
The torturing system

hi guys, this is my first time making a novel, so let me know if you like it or not _______________________________________ John has died, he was found by the police so he decided to kill himself with a grenade, including the officer "if I'm dying, your dying with me!" so when he died, he was chosen to be given the torture system to torture people across the multiverse that deserve to be tortured to death. _______________________________________

smirking_shark · Fantasi
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8 Chs

The torturing system

A shed, a building where you can do so many things like build, craft, fix, torture people to insanity "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" a head rolls off with its eye lids open, and the reason I said eye lids is because the head has no eyes, "suffer for the crimes you did" a man with a butcher knife standing over the head and picks it up and put it in a bag "have a good time with your friends in hell" as the man looks at the head in disgust, suddenly the the shed door burst open "FREEZE, YOUR UNDER ARREST" a cop appears with his gun aimed at the person, the man puts his hand in the air "your making a mistake officer" the man says "I'm doing what you cop's don't do to child touchers, make them suffer, listen to their screams when they beg for mercy and death" the man the turns to a cop revealing a grenade in his hand, the cop, shocked to see the man has a grenade "shit" the cop said, the man pull triggers the grenade and runs towards the cop "If I'm dieing, your dieing with me!" as they both get turned into masses of flesh,

"HAAAH" the man inhales deeply, he looks around as he is In a white room with no doors or windows, suddenly a red screen appears saying [Congratulations for torturing 100 people for their crimes against humanity, you have been awarded the torture system, showing stats] he looks at the screen.

[Name: John ######

Age: 26

Titles: Resourceful torturer, Torture of sinners

Strength: 12

Vitality: 16

Endurance: 13

Agility: 20

Torture points: 0


Skill points: 0

"..... am I in a novel?" John says [yes]

"what the fuck, why am I in a novel?" John says [my creator needed something to do in his free time and decided to make a novel] John looking completely baffled at this revelation, john then thought 'was I chosen for a reason'

[Yes, you were chosen because you had experienced torturing criminals, so you were chosen] the system says [you also have a beginners package, so say 'open package' and you will get your items]

"open package" john says

[You have acquired

"10 ways to torture someone with lemons"

"10 needles"

"Mini map" level 1 skill

"Crude knife"]

"What can I do with the mini map" john says

[Mini Map: allows you to see people and their locations, as well to see their names]

"Well this is going to be interesting" john says