

On the morning of the next day, Roy ate the small breakfast his mother had prepared for him. He ate silently, avoiding the gaze of his mother.

Finally, he finished and went down to meet Lynne.

The inn she was staying at was not far from Roy's apartment, just two blocks away. They were supposed to meet at a café, to make sure that everything is going alright.

When Roy entered the café, Lynne was not there yet. He sat down at a table and waited patiently.

However, after an hour passed, she still didn't appear. He was disappointed, but still chose to wait another half an hour.

After 15 min, she finally arrived. She was yawning as she walked, and sat in front of Roy, who scowled, "Where the hell were you? We were supposed to meet an hour ago!"

"Sorry," she replied, still yawning and her eyes half closed, "I overslept. The bed was sooo comfortable that I couldn't bear to leave it. It got me nearly 75 minutes to manage to get out."

"Thanks to you, we can't even discuss our plan further now. I don't have much time, so let's recite our roles. I am going to the hospital with my mother, ask the guards there to search for the gun that my father will use today, and if he still manages to walk in with the gun, I will try my best to disarm him. Your part?"

"Follow you to the hospital, bind one of the nurses, take her identity, and wait for you if something wrong happened. Correct?"

"Yes," replied Roy, suddenly checking his pocket. He pulled out his phone, which was vibrating, and swiped at the screen. He put it on his ear and said, "Hello?"

"Where are you?" His Mom replied. "Come immediately, we need to go to the hospital, dear."

"Coming, Mom," he said, ending the call. He stood up and reached for the time machine. He extended his hand to give it to Lynne, who looked surprised as she took it.

"If something goes wrong, I would probably be unable to get it to work in time. So you'll do it, just in case. And don't you dare go back to the future without me!"

"You have my word," she said, smiling as she slapped her chest with her free hand. Roy rolled his eyes and walked out of the café, then headed to the ground floor of his apartment, where his mother joined him quickly after that.

Lynne watched Roy and his mother departing. She waited for a couple of minutes then started following them.

Roy and his mother entered the hospital, and were led to the chamber were they usually met his father. However, Roy didn't enter the room, and grabbed his mom's hand, shaking his head, telling her to wait.

He passed the man who was guarding the room, and requested that his father is to be searched, as well as the other side of the room. The guard looked at him strangely, but still did as Roy told him to do. Some time passed, and then the guard returned, looked at him and said, "Mr. Leon, your father has been checked by several people as you requested, the same thing happened to the room. No gun, no weapon, nothing. He has got nothing."

"Nothing?" thought Roy, "Then where did that gun come from?" However, at the surface, he nodded and said some words of thanks, then motioned to his mother to come.

They both entered the room, which was exactly the same as he remembered it to be. It had the same glass, same doors, where the second door was from the other part of the room, facing the door behind him. A dim light came from above, where a small lamp was attached.

Moments later, Mr. Leon and his guards entered from the other part. The crazy man was tied as always to his bed. He looked frenzied when he saw his family members.

"Hey dad," said Roy, looking at his father with mixed emotions. He knew that his father was going to kill his mother right in front of him, and then commit suicide.

However, Roy didn't let his guard down as he observed the other people accompanying his father. The one pushing the bed was the most suspicious to Roy.

"Since they didn't find the gun with him before he entered, then it is most likely that he acquired it after he entered the room," he thought. "That guy pushing the bed could untie his hands from behind, as well slip a weapon to my father. If I remember correctly, he will come in front of my father and ask if he wants anything."

And just as Roy predicted, the man came and stood in front of Mr. Leon, his back facing Roy and his mother, and asked the crazy man," Can I do anything for you, sir?"

Roy couldn't see the man's hands, they were blocked by his body. This caused Roy's suspicions to deepen.

However, he went on with the act, because he wasn't entirely sure that this man is the one who gives the weapon to his father. If he called the guards now and found nothing in his father's possession, then he would be in great trouble.

Roy predicted everything, or it is better to say that he remembered everything. Just when his father pulled out the gun, Roy shot at his feet and shouted, "Guards!"

Immediately, there were shouting as the guards, along with Lynne, broke into the room and pointed their own guns at Mr. Leon. But the latter did the unexpected, surprising everyone.

He did not care if the guards were here or not. The crazy expression appeared on his face and he shot two bullets in a row. One was to shatter the glass, and the other to kill his wife.

Then he pointed at his son, Roy, and was about to shoot him when Roy said with tears in his eyes,

"Father, please don't do it!" Then he looked at Lynne and said, "The man who pushed the bed."

Mr. Leon shook his head crazily and steadied the gun in his hand. With a faint click, the bullet was fired and engraved in Roy's head.

Mr. Leon has killed his son.