


My head was pounding painfully with all the rollercoaster journey we had since the morning. With Joshua's angry curses, it only worsened even more. We were still parked in the parking lot of the hospital, trying to let everything seep inside our brains.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Bonnie's voice as she came to stand beside me.

We were leaning on the wall of the hospital building at a few feet of distance from Joshua's van, where our other friends were trying to calm him.

I shook my head truthfully. "No. My head is gonna burst with this pain!"

"And that's why Bonnie, the saviour is here." Bonnie placed a tablet in my hand as subtly as she could before passing me the water bottle she carried with her.

Her eyes were trained on the group of our friends to make sure nobody amongst them saw our exchange.