
Out of Time [2]


Amon didn't move his face back to her even after the door of the bathroom opened again.

He knew that she had changed now. But he still wasn't supposed to look.

"I-I changed back." She said and Amon nodded while looking at her.

It was because of her ey-

"T-There's nothing to look away from now." She said,

Letting out a sigh, Amon finally turned to look back at her.

However the instant he looked, her crimson eyes met his black ones and he looked away again.

"Your eye-" He was interrupted as Elizabeth spoke up again.

"There's no reason to look away. Look at me." She said, composed now.

Amon's eyes were filled with surprise as he looked back at her.

Her crimson red eyes were composed and unwavering, not shying away in the least.

If Amon was still a little bit unsure before, he was completely sure now.

This girl…


Was completely head-over-heels for him.