
The Time Stopper Rampages

Sam, an antisocial man, despises everything about society and anyone involved in its construction. He suffers a harsh verdict on his freedom from the society's pre-drawn life path for him. He had tried to grab as much power in society as he can, but he failed miserably. He's just hitting a wall. Life leads him to a field he detests, to a job that he feels a profound sense of disgust towards. When he finally decides to put an end to it all with a mercy bullet to his brain, time suddenly hits the brakes...

Cthoanut · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs


Sam surrendered himself to the couch.

Every muscle in his body ached terribly; he felt immense pain and exhaustion throughout his whole body.

Sam tried to lift himself slightly, using the remaining strength he had, to eat the remaining cold pasta.

Mouthful after mouthful, Sam ate a little of the pasta, then looked back at the naked Christina.

'Merciful heavens... she's a masterpiece in this position.' Sam thought as he gazed at her beautiful ass, her small feminine back, her fair skin glistening with a hint of sweat under the dim living room light.

Sam remembered the chaos he had caused and handed a tissue to her. Christina didn't respond.

Worry surged in Sam's heart quickly, but it subsided when he realized her pulse was strong as he checked her neck artery, and her breathing was calm and steady.

She was sleeping, and Sam didn't really blame her for that. It had been a tiring night.

Sam cleaned up the mess on her butt and back, then gently took the permission out of the sleeping Christina's and entered her bedroom. Naked.

The room was beautiful and spacious, with a wide bed, white duvet, and white blanket. On the side of the bed was her desk, scattered with books and papers. Aside from the desk, everything in this room was meticulously organized.

Sam took the white blanket and oddly large pillow with him.

He returned to the living room and saw Christina still lying in the same position, with a slight movement in her chest from her breathing.

Sam was lucky the couch was really big, almost bed-sized, or else they wouldn't have enjoyed the loud sex comfortably on it.

Sam envied Christina for this couch. Sam would have covered her, put on his clothes, and returned home. But when he saw how wide and comfortable the couch was, he changed his mind. After all, he didn't want to sleep on a damn shitty bed like his own and use his coat as a ridiculous cover while he could sleep with a beautiful girl under a warm duvet, a comfortable couch, and a soft pillow.

Sam approached the couch and sat down quietly, then approached Christina, raising her head slightly. He brought the oversized pillow and placed it under her head.

Sam also placed his head on the pillow behind Christina. He then pulled the white duvet and covered himself, also covering Christina.

Sam held her gently, feeling her body slightly cool, so he embraced her more and tightened the duvet around them.

Sam felt sleep invading his eyelids. He didn't resist the sensation and quickly sank into slumber, the world shattering into pitch-black darkness…

Sunlight infiltrated the room without shame. The sun illuminated the spacious living room, where a man slept under a warm duvet upon comfortable couch. The man had invaded a girl's apartment shamelessly and also slept in it.

In the nearby kitchen, the sounds of cooking were rising. Apparently, food was being made.

The woman in the tight blue pajamas moved happily as she cooked. She occasionally stole glances at the man, blushing, and muttered a few inaudible words with a wide smile. After all that, she refocused on her cooking.

Christina prepared a delicious omelet meal with pancakes dripping with honey on top.

She brought it gently and quietly to the table beside the couch, then sat down and looked at Sam.

Sam's face was entirely buried in the pillow. His long black hair covered his neck. Christina gazed at his hair and gently play it with her hand.

Christina shook Sam slightly, awakening him with her gentle voice calling his name until he seemed to wake up.

"Good morning." Christina said with a radiant smile.

Sam looked at her and noticed her hair tied up in a small bun, and she was wearing a tight blue pajama.

"Beautiful morning." Sam replied with a smile.

"I prepared some breakfast for you. I took a little from it, and the rest is all yours. I'm going to change into my clothes now to head to the library."

"The library? What time is it?" Sam asked.

"Eleven in the morning." Angela replied with a light chuckle.

"Goodness, we overslept."

"Yes, enjoy your meal Sam." Christina said as she stood up to go to her room. Sam sneaked a glance at her ass, which was slightly visible through her pajamas.

'I need to stop. I'm not a horny teenager.' Sam shook his head and found the delicious breakfast that was waiting for him. Christina had even brought him some Americano. How kind of her.

Sam ate the breakfast hungrily and immersed himself in the process until he heard the sound of the door from Christina's room.

She was wearing a nice and fitting work outfit. Sam wondered how the atmosphere around her changed with just a change of clothes.

"I'll be leaving now." Christina tossed the keys towards Sam, and he skillfully caught them. Christina continued, "Take your time in the apartment. When you're done, come to the library and give me the keys."

Sam saw a hint of mischief behind Christina's expressions.

"Can I take a shower?" Sam asked boldly.

Christina looked at him blankly for a moment, then smiled and said as she headed to the shoe rack, "Of course! I already told you to make yourself at home."

"Well, but when I arrive at the library, I won't go in. Come take them from me outside the library. I really don't need your friend entering into a spitting and cursing competition over my head." Sam said with a bitter expression, recalling Mary's attack on him yesterday.

Christina laughed and said, "Of course. I'll try to make her accept you. I promise you that because you, Sam, are …"

Christina reached the apartment door and continued, "You are a wonderful person."

Christina smiled gently and then left the apartment, leaving Sam alone with his thoughts.

'A wonderful person, huh?' Sam scoffed at her statement. He had never been a wonderful person. He was just a struggling failure of a person, a mere pawn of stupid fate. And of course, his fate was to be humiliated completely.

Sam finished his breakfast and headed to the bathroom, feeling a cool breeze across his body.

He found clean towels right before entering the bathroom and took one of them. Sam hung them on the bathroom door hook, turned on the water, and felt the warm droplets falling on his body.

Sam thoroughly showered. He knew that showers like this wouldn't come often. He wouldn't let this one slip by without making the most of it. Sam washed his whole body without hesitating.

Sam turned off the shower and grabbed the towel. His shower had lasted about twenty minutes. He felt refreshed all over. Sam brought the towel close to him and smelled it slightly, catching a hint of Christina's scent.

He felt a bit guilty for using her towel, but he reminded himself that he was already inside her. He chuckled sarcastically and dried himself carefully.

After drying off, Sam stepped out and looked for his clothes. He found them ironed and somewhat clean.

"This girl..." Sam felt the desire to teach her a lesson, even if he doesn't know what that lesson would be. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He mentally noted to thank her properly and perhaps buy her a gift.

Sam put on his dark blue jeans, black shirt, and coat. He cleaned his plate and tried to see if there was anything he could do to improve Christina's apartment, but of course, he found nothing. Her apartment was already perfectly organized and clean.

Sam sighed and made sure he had the apartment key in his pocket. He grabbed his phone and found two notifications. The first was a response from his workplace administrator which comes by another number apparently.

"You ungrateful bastard! We gave you a job that a thousand homeless people would dream of, and you're disrespecting it?! I swear I'll make you regret your words when you're hungry and come to me begging, ready to kiss my feet and my ass just to get your job back! Fuck you!" That was the message extremely concise.

Sam completely ignored it and moved on to the second notification, which was from Angela. It was a simple one-number message: "1."

It had been sent about two hours ago, and as Sam was mapping out his day, he remembered Franklin.

He quickly typed a response as he headed towards the door, "Sorry Angela. I won't be able to make it. Let's meet at one of the nearby cafes. I suggest Café Princess." He then closed his phone, locked the apartment door, and headed to the library.

I’m really sorry I couldn’t upload anything yesterday. I get a flu that destroys me completely. There will be more chapters this evening. Thank you all.

Cthoanutcreators' thoughts