
The Town of Kids

After David's brother goes missing he is determined that he is still alive.

BeyoncaHall · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Home Sweet Home

I can feel the wind brush past me as I sped through the neighborhood on my bike. It was past midnight and I was planning on not going home for the night, but I knew I would be in huge trouble if I didn't go home. I rode my bike down a hill, scared that I would flip, but loved it at the same time. The air quickly filled my lungs as my vision went blurry, almost losing control of my bike. The hill ended with a thump and I quietly giggled like a little girl to myself. I parked my bike in the driveway and slowly walked into the house. The house was very still and dark, I didn't hear my parents bickering at each other about the most minor things. I tip-toed to my room making sure I didn't wake up my parents. The picture of my older brother Danny caught my eye as I walked past, I held back tears and slowly shut the door to my room.

I laid down on my bed and stuffed my head into my pillow. I constantly think about my brother who went missing about 2 years ago. People say that he's dead, and other people say he ran away. My family always believed that he would come back. I didn't know what to think, I just wanted my brother back. I lay there looking at the ceiling. I watched the ceiling fan go around and around as memories of Danny flooded my brain. My eyes grew heavier and heavier as the ceiling fan went around.

Sunshine filled my room with golden streams of light. I hear faint noises of people talking downstairs as I roll over to look at the clock. It was 10 a.m. I slowly rolled out of bed and got ready to head downstairs. I can hear the faint sounds of my mom in the kitchen. I grab my favorite hoodie and slowly walk down the stairs while putting the hoodie on. "Good morning Daniel, how did you sleep?" I sit down at the table and pull out my phone. "I slept well." My Mom brings out two plates with two pancakes, eggs, and bacon. she places one of the plates in front of me and the other plate across the table from me.

"Put your phone away and eat your food." My mom says while preparing another plate. I sigh and put my phone away. I can hear loud footsteps as my father comes down the stairs. I grabbed a fork and started eating. My father sits down across from me, staring at me. He has large light blue eyes, a softly shaped jaw, and puffy cheeks that sag a little. His hair was mixed with black and gray but mostly gray. Mom comes back in with her plate and sits down at the table next to my Dad. "Good Morning, Honey." They give each other a long kiss. "Eww that's gross," I mumbled under my breath. My Dad stares at me. "What's the problem, son?" I kept eating without saying a word. "David! You answer me when I'm talking to you!" My Dad yells. "Y'all always act like y'all loved up and stuff." Mom looks at Dad in a concerted way. "Stay out of grown folk's business, That's between me and your Mother." I can feel my body boiling with anger. "Well maybe keep the arguing down if you don't want me in y'all business!" I get up from the table, put my plate in the sink, and head up the stairs to my room.

I slam the door behind me and plop onto my bed, holding back tears. I turn around on my back to look at the ceiling. "I have to get out of here." I thought to myself. I hear a little knock on the door and my mom slowly steps into my room. I turn the other way so she doesn't see my face. She slowly sits down next to me and puts a hand on my back. "You know your Dad didn't mean none of that, he loves you." I sigh. "He doesn't love me...and he didn't love Danny. He doesn't even care that Danny is missing." I sat up to look at my Mom, I could see her long straight black hair and blue eyes. "David... that's not true. Your Dad has been looking for Danny ever since he went missing and you know this." I lay back down with nothing else to say. "Get ready for your therapy appointment... I love you." She leans over, kisses my cheek, and walks out of my room.