
Destruction of Destiny

Time flows differently in the heavens. What seems to be a year here, everywhere else it has been a thousand, as such it has been 5 years for myself. Over the course of time, I have played God, sentencing death to villages, towns, and cities. Killing anyone and everyone when it was time for their own concept of natural death. Despite the years, I myself haven't explored the entirety of the heavens. However, recently, I have stumbled upon a room, the room is called The Monitor. In this room resides book a shelf, filled with over thousands of books, and all books are nothing more than a story. However at the very top, was a near empty shelf, a shelf that only contained one book. What is this book you may ask? Well, it's the book of a certain man, me. It is a book of my entire life, past, present, future. Every event that has and will ever happen, is being written in it. However there was another thing that peaked my interest. On the other side of the shelf, there was an open book, radiating a blinding light. This was what I had thought it was, the Book of Destiny. I had picked up the book, and began reading through it, and stumbled upon a page, my page. I tried rip the page out, thinking nothing would happen, however to my amaze, the page was torn out. In that moment I felt a weight lift off of me, as if I had been freed from my prison that was the heavens. I felt it as an obligation towards everyone I had ruled over, to free them as well, so I had destroyed the book. Freeing everyone from a sure fate, allowing everyone to do as they please, achieving what they want. As such, for myself, I have left the heavens, and returned to the universe.