
Chapter 3

Jacob's dreams were peaceful until an unsettling sensation roused him from slumber.

His eyes shot open, and his hands instinctively brushed his arms, expecting to find a loose thread or a wandering insect.

Instead, his palms met the unmistakable touch of countless tiny legs.

Panic surged through him, propelling him out of bed in an instant.

He flicked on the bedside lamp, illuminating the room in a warm, yellow glow.

To his horror, he discovered his bed crawling with spiders, their dark silhouettes stark against the white sheets.

The fear that had haunted his nightmares had become a chilling reality.

Driven by sheer terror, Jacob leaped over the spiders-infested bed and dashed for the door, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

He flung the door open, hoping for escape, only to be met by a nightmarish sight.

The hallway outside was teeming with spiders, their shiny bodies glistening in the dim light, forming an impenetrable living carpet.

Jacob stumbled backward, his scream catching in his throat. "Help! Somebody, please help me!" he pleaded, his voice desperate and raw.

His cries echoed through the mansion, but there was no response, only the skittering sounds of spiders on the floor.

He backed away, his eyes wide with terror, searching for any way out.

Every corridor, every exit was blocked by the advancing horde of arachnids.

Tears welled up in Jacob's eyes as he realized the chilling truth – he was completely and utterly alone, trapped with his worst fear closing in on him from all sides.

The once-grand mansion had become a nightmarish maze, and he was at the mercy of the very creatures that haunted his darkest nightmares.

His voice cracked as he continued to scream for help, but his cries were drowned out by the relentless silence of the haunted house, now echoing with the sound of his desperate pleas.

I literally heard some noise on top of me and saw a freaking spider when writing this.