
The time when me and my family went to other world

Our main character is obliterated by God, but he is also given another chance in another world with different deities, climbing up the ladder for his growing family and struggling with new challenges every day, let's see how far he goes all the way from the bottom!

Miugui · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Discipline is everything!

I was sitting with my legs folded with a stone block on top of it, it hurts a lot.

"This is punishment for trying to run away from us!" said Master Hyu "You shall stay there for one whole minute! You need discipline to be better trained!"

"Yes, you are very soft, kid, you need to toughen up a lot, still" Captain Vermont yells at me.

While my punishment, that I don't know why, they started talking among themselves.

"This devilling has some promise, I saw it in his first day!" Master Hyu whispers to Captain Vermont.

"Indeed the kid has show the right instincts to deal with the beasts, he drove the knife, really hard on its eye, he got some skill" Captain Vermont whispers back "You know that I always get them, right? Sometimes I will lend them to you for fun, but they are mine!"

"No can do in this case, you fogey, those two cower up whenever they see me, but he didn't even after he felt my aura, you always hide it very well your aura so they don't run away!" said Master Hyu no longer whispering.

"Bah! It's your fault for being so bad at sneaking around, a warrior should know how to adapt to every situation!" shouted Captain Vermont "You need to hide it, if you have a load of adult dragons on your old dog tail what would you do? Sit and whimper? Let them roast you and eat while cleaning their teeth with your bones? Eh? That is plain dumb!"

"So what? If you don't know how to intimidate potential threat they will keep annoying you and trying to take you down, cause you are a sissy pushover! You need to rake in as much Ki as possible in your body to keep Tempering it! That makes it leak! The best place to Hammer the Ki is in battle or sparring!" shouted back Master Hyu.

"Hummmm.... For how long do I need to continue here? It hurts a lot staying like this you know?" I said while having passed way more than a minute, my legs were getting numb from the pain... It hurts, still...

They looked at me, coughed and took the stone out and suddenly one of the windows opens and Granny Rir appears from the window and says:

"If the two of you don't stop shouting and scaring the poor girl, I am making you regret ever shouting close to a pregnant woman in the first place." She said it all with a very scary smile, all three of us had shivers down our spines while looking back at her. Captain Vermont and Master Hyu stopped shouting and looked at each other and thought of something.

"Torch or Helmet?" Master Hyugin suggest, while picking up a coin from his pocket.

"Helmet for me" said Captain.

Master Hyugin threw it so high that I think the coin turned into a little star in the sky, after sometime like a minute it came back down in the ground, ricocheted towards my face and hit me in my forehead "OUCH!" I crouch and there is a torch figure stamped on my head which is the same side of the coin that ended on the floor.

"Gahahahahhahaha, the Seven have smiled upon me!" Master Hyu celebrates by throwing his arms all the way up to the sky while jumping too "He is mine Old Mont gahahahahhahaha"

"Hummmmmm.... Who belongs to who here? I only love my wife!" I said scared of being eaten by the two brutes.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Master Hyu stared at my face, bewildered "You didn't explain anything to the devilling?"

"No, I was to excited to see someone else who won the blessing for his first battle, first victory that I forgot to explain to him" said Captain with slightly crimson cheeks and ears "Kahem! You are to be made into a warrior by one of the available teachers since you got the Blessing, Skill and Job to match it, the first Job is always warrior, mage or archer, since there was no magic or long distance weapons used, you should be a apprentice warrior which is the most basic Job you get for your first battle won, the downside is if you don't participate when you are in danger for the first time you will never be able to get the basic Job again nor the minor blessing, which makes things a lot harder for the Civilians, like now your wife is." He said everything so I could understand that this was a blessing.

"What about belonging to any of you two? The heck does that mean!" I said scared for my body "I belong only to honey!"

"Is to who is going to be your Master in teaching how to fight, lil' Ol' Mont here is a friend of mine and he took the other two trainees Jivs and Metania since they were scared of me, but you I will have you as pupil from now on!" he said and then laughed "Gahahahahahah"

"Don't I get any say in this?" I asked annoyed about not being consulted beforehand.

"NO!" both yell at me "DISCIPLINE IS EVERYTHING! YOUR MASTER PICKS YOU TO BE LIKE HIS SON! BE GRATEFUL!" both said together with all their lungs towards me, strangely there is no Granny Rir opening the window this time to save me, I froze from the sudden wave of Ki aura coming towards me.

"ACKNOWLEDGE IT!" They both scream at me.

"Yes, sirs!" I try to shout.


"TYRYA!" I scream this time louder.

"Now he is in your hands good friend, he is gonna make a fine one I tell ya." said Captain after leaving to the Outpost.

"Thanks for the consideration, my old friend." he waves to the Captain "Now you shall refer to me has Ti'oh got it?"

"Yes, Ti'oh." I said and I am suddenly smacked on my head, which hurts a lot.

"Two lessons from this fist. First, the enemy won't say when they might attack. Second, answer Tyrya for confirmation, understood?"

"TYRYA! Ti'oh!" I answer to the top of my lungs, this is gonna be a long day here.

"Good, now let's eat, it's lunchtime and both of them have probably finished cooking by now, you go to the kitchen first, I will talk to Doh and ask for where he put my training gear first." he said dismissing me "Training is everyday from when the first moon is setting to sunrise, don't worry it's almost morning towards morning translating to your time." he finishes speaking while going into the Forge.

Wow, a Ti'oh, a teacher I hope he starts just the basics after this today.

I look at my wife putting the lunch in the dining room table, she looks at me while I look at her excited, she is almost sighing we a face 'I knew it'.

"You really are enjoying this place and wants to start today, don't you?" she says while looking at me, like a boy with a new toy.

"You really know me, honey." I start to crack up a little in laughter.

"Yes, you always liked games, especially in medieval world with magic and battles, silly." she whispers "Just be careful to always be in one piece, this is our real life now, okay?" she smiled like the sweetest angel there ever was on this world "

"Ye-Yes....." I said mesmerized by such alluring woman my wife is "I will try and never be hit!" I said looking at her and suddenly a knuckle comes over my head again, it hurts....

"Yeah, good luck with that, first, try and dodge one of those." said Ti'oh.

"Lay off the kid, will ya Father. He looks eager at least." says Grandpa Doh "Let's eat and get the kid to move the training equipment outside."

After that talk, we had amazing lunch with the Magichamelion meat, which tasted like a mix of fish and pork for some reason, it was a good weird.

After that, Ti'oh took me to the take everything out of the warehouse all the way in the back of the Forge chamber.

There were many mittens, body equipment to protect the vital parts made of some cotton with soft leather on top, gloves, weights, a chainmail, gauntlets and boots, they looked like a great way to protect yourself, also really thick and heavy for armor.

While I was taking this heavy stuff out, Ti'oh explain a little more about the world:

"It is normal to have filial piety towards those who teach you how to live in this world, since they are like your parents in a sense, those teachings could be your way of living." he explains "Even more to those who teach you how to fight, since it is a cruel world out there and we are trying to make it a better place to the children to come. That is why we get a title like Ti'oh, to show how special this relationship is, Ti'oh call their disciples Ta. Now those with the Blessing of War and Victory, they are in a group of people we call the Army and those without the Blessing, we call Civilians, since they can still turn into the army, but it is harder if they don't make contribution towards their first victory in real battle, but there are other, more extreme ways to make it there." We reached the outside of the house and I put the box with everything in the yard, he orders me to sit on top of it and continue to listen "There are three Professions or Jobs after getting the blessing that can unlock for the feat of defeating the foe up close, from far away or with Mana from any distance. Those three are Apprentice Warrior, Apprentice Archer and Apprentice Mage, all of them have other professions derived from these three basic ones, after you progress on each route the Warrior enhances the overall attributes of your body such as strength and constitution, Archer increases Dexterity and Agility, lastly Mage increases Intelligence and Wisdom, each has their pros and cons. All professions do not in any form make you unable to use any kind of weapon, for example mages can use and will use swords depending on the situation, warriors can cast magic and sneak around, but they are better in their individual areas, understood?"


"Good, each Job has a specific way to enhance their specialized area, mages absorb Mana from the air, water and earth at all times and from the great usage of that force they are able to even use Mana outside their bodies as their own, the pinnacle making them possible to repel your spells at you at the flick of a finger. The Archer increases their dexterity and agility by cultivating different techniques, the strongest ones are hidden deeply in each clan and they also use the warrior way in their legs and fingers only, nobody in this village is an Archer or Variant, there are only warriors, in our case we fight using our bodies and weapons, the way we strengthen ourselves is using Ki Tempering."

"Ti'oh, what is Ki? I got a skill to sense it, but I can't understand it completely." I asked curious about the origin of these Forces.

"It is know that there was a strange power permeating this world from the beginning, which was Ki, but there was no life in this world before the descent of the Seven Gods, which with their mastery of Mana, they infused the world with it and then life came to be, able to use both the Mana and Ki energy, so Ki is like the natural energy that the world has and Mana is the blessing of the Gods, especially the God of Chaos, but the most related to Ki is the God who reigns over the Flames of War and the Cry of Victory, Asura. He is more affiliated with fire Mana and for some reason it is the one who mixes the most with Ki, but are impossible to completely mix those two forces, not even the Gods can do it, so don't try it and get yourself killed." he said sternly looking deep into my eyes as if staring into my soul "But they can be used together at the same time by the same person, for example, enchanting your sword or casting a spell while reinforcing the body with Ki." he explains "Each attack action will depend on your capabilities tough. If you are bad at magic, it could fail to discharge or do damage, so it would be a waste of energy and a mistake in battle, unless you are bluffing." he said with a smirk. "It won't work on veterans tough, since they analyze the size and quality of Mana as you cast it quickly."

"How do you do that, Ti'oh?"

"That is not for you yet, but I will explain how to Ki Temper your body." said Ti'oh "You can sense the flow of Ki, right? What does it feel like? Since it is different for everybody, for example, for me. it smells different from the normal air when there is more Ki around than the bare minimum for life, like a warm spring if it's mild or ferving water if it is dense."

"When I try I see a little light of whiteish color and mostly I felt warm close to it, now I feel nothing, like temperature of the change is not sudden, but if it is like a Ray of Light." I said.

"So mostly, tactile but also visibility for sudden changes... the best method would be to first do the Asura Forma, the stances thought to be taught by the God to those he gave his highest blessing, although is a simplified and shorter version. While you do these stances, try to move away from the cold areas you feel towards the warmer ones instead, got it?"


"NOW FOLLOW MY LEAD!" Ti'oh said full of vitality "Do it slowly so the body gets used to it! Follow my lead!"

I spent the whole afternoon learning Asura Forma, it was a sequence of punch, kicks and defensive moves all over the place, like a karate kata, it had a total of eighteen moves, very simple and easy to memorize.

"Honey, it's time for dinner! Call it a day today, tomorrow both of you shall continue before dawn, alright?" Nordya says giggling happily for some reason.

"Let's call it a day, Ta, tomorrow we shall continue your path to be the greatest warrior!" Ti'oh said "Let's eat now and rest later."

After that we had a dinner fully made by Nordya, it was amazingly good, all that is left is go home and sleep, I feel really tired, but also refreshed for some reason and warm all over me, that is probably the Ki Tempering fault.

Let's go to sleep now, all lovey dovey with my wife!