
The Traitor - Among Us series

A regular day in the skeld isn't that easy... One second you're alive, the next you're not. Will the crewmates be able to survive? Read to find out!!!

Shadow_Owl17 · Game
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The Traitor - Among Us series

Characters ~

Brown - The hungry one

Pink - The tomboy

Lime - The energetic one

Green - The workaholic

Cyan - The talkative one

Blue - The quiet one

Black - The chill one

Red - The forgetful one

Yellow - The clumsy one

Orange - The smart one

Narrator: It was a normal day in the skeld, all the crewmates were doing their daily tasks. Everything was was going well until an imposter switched places with a crewmate.

In the Cafeteria when Brown went to get a snack

Brown: Aaaaahhhh!!!! *calls an emergency meeting*

All: What happened?

Pink: Don't tell me you saw a spider so you called this emergency meeting to eject it

Brown: I'm afraid not this time, Black's dead!!!

All: *gasp*

Orange: Oh, no! It's happening again

Cyan: What's happening again?

Orange: There's an imposter among us

All: OH NO!!!

Red: What's an imposter?

Pink: Bruh, don't you know? Just say that imposters are blood thirsty aliens that will do anything to kill you, even disguise as a crewmate

Red: Aaaaahhhh!!!! Will they eat my snacks?!?


Orange: So, on to the point. Everyone be aware. Otherwise you can be dead any second

All: Sure will

Orange: Great

Half an hour later, the lights go out

In Medbay with Orange, Red and Yellow

Yellow: Hey Orange?

Orange: Yeah?

Yellow: I'm gonna go fix the lights

Yellow: Be right back

Orange & Red: Sure, be safe

3 minutes later

Orange: I'm gonna go get a snack want something?

Red: No thanks, I'm good!

Orange: Suit yourself

2 minutes later in the Cafeteria with Orange

Orange: Hmmm Yellow should be back by now, I'm gonna go check on her

In Electrical

Orange: Hey Yellow!!!

Orange: What's taking you so long???

Orange: *gasps*

Orange: *reports dead body*

Green: What ever in the world happened that you had to interrupt my business calls?

Orange: Yellow's dead too

Red: Who should we vote out?

Orange: We should skip for now, since we don't have any suspects

Red: Okay, you heard him guys. Carry on with your work.

Orange: Let's split in groups, Brown you're with Lime, Pink with Blue, Green with Cyan, and I'll be with Red

All: Let's go

20 minutes later

With Brown & Lime

Brown: *sitting in Cafeteria stuffing his face with food*

Lime: Ughhh is this what you do all day? EAT?!?

Brown: *with mouth full* Mmhmmm

Lime: Ughhhh I'm leaving

With Pink & Blue

Pink: *talking*

Pink: So what do you think, cool right?

Blue: ...

Pink Hellooo?!?

Blue: ...

Pink: I'm out. Peace!!!

Blue: ...

With Green and Cyan

Green: *works on laptop*

Cyan: *continuously talks about his pet hamster*

Green: Would you mind keeping your voice down?

Cyan: *continues to talk about his pet hamster*

Green: You know what, I'll go find a quiet place to do my work. You go your way, I'll go mine

Cyan: *scoffs* Suit yourself

Green: *leaves*

With Red & Orange

Red & Orange: *playing video games*

Red: Ohhh, I lost

Orange: Better luck next time!!!

Orange: I'll be back with some refreshments

Red: Ok!!!

After Orange got the refreshments

Orange: Okay, let's continue the game

Red: Yay!!!

1 hour later

Red: I think we should tell the others to meet up with us to see if they're ok

Orange: You're right


With Lime

Lime: Lemme go check on Brown

When Lime reaches Cafeteria

With Pink

Pink: I wonder what Blue's up to

When Pink reaches Upper Engine

With Green

Green: I guess I should find Cyan now

When Green reaches Storage

Lime: Oh no

Pink: He's

Green: DEAD!!!

Narrator: The three of them report the dead body at the same time

Red: Geez, what happened?

Orange: We were just about to call you guys to meet up

Lime: Brown's dead

Pink: Blue's dead

Green: Cyan's dead

The three try to explain while panicking

Orange: Ok everyone, calm down. We get it

Orange: But you all need to be more careful

Orange: Alright everyone finish your tasks

All: Ok

A few minutes later when green is passing through navigation

Green: *reports body*

Green: Pink's dead too

Red: *sobs* Not Pink, she was like my little sister

Green: Don't cry, it will be ok. Once we eject the imposter, they all will come back

Red: Ok

Orange: Let's go Red

Red: *walks along with Orange*

10 minutes later

Orange: Be right back, I'm gonna go check Security

Red: Be safe!!!

2 minutes later

Red: *sees Green and Pink lying dead in Lower Engine*

Red: Oh no..... It can't be

Orange: *points gun at Red's forehead*

Orange: Oh, but it is

Red: You traitor!!! I trusted you!!!

Orange: Ah, you must be very forgetful. If you remember in the beginning Pink said that an imposter will do anything to kill you, including being in disguise as a crewmate

Orange: Now good night Sleeping Beauty, except in your case, you'll never wake up *shoots Red*

~ The End
