's not something to be taken lightly. That's why they keep them under close watch in the academy."

Kyle looked back at the creature, feeling a sense of unease. "Why would anyone want to steal a cockatrice?"

The wizard sighed heavily. "Unfortunately, there are those who would use its power for evil. You must ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands."

Kyle nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Thank you for explaining. I will do my best to keep the cockatrice safe."

The wizard smiled. "I have faith in you, Kyle. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

Without another word, the wizard flicked his wrist, and a beam of light shot out of the tip of his staff. The light enveloped Kyle, and he felt a sudden jolt as he was hurled through space and time.

When the light faded away, Kyle found himself outside of the wizard's tower. He staggered, almost losing his balance, as he tried to get his bearings. He looked around and saw that he was standing in the middle of a dense forest. The trees were tall and ancient, and their branches were heavy with leaves.

Kyle rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his head. He felt a bit disoriented from the teleportation spell, but he knew he had to keep his wits about him. He had a mission to complete, and he couldn't afford to get sidetracked.

He looked down at the cage in his hands and saw that the cockatrice was still there, eyeing him warily.

As Kyle held the cage containing the cockatrice, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The creature, which had been quiet all this time, suddenly spoke to him in a raspy, reptilian voice.

"Human, please, I beg you. Set me free from this cage. I have no quarrel with you, and I promise to not harm you or anyone else," the cockatrice pleaded.

Kyle was taken aback by the creature's sudden speech, but he knew better than to let his guard down. He had heard tales of cockatrices using their powers of persuasion to deceive and trick their captors.

As Kyle and the cockatrice traveled, Kyle couldn't help but be curious about how the creature was able to speak. "How is it that you can talk?" Kyle asked, still bewildered.

The cockatrice let out a deep sigh. "It's a long story, really," it said, "but I suppose I owe you an explanation for all that you've done for me."

Kyle nodded, signaling for the creature to continue.

"I was once a regular cockatrice, like any other," the creature began. "But then I stumbled upon a strange gem deep in the forest. As soon as I touched it, I felt a strange power coursing through me. Suddenly, I was able to think and speak like a human."

"Why should I trust you?" Kyle asked, keeping a safe distance from the cage.

"I swear on my life, human. I am not like other cockatrices. I am different. I have been captive for far too long, and I just want to be free," the creature replied, desperation creeping into its voice.

Kyle considered the cockatrice's plea. He couldn't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, the creature was pleading for its freedom, but on the other hand, it was clearly the property of the academy.

"Look, I understand you want to be free," Kyle said to the cockatrice, "but you belong to the academy. They'll take care of you and keep you safe."

The cockatrice looked up at Kyle with pleading eyes. "But I don't want to be trapped in a cage again. Please, just let me go."

Kyle sighed, unsure of what to do. He had come all this way to retrieve the cockatrice, but now that he had it, he couldn't bring himself to hand it over to the academy.

"I can't just let you go," Kyle said firmly. "You belong to the academy, and I have a duty to return you to them."

The cockatrice let out a defeated sigh, its wings drooping. "I understand. But I hope you will consider telling the mages at the academy that I am harmless and just want to go back to my home."

Kyle nodded, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. "Okay, I will try, but I will not promise that I will be able to convince them," he said as they began the journey back to the academy.

As they traveled, Kyle listened intently as the cockatrice began to tell his story. He learned that the creature had once lived in a far-off land, in a lush and verdant forest where he had roamed free, hunting and playing with his kin. However, one day, he was captured by a group of hunters who sought to sell him to the highest bidder.

The cockatrice was sold several times, passing from one owner to another, until he was finally bought by a wealthy merchant who planned to showcase him in a grand exhibition. It was during this exhibition that the academy discovered him and took him into custody, seeing the potential uses of the cockatrice in their magical studies.

As the cockatrice finished his tale, Kyle couldn't help but feel sorry for the creature. He understood that the academy had no right to keep the cockatrice captive, and he promised to do everything in his power to set him free.

"I will do my best to help you," Kyle said, placing a comforting hand on the cockatrice's feathered head. "But first, I must return you to the academy. That's where you belong."

The cockatrice nodded in understanding, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. Kyle could tell that the creature had grown used to his new life, as miserable as it might have been, and the prospect of returning to the academy filled him with apprehension.

Kyle made a silent vow to himself. He would find a way to set the cockatrice free and let him live the life he deserved, free from the constraints of captivity.