
The tower of endlessness(A Litrpg, progression fantasy)

A man wakes up all alone in a cell. He doesn't remember who he is, or how he got there. Soon, he hears of the tower and it's floors. It is rumoured that he who reaches the top floor shall find an escape; perhaps paradise itself...

MachoMacho · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

ch4: Instructions









I am currently resting as these stairs out of breath after a short fight with a couple of rats.

Once you get their patterns down they are easy to kill. Not that i wanted to do it. I entered the door just as the stranger instructed me too, but so far all i have found are stairs and a random assortment of rooms. It was as if the room placement was randomly generated. In some floors you would only have dorm rooms, with the nearest kitchen and bathroom being 6 floors down; in other floors there would only be bathrooms and nothing else.

I think i have already walked 20 floors down, but i still haven't seen anyone. But i keep walking. And walking... Hopefully i will find something.

I have two skillpoints left to use,but i want to meet these people before i spend any of them. Maybe they have some info that i don't. Maybe there is some skill or stat that is so OP that it's worth waiting for before i allocate my stats.

Suddenly, i had a blade up my throat.

"Don't move."

A short man with a rather young face held up a dagger up my throat. I looked to the left and saw another guy just sitting down, but this one hadn't been cutting weight in a long time.They both had light armour and seemed to have been standing here as guards. The short guy was wearing this all black cloak and his armour had been dyed in black too. I suppose i have reached the group the stranger talked about.

"Name?"Asked the short guy with an intense glare.

"I haven't got one." i said. His glare intensified. I tried to explain myself," i don't remember my name. i woke up just a few hours ago and don't rememb-" he interrupted me with an,"i see".

The fat guy got up, and said,"As green as they come. Come with me"

I started following the fat guy, and asked for his name to break up some of the tension.

"My name? You don't know? You really are green." he said, and stopped dead on the tracks,"You see this?So..."

The fat guy showed me that i could access some settings menu with the pendant .Most of the options were pure cosmetics or ease of life features like changing the size of menus and changing it's colour, but there was this tiny option that said: Automatically SHOW PLAYERS NAMES

"Neat" i muttered. I looked at the fat guy, and saw that above his head there was his name. I then asked,"Warden,can you see my name now?"

"What name? Greens, don't have names. None of us who woke up here had names. Go to the stats screen to write your name." Warden uttered in what sounded like an order.

I went to the stats screen, and on the upper corner of the left side of the menu, there indeed is an option to insert your name. The font is a bit smaller then the rest of the words on the stat screen, but i suppose that was the intention.

A name huh. Okay,i got a name.

"That's the name you picked? What are you twelve?" voiced Warden with chuckle

"It's the first one that came to my mind." i said.

I started hearing voices and i reckoned the people were a floor below us. There was a lot of noise, and it seemed as if people were preparing for something.

"What's happening downstairs?" i asked

" A shitshow."

We went down the stairs and we were now in a huge floor that could easily fit thousands of people. The place was mostly barren when it came to furniture, so i imagine this is not where people slept. I then started seeing that there were doors here in the ground floor, and i saw a couple of people coming in and out of the doors.

But something caught my eye. We were finally at the ground floor of the tower. Only This huge metallic door blocked us from the outside world. I saw about 15 men gearing up right in front of it, as if they were about to go out.T here were about 60 people just staring at them, seemingly unsure of what to say or do.

"Are they going out?" I asked

"Unfortunately." expressed warden

My nerves started acting up. I was hoping warden simply had some problems with the group going out, because,if it's something else, than i don't even want to think about it...

"Where are you leading me?" i asked Warden

"Stop asking questions and just follow me" Warden snarled.

Me and warden went through a couple of doors and corridors and landed right in front of this red coloured door, totally different from the average wooden or steel doors i have found so far.

"Go in." Warden ordered.

"You not coming with me?" i asked.

Warden sighed and opened the door and kicked me in with a kick, making me tumble my way in.

"Let me help you." A man with the voice of an angel spoke.

I landed with my face on the floor, and when i looked up,i saw a man in his late 20s,with a robust but kind face, with penetrating blue eyes and blonde hair. His body was fit, and no matter which way you put it, it seemed like he was made to be a leader. Leo was his name.

He gave me his hand and helped me get back up.

"I have to apologize for Wardens behaviour. You see, He is quite anxious today .His little sister is going out of the tower, so he has a right to be concerned. You see, today is a special day...