
The Tower of Babylon

In the Tower of Babylon lies many secret treasures, dangers, betrayals, death, destruction and hope. Will a small team of greenhorns have what it takes to climb to the top? Chapters will be uploaded whenever I finish them. Cover coming soon.

Fernein · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 13-Jacob

We spent hours in that large jungle area having a literal crash-course on how to fly.

Hours passed as we got used to our new wings. Nymphadora seemed to have gotten over her initial horror at being even more of a 'freak' despite me thinking she wasn't a freak at all.

Hours later, we left the Tower in order to sell some of the drops from our relatively short expidition.

"We should fly there." I said, eager to fly once more.

"I'd like to avoid the crowd for once." Nymph said.

"Me too." Atlas said.

Nick shrugged and followed along.

I led us in landing (Superhero style) in front of the government building that we could sell our monster cystals.

There were a few civilians that were nearby that panicked at the sight of us landing, but we ignored them and entered the building.

Selling our single crystal, we recieved quite a hefty sum. This was the first time the government official had seen a grade three monster crystal.

While he was checking to make sure it was a legitiment grade three crystal, they drew quite a crowd with their colourful wings.

A small child approached Nymph and asked her if they could touch her wings. This was met by a resounding 'No.' from her.

This made me chuckle slightly, seeing the child's crestfallen expression.

Nymph glanced at me, saw my amusement and blushed slightly.

We received our payment and proceeded to a clothing shop so we could sell the wyvern hide and get ourselved clothing that could accomodate our new wings.

We had enough money to get two of us monster cloth clothing, a fact that I brought up to try and get the group to decide who should get it.

Nick proposed that me and Nymph should get it and Atlas said he didn't care.

I shrugged and got myself a jacket and pants made out of monster cloth.

Nymph got herself a deep blue dress that wouldn't inhibit her movement that was also made of monster cloth.

Leaving the shop, Nymph immediately turned heads. The dress was a darker blue than her skin which made her skin look ethereal, complimenting the red veins that covered her body.

She seemed unconcerned by the attention she was getting and hooked her arm into mine.

This startled me. I had no idea how I was to respond to this gesture. I had not been taught ettiquet since I had been tossed away like garbage at birth.

Being so near to her made me feel nice, though. My heart sped up slightly and I felt some heat rush to my face.

Nymph saw this and blushed too, leaning more heavily onto my arm.

We continued walking like this until we reached the dungeon again.

Every time someone tells me I can't have a character that can fly, another character gains flight.

Ferneincreators' thoughts